Building A Virtual Pinball Cabinet


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Seems like forever waiting for these graphics...find out tomorrow if they're done. So looking forward to getting everything back together and hopefully I'll remember where everything goes! :) Looking forward to joining the online comps using the cab rather than the iPad. Just out of interest, does anyone know if i join the PC tournaments, do I start all over again i.e. bronze league, or do I use the same login for the iPad? I suppose Im asking if they are 2 separate entities. :)


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Seems like forever waiting for these graphics...find out tomorrow if they're done. So looking forward to getting everything back together and hopefully I'll remember where everything goes! :) Looking forward to joining the online comps using the cab rather than the iPad. Just out of interest, does anyone know if i join the PC tournaments, do I start all over again i.e. bronze league, or do I use the same login for the iPad? I suppose Im asking if they are 2 separate entities. :)

Same login for both mobile and PC tournaments, and you can play both. Whatever level (Gold/Silver/Bronze) you were at in mobile will be honored for PC and vice versa.

You just missed the first PC tournament. As a result there were a lot of very good players in Bronze who'd not played a tournament before. Around 40 were promoted to Silver, which means in the next PC tournament, Silver will be stacked with talent. So if you're in Silver... umm... have fun? Gold will get an influx the tournament after next ;)


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Same login for both mobile and PC tournaments, and you can play both. Whatever level (Gold/Silver/Bronze) you were at in mobile will be honored for PC and vice versa.

You just missed the first PC tournament. As a result there were a lot of very good players in Bronze who'd not played a tournament before. Around 40 were promoted to Silver, which means in the next PC tournament, Silver will be stacked with talent. So if you're in Silver... umm... have fun? Gold will get an influx the tournament after next ;)

Ok cheers for that. Hopefully I'll be ready for the next tournament. Not sure how but Ive been in the gold league for some time now. I think its because there weren't that many when I first signed there are quite a few more! :)


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Hopefully Farsight will have finished working on cab support by the end of the week cause today is 'sticking on the artwork day!' Well, one can only hope. :)


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Hopefully Farsight will have finished working on cab support by the end of the week cause today is 'sticking on the artwork day!' Well, one can only hope. :)

If they do that I will eat my top hat. :confused:

Any photos of latest progress?


New member
Aug 20, 2014
If they do that I will eat my top hat. :confused:

Any photos of latest progress?

No photos yet as my camera really struggles in low light, but I've made a start putting everything back together. I'm really pleased with how the artwork has come out though. I can pick faults with parts, but that's just me being fussy. I had so many issues with massive file sizes and computer crashes that in the end I settled for 95% happy rather than 100%...but it looks pretty good. And hopefully nobody has used the artwork in this way before so it should be original too :)


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Just been reading through this post and can't believe how little I knew before I started and how much I have learnt along the way...mainly due to everyones input here I must add. :) Im so close to finishing...just waiting for a button for the front and gotta suss out a way to keep the backglass in when I swap speaker panels between the different setups. On that note, Im just waiting for the real dmd to arrive so I'll have the cab finished for the 'Zen' setup but will have to wait a little longer for VP setup if i decide to go down that route, and probably another 25 years for the PA cab support setup :) but looking forward to the PA setup as Im sure that will be the one to beat. Everything seem to be running fine and all the buttons work, so thats good. Hopefully it will be finished next week and I'll have the rest of the video done by weekend for anyone that's been following on Youtube. Im quite pleased with how it looks...the Artwork has come out pretty good and really makes the difference. Ive not much experience with real pinball machines (apart from when I was a lot younger and pinball machines were everywhere) but I think it does look like a real table, at least from a distance...there are one or two things Im not happy with, but ultimately its not a real table its a simulator, so I shouldn't moan. One thing I did underestimate though was the time it takes to build one of these things...but having almost finished it and given it a test run, I have to say that all the hard work has been worth it. It's certainly a conversation starter when we have visitors!!! :)


New member
Aug 20, 2014
i spent sometime this weekend messing with all the settings on TPA to see which works the best. Unfortunately I can only play TPA when all the settings are off or on minimum, otherwise it plays in slow motion. Hopefully the new computer will solve this problem, but one thing I realised, even with everything off, dx9, furry balls, incorrect camera angles, basic sound card, and only the playfield monitor's a whole new experience playing this game on the cab.

