Confirmed upcoming tables


New member
Apr 20, 2012
The only problem is that gottlieb did those tables before their similar WMS cousins, usually years before! As much as I don't care for most gottliebs, you would have to say that WMS made superior versions of gottlieb themes.

Wow, I stand corrected.....Wonder why Gottlieb's designers never made the Williams tables on their 'platform'.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
So based on the interview Bobby did Monday (I'll hold my tongue about that!), POTO confirmed next, the original table comes out Halloween in a standalone app for iOS and Android (maybe PC, otherwise later along with PS3,4, Vita), and there are 2 more titles included in the package deal that BSD was part of. Last Action Hero was 'tossed' out as being a season 5 table, but I'd take that with a grain of salt. Not the part of LAH coming, but when.

Safe Cracker was also mentioned as being on the short list, Banzai Run has a champion at the studio but they don't know how to do the backglass yet. Also confirmed, one EM for season 4 and one for season 5. Neither will be a licensed EM, as not enough money in it to share with a 3rd party license. Yes, Evil Knievel was flat out shot down.

As it stands now, FarSight has 3 seasons mapped out, so 30 more tables. If and when FS can figure out emulation for S.A.M., Bobby said they'd probably put out a bunch of Sterns in a row.

Do you have a link for this inteview? I would love to see/hear it.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Let's just say the whole reason we even started doing the BlahCade podcast, was because of interviews like this. Drove me nuts when the person clearly had barely any experience with the game. That's not to say you have to have intimate knowledge of whatever you do an interview about, but at least do some research and get your facts straight.


Apr 7, 2014
Let's just say the whole reason we even started doing the BlahCade podcast, was because of interviews like this. Drove me nuts when the person clearly had barely any experience with the game. That's not to say you have to have intimate knowledge of whatever you do an interview about, but at least do some research and get your facts straight.

I'm sorry, but that woman was beyond annoying.

Mike Lindsey

FarSight Employee
Jul 23, 2013
Let's just say the whole reason we even started doing the BlahCade podcast, was because of interviews like this. Drove me nuts when the person clearly had barely any experience with the game. That's not to say you have to have intimate knowledge of whatever you do an interview about, but at least do some research and get your facts straight.

Can you link me the podcast? I need to give you guys more coverage!


New member
Sep 9, 2013
So EMs are coming. That will make a lot of people happy.

It does make sense considering they are running out of AAA tables to digitise. Might as well cater to the niche a bit more.


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Good lord, it's as if she's never spoken into a mic before. 4 minutes in I had to stop.

+ 1
That MOM show was a joke
Completely disorganised.After 5 minutes I had enough
What was Bob thinking going on that ameraturis show


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I attempted to listen again. Once she said she liked the Twilight Zone table because it used a plunger, I was out again.
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