DLC Release Date


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I'm tempted to just ignore updates and tables until January 1st and just download everything at once >_>

Partly because I get a sinking feeling that this might be the title update that doesn't go as planned and ends up changing a few tables for the worse <_<

Partly because it'd be like Christmas to get 6-8 new tables at once :)

But hopefully I'm wrong! I can't wait to play Creature from the Black Lagoon :)


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Someone on facebook asked FS about DLC#4 for the 360.
Answer: "We are still working on optimizing everything for the xbox."
So it wasn't even submitted. :(


New member
Aug 4, 2012
"We are still working on optimizing everything for the xbox."
Well hopefully on a positiv note we should get #4 and #5 and mayby #6 pretty fast when its been submitted.
Hope that MS will move abit faster with the testing, since all the srcrew up the have made with the TPA.

Nik Barbour

As far as I was aware, no one from Farsight had actually commented on the xbox submission state, despite being asked several times. - Did I miss something?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Someone on facebook asked FS about DLC#4 for the 360.
Answer: "We are still working on optimizing everything for the xbox."
So it wasn't even submitted. :(
Given the trainwreck that occurred with the last title update's submission process, I'd bet FarSight is proceeding ultra-cautiously with this one.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Well hopefully on a positiv note we should get #4 and #5 and mayby #6 pretty fast when its been submitted.
Hope that MS will move abit faster with the testing, since all the srcrew up the have made with the TPA.
There's nothing positive about this. None of this will happen. We'll get it when the Siberians (PS3 EU) do, if we're lucky.


New member
May 26, 2012
If they haven't submitted it yet hopefully they are adding in bug fixes for DLC 4 and 5 for any issues discovered on other platforms.

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that. BK is pretty shocking on PS3 and I've seen no indication of anyone working to fix the myriad problems known since the iOS release. I'm seriously starting to lose faith in FS and in particular their quality control. When re-submissions are so costly I'm amazed that they don't put more effort into getting things right first.

Nik Barbour

I'm not going to react until someone from Farsight makes an official statement, or PinWiz gives us the bad news in an update. But I will be really pi$$ed if packs 4 & 5 weren't submitted at start of September.
Especially as many posted on here asking for updates, and non were answered.
Jul 18, 2012
Someone on facebook asked FS about DLC#4 for the 360.
Answer: "We are still working on optimizing everything for the xbox."
So it wasn't even submitted. :(

I thought the 360 was the development platform... Seems like that would be the only platform that wouldn't need optimizing :p

I'm almost tempted to get the ps3 version just to play some Creature, but I don't really want to invest in a second platform :(


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I've bought packs 4,5 and 6 on the iPod touch to get a feel of the tables before they get released. It might be my only way of getting to play Twilight Zone this year ._.

If it's any consolation then we'll probably end up with two packs here at the same time... but what gets me is that it took them AGES to release the first DLC for xbox, then they took a while to release the Gorgar pack... now they seem to have an identical problem to the first two tables about 4 months after they were first released <_<

Nik Barbour

Grumble - Moan - Whinge, I feel really pi$$ed off now.
Why did I choose xbox to play TPA on?
I thought I was doing the smart thing back in June.
Could someone from Farsight, or someone here if you've seen why explain why all xbox dlc is now status TBD.


New member
May 10, 2012
This is purely speculation, but my guess is that since it is so expensive to release new title updates on xbox, Farsight has chosen to wait until they have 4, 5 and 6 ready and working on one title update, since they said on Facebook just a week ago that they as of yet had not delivered pack 4 to microsoft. We will probably get 4, 5 and 6 close together but my guess is that it will not happen until November. Hope I am wrong though. I almost envy the PS 3 EU market. 10 tables in
October. (At least they can stop complaining now) Just happy IPAD 3 is a very good substitute while waiting but some tables really shine on the xbox. MM is 10 times better on the xbox than on IOS. I do not want Farisght to lose money just to rush the tables out either so I can Defiantly understand them if that is the reason for the delay.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
I feel bad for my fellow xbox players. But like Karl, I have an iPad3 which will hold me over just fine till xbox catches up.

Nik Barbour

I've got android to tide me over too!
I'm just hoping it is as Karl's theory.
My biggest fear would be Farsight have decided dealing with MS is too much hassle, and would ditch xbox as a platform. (I only bought the damned xbox a few months back purely for TPA).

I would be ok with bi, or even tri-monthly release, not happy but ok with it.
It would just be nice to be communicated to. I was really looking forward to BK next few weeks is all. (my most wanted table, alongside TZ).

Nik Barbour

I hope I'm being paranoid, but......
Just noticed, on YouTube, all previous 'Pinball Arcade Table pack X' video's upto #5 state "taken from xbox", no 6 is the first that doesn't!


New member
May 10, 2012
They have already promised TZ and ST TNG for xbox on their kickstarter and it will hurt them just to much to completely abandon xbox. I feel your frustration but there is no way they are quiting the xbox. The only way that could happen is if Microsoft decide to start a war with Big bear lake :)

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
They have already promised TZ and ST TNG for xbox on their kickstarter and it will hurt them just to much to completely abandon xbox. I feel your frustration but there is no way they are quiting the xbox. The only way that could happen is if Microsoft decide to start a war with Big bear lake :)
Oh, I'm not saying FarSight will (or should) abandon the 360. What I'm saying is that I'm considering abandoning the 360 in favor of the PC version when it is released.

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