Designated Complaint Area: PC Release Timeframe

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Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
But this isn't complaining! It's just just just just just JUST talking about repetitive sentences. PC releases, now! ;)

"James, while John had had "had", had had "had had"; "had had" had had a better effect on the teacher." :cool:


New member
May 16, 2012
That sentence without punctuation had me baffled for a while the first Time I read it. :)


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I would love to see the PC version be released soon. But since I have all the tables on Android, I would like to complain about the fact that I really have nothing of substance to complain about.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too!


Jun 27, 2012
I'm excited for this game but less so I have to admit. I understand Farsights concerns, mobile games make money, BIG MONEY, and they have a good one. As a business decision, it makes sense to focus on mobile and then the successful console ports.

In late August I was thinking 'Just a few more weeks, it's gonna be awesome and I won't get screwed like with the Xbox 360! :D' but now it's delay after delay with little information. I don't even check out this forum as often anymore because the release feels LESS impending even if they say 'End of Oct, start of November' now. I've heard it a million times for different months.

And as disappointed as I am with PC development I know I'll buy it on Steam the first day I hear it's available. :/


New member
Nov 23, 2012
I'm excited for this game but less so I have to admit. I understand Farsights concerns, mobile games make money, BIG MONEY, and they have a good one. As a business decision, it makes sense to focus on mobile and then the successful console ports.

In late August I was thinking 'Just a few more weeks, it's gonna be awesome and I won't get screwed like with the Xbox 360! :D' but now it's delay after delay with little information. I don't even check out this forum as often anymore because the release feels LESS impending even if they say 'End of Oct, start of November' now. I've heard it a million times for different months.

And as disappointed as I am with PC development I know I'll buy it on Steam the first day I hear it's available. :/
Much I have to admit I don't blame you. If I do find out that Pinball Arcade is out on PC it will be from the Steam RSS feed. Oh well... :/


New member
Aug 28, 2013
Last day of September. Can anyone tell me where I can find the PC version download on STEAM? I can't find it.


Jul 27, 2012
I have really enjoyed playing TPA on Xbox on summer 2012, but as you know it's something like a dead game at the moment.

I was really enjoyed by the Steam greenlight, and when it comes (it takes a lot of time) the game is not released.
It has been said, it was because of the steam system was not included and because Valve didn't sent the sdk before... But now, months later, the game is still not available, the sdk problem should be resolved from a long time and according to the beta reports here, the game itself was far to be ready until now...

I think after the x360 fiasco and after the long greenlight periode, it's a shame to be not ready for the PC release after all what have been said.

I'm disapointed, not because the game is not avaible, but because we have been deceived.
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New member
Jun 12, 2013
I've long since given up expecting anything resembling a concrete release date.. but is it really too much to ask for some (any) words from the dev team?
I'm not talking apologies, just some reassurance/keep the faith etc.. hell I don't know.. just SOMETHING!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I've long since given up expecting anything resembling a concrete release date.. but is it really too much to ask for some (any) words from the dev team?
I'm not talking apologies, just some reassurance/keep the faith etc.. hell I don't know.. just SOMETHING!

upwards and onwards prvt pile!

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I've long since given up expecting anything resembling a concrete release date.. but is it really too much to ask for some (any) words from the dev team?
I'm not talking apologies, just some reassurance/keep the faith etc.. hell I don't know.. just SOMETHING!
A new beta build was put up today, if that reassures you any.
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