DLC Release Date


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Does anybody really expect anything to change if they ever do get to publish again?

Yes, because the 360 version is and was the first version to be finished each and every release , from Totan to cactus canyon. Its the publishing part to XBLA that was messed...you know, the part that was the responsibility of the guys that are bankrupt and therefor out of the equation.

Everything since monster bash is laying on a shelf, waiting to be going through cert.
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New member
May 10, 2012
We do not anticipate a monthly table update like Android and IOS. It will probably take ca 3 months between updates after the xbox is up to speed, Hector.
That is just the way it is and was before the court hell started.(and most people accept that)
PS! Who said that you are a facebook user?? Sean said something completely different.
Btw, I am a facebook user (even though I hate it) nothing to be ashamed of. It's what you say that matters not where you say it. Talk about being paranoid!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Depends on the publisher. If the rumor that Microsoft is the publisher holds true, then I would expect unprecedented support for the game with regular DLC releases, fast approvals and no problems getting patches out. Not to mention larger updates.
On the other hand, any other publishing company, unless it is a big name player that has leverage like EA, Square or Namco (not likely) then I would guess you will see better spaced downloads moving forward that are about 6 months behind the mobile devices. Given what we know about the large amount charged per submission, I would guess that they would wait 3-6 months to have enough DLC to submit for approval, then it would take about a month to approve. If they do submit on time they could have enough DLC spaced out to release ever 3-6 weeks and keep the flow consistent.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
At this point, once an agreement is reached, they need to release ALL of the 360 DLC all at once.

I'm sorry but there's no other way to do this. We are realistically looking at a summer release, hell Ill be optimistic and say July. You just can put out only TZ , Star Trek and, what, Creature/Black Knight? Lol I'm sorry but yea, if they want to make 360 owners happy then drop everything at once. I don't care what's good for business we fans have stood by them this long and I've purchased all tables on iOS something i would not have done if I had them on 360.

Of course this is just my opinion. We've had this argument before I don't wanna get back into it, I just want to restate that the longer this is drawn out, the more that I feel we deserve all DLC in one fell swoop. Btw we last argued this, in December I believe.

As far as the kickstarters, it is a real shame that this is holding back Terminator and Simpsons/Family Guy... Honestly idk if they could reach those kickstarters w/ a bunch of burnt 360 owners, and it's clear that that's what's holding it up. It's unfortunate but it makes sense. Personally I just wish they'd refund or transfer any backers 360 tables to another platform and refund those who wish not too, so we can move forward with t2......
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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I also wanted to state that, T2 and Simpsons/Family Guy/Indiana Jones whatever (we don't know past t2) are very important kickstarters. TZ was almost a "given" due to immense popularity of the table, and Star Trek got a discount because TZ was overfunded. T2, although a great table, isn't in the same league so it's going to be very important to have everyone on board including 360 owners.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
At this point, once an agreement is reached, they need to release ALL of the 360 DLC all at once.

That would be a bad business move for FarSight in my opinion. Although 360 pinball fans have been waiting months for DLC to drop, it can overwhelm "potential" purchasers of TPA. Having all of that DLC may look as if FarSight is greedy to the buyer who aren't as familiar with FarSight as we all are and know the situation. I know Rock Band has plenty of DLC on days in out, but they're relatively cheap. FarSight needs their full purchases from the 360 community to stay afloat. I think a good marketing ploy would be to sell 2 packs on the first day, then every week or 2 drop another pack up until they have caught up with the PS3.


New member
Apr 5, 2012
Honestly, I don't need them all at once since I like to spend a good amount of time on each table before I get int a new one. I just don't want the releases to be months apart.


New member
Jan 22, 2013
It'd be okay with me if they released them on say, the 15th and 30th of each month. 2 packs a month plus everyone would know when they would be getting released.

Volitar Prime

New member
Jun 24, 2012
All this talk about how they are going to eventually release new packs. How about some talk about how they are going to fix the ones they have already released? That's all I'm really waiting for, fixes for the bugs in what I already bought.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I have to disagree.

When it's ready, you're looking at one HUGE title update. A title update that's going to have 'hooks' in it for all the DLC...

Unless you think they should do multiple title updates... spread across a huge fee every time... not good business at all...

The idea that it's going to "overwhelm" the customer is nonsense. They'll buy the base game for 10 bucks, see all these amazing DLC and tables that they can purchase. Go get Pinball FX 2 right now, are you "overwhelmed" at the insane amount of tables for sale? 26 tables is nothing compared to what FX/Zen has... seriously I strongly disagree with this line of thinking, and we'll have to agree to disagree on this point.

