Twitch TV gameplay is this Thursday afternoon correct?
just because i had to make a hard decision over it (over "arabian nights"), as far as what i really like to play in TPA recently, down to a "top five" arrangement. sometime i'll have to mess around some with the big ratings thread and try that, but (like i do a bit with my itunes) i've got more of a three/four-star arrangement - the top five i'd love to personally own the real tables in my home...the next best fifteen/twenty would be for stocking that fantasy barcade restaurant someday! then the rest - are fun to play, but not jonesin' to find in real life. just based upon a general mix of fun play, gadgetry/rampage, and theme/artwork/appearance... it's tough to choose!
BUT NOTE THAT i have rarely if ever have played any of these tables IRL - in fact i've played NONE of my current top five! Funhouse is the last one i played RL when it was first introduced, and twenty-plus or whatever years later re-discovered in TPA; that's what sold me on FS off the bat! probably the one pinball machine that showed me there was "pinball after space invaders/pac man" and all that other videogame BS... ...
But back to Dracula... when does that table get added already?
The table will be released tomorrow, along with the latest newsletter.
Can't wait for that newsletter
Can't wait to play this! I am a big fan of the movie, and I saw some gameplay on Youtube. This has the potential to be one of my fav season 3 tables I think