Confirmed upcoming tables


New member
Jan 27, 2013
My plan is to buy a table set per week till I get caught up, and support TPA as long as they put out tables, whether or not I have played the underlying table. At two tables a month, TPA is inexpensive compared to real tables.

My number one would be Doctor Who, since the show is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. Banzai Run is my #1 non license pick.
After that, yeah, Addams Family is up there with Twilight Zone in terms of being iconic.

I'd like to see the 1978 Bally Playboy table. There's less cleavage than in Scared Stiff, it's just a fun EM table that I remember from a drive in when I was a kid with a nice playfield and mechanics.



New member
Nov 19, 2012
That Playboy isn't an EM :)
Also, it's cruel as hell! I managed to waste a dollar on it in less than a minute :p


New member
May 18, 2012
My plan is to buy a table set per week till I get caught up, and support TPA as long as they put out tables, whether or not I have played the underlying table. At two tables a month, TPA is inexpensive compared to real tables.

My number one would be Doctor Who, since the show is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. Banzai Run is my #1 non license pick.
After that, yeah, Addams Family is up there with Twilight Zone in terms of being iconic.

I'd like to see the 1978 Bally Playboy table. There's less cleavage than in Scared Stiff, it's just a fun EM table that I remember from a drive in when I was a kid with a nice playfield and mechanics.

That chick on the Playboy table, the one with the green bikini. What is her phone-number?

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I don't think the layout of the table on TAF is particularly inspiring either, the licence sold that table, not the gameplay.


Jul 11, 2012
Ratings are jacked up! How do you vote for a table you've never seen and on the other hand TAF went through 2 production releases, so odds are you've played it so yeah it's going to get more votes. Enless the tables are only voted on by pro's or pinball people like a hall of fame ballot.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I've never played nor seen The Addams Family machine and I have little to no feeling about the license either. If that's what people want more than anything fine, but I can't see doing any more kickstarters myself.
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New member
Jan 27, 2013
hehehe... I shoulda known it wasn't an EM table, okay.. old table, then.

Based on the IPMD entry ( ), I'll guess the girl in the green bikini's name was/is Sondra Theodore. Have no idea what she looks like 35 years later or what her phone number is. heh.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Ratings are jacked up! How do you vote for a table you've never seen and on the other hand TAF went through 2 production releases, so odds are you've played it so yeah it's going to get more votes. Enless the tables are only voted on by pro's or pinball people like a hall of fame ballot.

Great point. I often find myself discovering exciting pinball tables closer to #100 than #1 on IPDB's list. Not because they are worse table, but simply less "famous".
And yeah, my own personal interest in TAF does come partly from the great integration of the license, and it being one of the few pinball tables I do remember on location from my childhood.
However, it IS designed by Pat Lawlor, and his are typically my favourite tables ever, starting with Funhouse and Whirlwind, but newer tables like NGG and RBION eventually grew on me and got tons of love. Being able to add a classic like TAF to the TPA fold would be incredible. Watching gameplay videos and tutorials from PAPA really confirms how well it plays, even if my own personal memories amount to little more than flipping away with no idea what to do. I think I might actually have a video somewhere as myself as a kid playing it.


Jan 28, 2013
It's interesting: A while back, I took my six-year-old daughter to the Pinball Wizard arcade in Pelham, and played a bunch of tables with her, usually with her operating one flipper and me operating the other (which made for short playtimes, but was still fun). She was familiar with several of the games there through TPA, but the one that grabbed her immediately and had her demanding more was The Addams Family.

And she doesn't know the Addams Family from Adam. She had no previous familiarity with the movies, Charles Addams' original cartoons, the old TV show, or the many animated and live-action revivals, knockoffs, parodies and pastiches of same. She also had no idea that this thing was famous for being the most successful pinball ever. Yet she instantly found it hilarious and involving and wanted to play it again and again. Something about it is just inherently appealing.

Matt, that's a cool story. :)

I think you are right, there is something inherently appealing about TAF. Could well be the combination of sound (as others have stated), lighting, and mechanical trickery. This table is widely regarded as the pinnicle of pinball design for a reason. No virtual pinball sim would be complete without it.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Curious, around this section of the forum I read Champion Pub is going to be part of TPA, but I could not find the source of this information. Something I missed with my search, or is it just speculations? :\


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Curious, around this section of the forum I read Champion Pub is going to be part of TPA, but I could not find the source of this information. Something I missed with my search, or is it just speculations? :\

Wasn't it identified as one of the tables blurred out in the visit to Farsight Studios thread?


New member
May 18, 2012
Champion Pub looks like a great table with lots of graphic elements. I hope FarSight won't screw it up by leaving out the shadows. I still cannot believe they pull that trick on TZ.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I hope FarSight won't screw it up by leaving out the shadows.

I'm with you on the shadows, its not like they are real shadows that affect performance. You can only put it down to either lazyness or time constraints.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Wasn't it identified as one of the tables blurred out in the visit to Farsight Studios thread?

It is one of the tables that was positively 100% without question identified. No guarantee it is coming but they do have one on site at their offices for Farsight.


Jul 7, 2012
Jeff/Gord/Pinwiz any chance you could update the first post please, can think of 8 ball deluxe, Fireball, Centaur, Tee'd off announced to come at some point, also potentially a hinted at section could include Champion Pub, White Water, Terminator 2, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Tales from the Crypt. Might have missed some more off though!
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Jeff/Gord/Pinwiz any chance you could update the first post please, can think of 8 ball deluxe, Fireball, Centaur, Tee'd off announced to come at some point, also potentially a hinted at section could include Champion Pub, White Water, Terminator 2, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Tales from the Crypt. Might have missed some more off though!

I updated the OP with the six "confirmed" tables that we know of at this point. The other tables are speculation until otherwise confirmed.

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