Did anyone else think...


New member
Jun 26, 2012
Did anyone else think that along with The Twilight Zone we were going to recieve the standard two new tables for November? It's pretty much the main reason I wanted TZ to be funded (sorry not a big fan of the table). I was just excited thinking that we would recieve three tables in total for November. Oh well, I guess TZ took most of the effort to be released, so other tables were out of the question.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
i had the same idea myself but i guess with tweaks happening on older tables on the premium table scdudle i wont complain lol, blackhole plays better than ever etc

theres so many to choose from as it is...some i havent even had time to get into heh...tng before new year now that will be fun

but yeah i assumed the same *shrugs*


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
FarSight never mentioned that they would release a two table pack along with each of the Kickstarter tables. Also, many people have been requesting that FarSight hold back on releasing tables to fix bugs on the older tables and the game itself. Since FarSight would only be releasing two tables in a two month period, they decided to use the extra time to roll out new features and work on bugs and other fixes that have been lingering for a few months.

FarSight looks to get back on track with the two table packs in January 2013.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Also, they wouldn't have been able to make TZ and ST:TNG ready this early if they were planning to release 4 other tables in November and December. I think some people underestimate the amount of work that goes into recreating a table as complex as TZ from scratch. Keep in mind that a lot of the other newer tables in TPA were under construction before TPA was even released, so for them to get both TZ and ST:TNG out this quickly is rather impressive. And as PW mentioned, they've been putting a lot of work into bug fixing and other things, including the Pro mode, tournament mode, and the new menus that are coming soon.
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New member
Aug 12, 2012
I like it - the fixed tables play much better and it shows Farsight is committed to good pinball support - not just "fire and forget" a table release.

And we knew it was going to slow down within a year - after the PHoFs and the top 10 lists were done, the next table would need direction. So it's nice they took time off to fix up lingering issues with other tables rather than try to saddle everyone with questionable/buggy table releases that never get fixed. Plus it's a busy time so releasing 3 tables would probably end up with 3 really crappy and buggy tables (between thanksgiving and Christmas break), instead they released TZ and bunch of fixes.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
Never expected 3.....

It was made pretty clear that TZ was novembers table, ST:TNG will be December / January with 2 table updates from probably February 2013

I'm happy with that regardless of what was promised way back. Don't forget this was prior to any KS projects so its understandable for FS to prioritise accordingly.

Things change and evolve, which is fair enough in my book.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Happy they've committed to getting the bugs fixed.
Maybe they've done some PC work too?
All good in my book-And TZ seems a great release :)


New member
Feb 29, 2012
Naa, I sure didn't. I thought they might release a simple Gottlieb machine as well, but I wasn't expecting three.

I love TZ and TNG, so they are more than enough for me. I just hope Table Pack 8 is awesome when it comes. The Martians are way past due and my roommate is very upset about it.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I'm pretty fine with not getting two new tables each month. Even one table every second month is a treat to me (not counting "ports" of tables already released as Hall of Fame).

But right now, I just want the missing tables to appear on Xbox360. :) Pretty please!


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Did anyone else think that along with The Twilight Zone we were going to recieve the standard two new tables for November? It's pretty much the main reason I wanted TZ to be funded (sorry not a big fan of the table). I was just excited thinking that we would recieve three tables in total for November. Oh well, I guess TZ took most of the effort to be released, so other tables were out of the question.

As a PC and 360 owner, I knew we were getting none.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Did anyone else think that along with The Twilight Zone we were going to recieve the standard two new tables for November? It's pretty much the main reason I wanted TZ to be funded (sorry not a big fan of the table). I was just excited thinking that we would recieve three tables in total for November. Oh well, I guess TZ took most of the effort to be released, so other tables were out of the question.

Once it became clear that there was only going to be one table in the Twilight Zone pack, I figured that would be it, if indeed they even got it out in November.

Twilight Zone has to be a fairly involved table to implement, because of all its unusual features (Powerfield, Powerball, gumball machine). It's also the highest-profile table Farsight has ever put out, fans had already sunk a lot of money into getting it done, and it needed to be particularly unbuggy.

I wasn't particularly disappointed that Farsight took their time concentrating on it. Though some people are disappointed that it's easier than in real life, I find the implementation to be much more solid than average for a new table, and that's a welcome surprise; I half-expected all sorts of things to be obviously broken. In addition, there were actually some major improvements to Black Hole and Medieval Madness in this release.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
...The possibility that worried me was that Twilight Zone would be part of a two-pack, and that there would be some kind of mess associated with people who donated to the Kickstarter, got TZ for free, and were now being forced to buy it again in order to get the other table (on platforms where pack tables can't be bought un-bundled). Hearing that it would be a single-table pack made me mildly relieved.

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