DLC Release Date


Nik Barbour

Someone on facebook asked FS about DLC#4 for the 360.
Answer: "We are still working on optimizing everything for the xbox."
So it wasn't even submitted. :(

Was re-reading Farsights answer in above quote, and remember reading some thread about lighting changes that were being tried for xbox (was it tables being lit by their own GI- I'm not really techy) . Maybe 'optimising' means this improvement across all tables & all bug fixes, then everything submitted at once for submission cost reasons. Xbox back on track!
I really hope so - my missus is gonna kill me if I tell her I want a PS3.


New member
May 10, 2012
Serenseven; I was referring to Nik Barbours post. I am just to lazy to put in quotations. Sorry for the confusion :) And Nik; That was the way I read Farsights post too. That the reason for the delay was to optimize the game further. If it is true, I have no trouble waiting a little bit longer. I do feel for those poor people who only play it on the xbox. Waiting can be hard when you are addicted :p and the PC version can not come quick enough. Would be nice to get some sort of update from Farsight about how far we are from Greenlight. I know that developers can see what position they currently have.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
No worries, karl. And who am I kidding; I'll probably end up with TPA on all 3 of my platforms anyway. While I love the iOS version for pinball on the go, it's really frustrating to drain a ball on it and think "on a 360, I would've saved that". My 360 scores are roughly five times my iOS scores; that's how much of a difference the controls make.


New member
May 10, 2012
Agree on all points. I have found the shake option easiest to do on Ios(tapping the the upper field is hit and miss) but then I almost every time get a left-right or if I am really into the game: TILT, TILT. On the Xbox using the buttons is a breeze and the big screen doesn't hurt either. Then there is better sound, better graphics etc. I find IPAD 3 to be fine to play on if I stay away from the xbox for a while. (I've got a short memory :D )

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm a bit disappointed that Farsight hasn't posted here on the matter. I know they made the post on facebook, but it would be nice to hear more on the issues. Nothing in the newsletter either. :(


New member
May 26, 2012
I would be ok with bi, or even tri-monthly release, not happy but ok with it.
It would just be nice to be communicated to. I was really looking forward to BK next few weeks is all. (my most wanted table, alongside TZ).

The silver lining would be if they took the time to improve the scripting and modelling of BK so that the 360 version doesn't suffer from the problems of the PS3 one.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Never thought I'd be envying PS3 EU, but they've got hard dates, and we get TBD. If they stopped development from the platform because of MS's f***ing around, that's the last MS system I buy, ever!

We're the big loser in TPA now. It sure sucks to lose.
Last edited:

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
It's natural to over react. Last night people were saying that had written off Farsight for good because when the new packs dropped, people couldn't download them. It was fixed in a few hours.

If I had to guess what's going on I'd say this. BK is buggy on PS3. A title update costs Farsight 40,000 dollars on Xbox. They can't afford to ship the table with problems now and just fix it with a patch later. So care is taken now to make sure the releases are solid as possible. I honestly don't mind that.

I hope we get all 3 packs together by the end of October. I can wait for Scared Stiff and Big Shot. I mean, I can't actually, I really want them! But Creature/BK/Harley/Taxi/PM/NGG is MORE than enough for me this month. But if those tables slip past October than I'm going to be really upset. I have a Halloween party and Party Monsters was going to be the centerpiece..

Nik Barbour

The silver lining would be if they took the time to improve the scripting and modelling of BK so that the 360 version doesn't suffer from the problems of the PS3 one.

Yeah - your right!
I haven't played a real one in nearly 30 years (did I read somewhere you own one?).
Even scripted and with all its faults, since Android launch, I've barely played any other table on Android TPA.
It's probably part nostalgia playing this with my Dad as a kid, but also, a perfect balance of timed drop targets, amazing flow of play, and the desire to constantly improve my upper flipper control. Just makes this the table I want most IRL. Plus it's brutal, quick and fits in my dinner breaks nicely.
I've set myself a goal now. I really want a good, real one of this table. Might take a while, as I have a young family of my own now, but I will get there.

Is the ps3 release really that bad? I'm thinking initial Android release (no magna saves, hud sticking on multiball number, incorrect scripting, speech sequencing, and on plunger launch, holding the right flipper out, should the ball catch on the upper left flipper lying prone, and bounce right?)

Nik Barbour

Never thought I'd be envying PS3 EU, but they've got hard dates, and we get TBD. If they stopped development from the platform because of MS's f***ing around, that's the last MS system I buy, ever!

We're the big loser in TPA now. It sure sucks to lose.

If it is a lighting update, and potential full bug fix, 6 weeks or more from now, we could be the biggest winners in TPA!

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
If I had to guess what's going on I'd say this. BK is buggy on PS3. A title update costs Farsight 40,000 dollars on Xbox. They can't afford to ship the table with problems now and just fix it with a patch later. So care is taken now to make sure the releases are solid as possible. I honestly don't mind that.
Neither do I, but I'd like them to at least tell us what's going on.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
If it ever comes out on PC, I'll buy it there. I'm sick of waiting for Microsoft not to suck.

glad too see im not the only one waiting for xbox updates,, just love the game and im sooo impatiant! annoying that android has all the tables
but i feel im wasting my money playing on that version when you just want a full screen table and decent controls,
well all i can say is.. im glad there is a community of players willing it to come out,, when i started to search i did wonder if i might be dissapointed but it seems that new updates shouldnt be too far away(fingers crossed)
happy pinballing!

Nik Barbour

glad too see im not the only one waiting for xbox updates,, just love the game and im sooo impatiant! annoying that android has all the tables
but i feel im wasting my money playing on that version when you just want a full screen table and decent controls,
well all i can say is.. im glad there is a community of players willing it to come out,, when i started to search i did wonder if i might be dissapointed but it seems that new updates shouldnt be too far away(fingers crossed)
happy pinballing!

Hey bugged1 - welcome to the forum!


New member
Sep 29, 2012
Hey bugged1 - welcome to the forum!

thanks, really enjoy pinball and these tables bring back great memories cant wait for more,
when i used to see black knight down the arcade as a kid you ran over to put you money in,
so looking forward to playing that again! bride of pinbot has been my favorite so far,,
they had one at a caravan park years ago im thinking of going to see if they still have it lol!

Nik Barbour

thanks, really enjoy pinball and these tables bring back great memories cant wait for more,
when i used to see black knight down the arcade as a kid you ran over to put you money in,
so looking forward to playing that again! bride of pinbot has been my favorite so far,,
they had one at a caravan park years ago im thinking of going to see if they still have it lol!

Yeah TPA has done that to me too! I'm hunting all over the place for real tables now!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
So, pardon my ignorance, but reading through the thread, is this correct? Does it really take 4-6 weeks for DLC to go through the approval process on 360? Meaning that, the soonest we could possible see packs 4,5, and 6 would be mid-November, since we know they either haven't been submitted yet or were just submitted not to long ago? Bummer if true.

Nik Barbour

So, pardon my ignorance, but reading through the thread, is this correct? Does it really take 4-6 weeks for DLC to go through the approval process on 360? Meaning that, the soonest we could possible see packs 4,5, and 6 would be mid-November, since we know they either haven't been submitted yet or were just submitted not to long ago? Bummer if true.

Yeah, that's right.

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