Combat (1977) Bugs & Feedback


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
Hi Zsolt same situation here, most of the time the little bumper doesnt bump the ball back into the inlanes succesfully and finally drains through the outlane, the pin in the left outlane seems abit more succesfull but also on this side the ball drains quite often,

And another strange issue here, regularly after the ball is plunged by the autoplunger and the ball has moved to the end of the curve where the little white bumper is placed (see pic) at that spot it gets 'plunged' again and at the same time you will hear the plunge sound play.
Thanks. Made some modifications there for both issues, the next update will fix them.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Android version 1.1


- The ball got stuck behind the spinner once, just resting against the lower edge of the spinner. (Managed to misplace my screenshot of this. >_<)

- The top rollovers make a small physical contact sound when rolled over, but do not make the table's ringing sound when rolled over while lit. In the video PBallGizard posted of the real table in action, it did make the ringing sound when lit rollovers were activated:

- The text on the playfield says the top rollovers advance the bonus when lit, but they aren't corrently doing that (they do score 5000 points correctly, however):

Not sure about these:

- Hitting the ball up the left saucer lane, through the gate at the top, advances the bonus, but the table makes no sound when this happens--seems odd for that to be noiseless, but I'm not sure if the real table actually does make a sound there.

- Likewise, getting the red special makes no sound, which again seems odd.

- The red special awards a replay, which is of no use in the app. If the table has an option to award points (or even an extra ball, although I'd prefer points : ) instead of a replay, that might be preferable.

Android 3.4.2

Also, the bonus lights are not illuminating during play--they only light up when the bonus is counted down after losing a ball.


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
Thanks for reminder!

- Sounds of top rollovers are changed to the correct one.
- Top rollovers advance the bonus score now.
- Red Special now has sound effects.
- Red Special awards an extra ball.

The next update will include these changes/fixes!


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Sometimes the spinner will not be propelled when the ball passes under. It is still possible for the ball to activate the kickout without actually landing in the hole. Also the bonus should be collected when the ball lands in the hole, but the bonus stays lit after the ball ejects