I played 4 different tables and on the first go of three of them, I beat my high scores. I even demo'd a game for a friend and I must have been playing my first game for about 20min...which is good for me...though not so for him :)

It made me think, how good the games are when played like this. And how much better they'd be with full cab support. Everyone who visits wants a go and it's not even finished yet...but I can't get them off it.

So here's to hoping that after such a long, long, long time, Farsight will be able to offer full cab support because for the first time since owning these games, I'm actually very keen to see this happen. I promised myself I wouldn't buy any PC TPA games until cab support came out, but this week I took advantage of the summer sale, and have to say it was well worth it cause it was the only way I could find out if gameplay was better like this.

So here's hoping that CS will happen soon, it seems to be something that is very much in demand, and if it's not ready by the time my cab is fully finished, I think I might just send 1000s of emails to Farsight every day till it does as part of my very own internet campaign. :)


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
So here's hoping that CS will happen soon, it seems to be something that is very much in demand, and if it's not ready by the time my cab is fully finished, I think I might just send 1000s of emails to Farsight every day till it does as part of my very own internet campaign. :)

Sounds like good progress so far. Even some photos in daylight wouls be good to see.

About cab support. I have waited so many years now I don't hold out any hope of seeing it anymore. VP is so good nowadays and is in fact better than TPA in many respects. I will support TPA still, but unless it makes the jump to cab support I don't know how much longer it will last.


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Sounds like good progress so far. Even some photos in daylight wouls be good to see.

About cab support. I have waited so many years now I don't hold out any hope of seeing it anymore. VP is so good nowadays and is in fact better than TPA in many respects. I will support TPA still, but unless it makes the jump to cab support I don't know how much longer it will last.

I'm tempted to check out VP but from what I saw last time it looked complicated to set up. I also thought the graphics were poor, but that maybe my computer as I have since realised its not that good.

Maybe I should look into it. I must admit, there are some tables I'd love to play that TPA haven't done but it comes down to the complicated setup process. But then again I thought the Rubix cube was beyond me and after many years of trying I finally solved it this weekend. :) Though everyone thinks I just pulled the stickers off!

I'll try and post a photo on here, but hopefully the video will be ready this weekend and that'd be better.Just waiting for a button to arrive.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
I'm holding out till VP10 gets out of Beta, then I'll dive in.
I'm loving TPA with the dx11 and physics update on the flippers..just need that darn dmd on another screen and things would be grand for a while


New member
Aug 20, 2014
I'm holding out till VP10 gets out of Beta, then I'll dive in.
I'm loving TPA with the dx11 and physics update on the flippers..just need that darn dmd on another screen and things would be grand for a while

Yeah, im looking forward to checking out dx11 on the new comp...the laptop just won't handle it. If it's as good as the Ps4 I'll be pleased. At the moment if I load it up it plays in slow motion...which might be great for the comps. :)


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Spent some time trying to set up for TPA last night...DX9 is my only option at present and most tables plays well, but Phantom of the Opera and Circus Voltaire (not sure if I've spelt that right) are slower, even with all settings at minimum :( But gives me something to look forward too once Ive upgraded and can try out DX11.

However, the biggest thing that I never planned for, was how much my knees hurt standing at the cab for a few hours!!!!! Normally its lay down on the settee and play on the iPad, but when you're stood up on the cab for a few hours it don't half play on those knees... :) I think once the cab is finished (or at least to Stage 1 as I like to call it) I think it's time for a new Smugwood project....project Bar Stool! :)

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
I found my knees and calves and feet were getting sore mostly due to setup being in the basement and concrete even under rug and under padding is horrible on your body to stand on for hours.
I just got some nice thick sole cussiony old man slippers and it helps immensely..


New member
Aug 20, 2014
I found my knees and calves and feet were getting sore mostly due to setup being in the basement and concrete even under rug and under padding is horrible on your body to stand on for hours.
I just got some nice thick sole cussiony old man slippers and it helps immensely..

Ha Ha...old man slippers solve everything :) Perhaps a bar stool with a seat made from old man slippers would be even better :)


New member
Jan 26, 2014
There was a whole thread on pinball sitting or leaning devices... Over at VP?
Yes it hurts and I take the bar stool, but I perform better standing upright.


New member
Aug 20, 2014
There was a whole thread on pinball sitting or leaning devices... Over at VP?
Yes it hurts and I take the bar stool, but I perform better standing upright.

Glad its not just me then :) I seem to recall that there is a pc comp starting tomorrow (could be wrong) so Im looking forward to seeing how I get on now I have the cab working...and I'll see how my knees hold up :)

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