Bug Current tourney


New member
Oct 6, 2012
The timed tournament was a good choice by FS. It would be fun to have a tournament where there is only 4 tables and you have to play them all before restarting (there is always the pause button if you get tired)

That way, it reduces the "start the first ball again and again until you have a killer score" to the first table and you must have a good round on all of the tables for it to matter. Would be a fun challenge.

I also think that 2 weeks or more is to long for a tournament. One week should be plenty

The one game I restart is Flight 2000. Absolutely love playing it, but hate the table-if that makes sense. Too fast, poor ball control, can't nudge with out tilting. I rarely make 1 minute gone without losing two balls so I don't waste my time. I have had one good game so far and had a game last night where the first ball actually lasted 5 minutes but couldn't get liftoff (trouble getting the F lanes of all things). Finally got it and drained the next 3 balls quickly. Ugh.


New member
May 10, 2012
So true, Chris. Another factor with Flight 2000 is that the lighted inserts and spinner value carry over from one ball to the next so getting a good score on ball one is really a must on a brutal table like that. It is a damn fun table though, with excellent rules. Happy that this ended up being the first old Stern they recreated (could be a while before we see another one, sadly)


New member
Aug 28, 2012
They should defenitly ad a pop up for a tourney.
Only found out about this tournement yesterday snd reached top 10 on 3 tables but unfortunaly there is no more time left ��


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I think this qualifies as a bug in the tournament: IT'S TELLING ME I DID NOT PARTICIPATE! I may not have been as good as some of my esteemed colleagues here, but I did play. And, if hitting the pins on either side of the drawbridge in Medieval Madness was the point of the tournament, I would've won, going away. But for now, please help!


New member
Mar 15, 2012
I think this qualifies as a bug in the tournament: IT'S TELLING ME I DID NOT PARTICIPATE! I may not have been as good as some of my esteemed colleagues here, but I did play. And, if hitting the pins on either side of the drawbridge in Medieval Madness was the point of the tournament, I would've won, going away. But for now, please help!

This happens every tournament, give it a few hours.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
This was only the second time I participated in a tourney.
I did this because I love the new time limit, now I know a game of bride of pinbot is finished after 20 minutes.
And on some tables you really have to adjust your playing style, good example is black rose on my normal 4,4 billion highscore I always try to go for extra ball, in this tourney ignore the extra balls.

Just a question, can someone explain the gold silver and bronze?
Does that mean there are 3 different tourneys and I only see the scores in the bronze tourney?

Farsight please make a popup that a tourney is running!


New member
Dec 27, 2013
Congratulations on all who qualified for the Gold level! And for those of us that didn't make the cut, let's see if we can't rustle up some more players! And I know I gotta work on MY skills...I was outdrawn by Cactus Canyon, sunk by the Black Rose, and, well...whatever the Bride did to me, she did it well...


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I did much better than past tourneys, but sadly not well enough to break out of Bronze level. Next time!


New member
Oct 6, 2012
I got 12th in silver. Didn't try hard on some tables like BoP and CC but I had a couple scores I was happy with.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Glad you like the new timed tournament =)

Yes you only see the scores in your current tournament, but I have plans to make it so that you can view the other tiers. We have a new ui coming so hopefully we will be able to integrate that and the tournament active notification.

This was only the second time I participated in a tourney.
I did this because I love the new time limit, now I know a game of bride of pinbot is finished after 20 minutes.
And on some tables you really have to adjust your playing style, good example is black rose on my normal 4,4 billion highscore I always try to go for extra ball, in this tourney ignore the extra balls.

Just a question, can someone explain the gold silver and bronze?
Does that mean there are 3 different tourneys and I only see the scores in the bronze tourney?

Farsight please make a popup that a tourney is running!

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