IMO weekly releases is pointless. If they did it that way then, not only are you waiting another 2-3 months for the game, but then another 2-3 additional months to get all the tables! In the past this would have made sense but at this point, no way.

Nobody is pressuring you to buy it all at once. When I discovered Pinball Arcade there were 2 packs already out. I didn't buy them until I got sick of the starter tables.
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
I wonder if they could do some market research to see how many people would rather have access all at once vs. spread out and if it was all at once, how many people would not buy tables? Honestly it may increase visibility by spreading it out and getting more promotion every few weeks or so but they've said themselves that they miss out on lots of revenue every day the game isn't releasing DLC for Xbox. Plus you do get plenty of things simultaneously released in the real world. This isn't too expensive but it also isn't going to be out of stock so you can eventually buy everything you wish to. I think there are plenty of advantages to dropping all the tables at once.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
The market research is already there: releasing new dlc gets you on the frontpages/most downloaded/most popular lists/release blogs/review sites each time and even spikes sales of the original product every time. The more evenly they spread the release of the DLC (they can do this with just 1 title update) the longer they are in the top of those lists. New consumers might even think "wow this product is supported well with (bi)weekly updates (little do they know...).

And thats without the fact that spreading out DLC promotes impulse buying more than dumping 30/40 bucks of dlc on us at once. Yes PFX2 IS overwhelming, when I see 40 tables I go to forums and ask "which should I get" instead of just buying the ones that are there.

You wont see a release of all DLC-tables in 1 go, period. It's just bad longterm business wise.
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Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Honestly,at this point other than the kickstarter I'm owed for STTNG,TZ & the ATM pack, I'm done with buying DLC for this. I have my iPad if there is something I really want to play.

At this point,I just think it would be good to wait to get the info on the upcoming Xbox 720/Infinity/whatever it's called - see if any of the DLC from the 360 can be transferred over to it or not. I had plans to buy all the DLC,but with this long hiatus,not anymore. I'm not into buying things twice,like the PS3 owners will seemingly have to for the PS4.

If not,than I'd think anyone else who is seriously looking at the next gen Xbox would be thinking along those same lines. We really don't know when FS is going to be able to move forward with the 360.I also agree with bavelb thinking that you wont see the DLC released all at once,and since there is a chance that the DLC won't be able to go over,along with the updated look,physics,etc on the new system (probably) then I think that waiting a bit longer for new & improved tables might be the way to go...


New member
May 10, 2012
Do you think Farsight should get compensation from you because they did not get your money yet? They are the ones losing money not you. I have heard this so many times and it still baffles me every time I hear it. The wait sucks, I agree. Asking for compensation for something you did not buy also sucks. If you are a kickstarter and xbox is your only platform they might owe you 10$ but remember you can always contact them to change your preferred platform. Sorry to be blunt. You are far from the only person who thinks you should get a compensation. I just disagree 100%

Edit: At least you did not demand it, like some do ;-) Sorry if I sounded harsh
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New member
Jul 17, 2012
The market research is already there: releasing new dlc gets you on the frontpages/most downloaded/most popular lists/release blogs/review sites each time and even spikes sales of the original product every time. The more evenly they spread the release of the DLC (they can do this with just 1 title update) the longer they are in the top of those lists. New consumers might even think "wow this product is supported well with (bi)weekly updates (little do they know...).

And thats without the fact that spreading out DLC promotes impulse buying more than dumping 30/40 bucks of dlc on us at once. Yes PFX2 IS overwhelming, when I see 40 tables I go to forums and ask "which should I get" instead of just buying the ones that are there.

You wont see a release of all DLC-tables in 1 go, period. It's just bad longterm business wise.

100% AGREED! That's how you attract new customers. The thing with PBFX2 is that it's been in XBLA going on 3 years, so yes you can expect for 40 plus tables. Not to mention that some of the tables that were from the previous PBFX were imported for free to PBFX2.

Can't see that as "nonsense"! I don't care what anyone says. Releasing DLC all in one go for the price that FarSight must have for the tables can overwhelm potential buyers. That's really common sense. Spreading the DLC across the board will get them more business and they will get their full money's worth without taking another loss like they already have for the past couple of months! Well put, bavelb!


New member
Feb 14, 2013
karl, it's not unusual at all to compensate customers in similar situations. I think FS/publisher will will do something for Xbox users when new tables are on sale.

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