Request Doctor Who by Bally. Who's With Me?

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
It's my number one most-wanted table, and I play it whenever I encounter one. It's like a harder, evolved version of Pin*Bot, and the classic-series theme is terrific.

But between the BBC, the Daleks and all those likenesses of actors (several of them no longer living), the licensing sounds like a nightmare to negotiate, maybe even worse than Addams Family.


New member
Jan 27, 2013
I asked about it last week because it's my number one licensed table to want in TPA, but it does sound like Farsight isn't really interested in negotiating UK licenses for the actors and the Terry Nation estate is notoriously hard to talk to.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I love Dr Who in fact it was the first DMD game I ever played as a youngster but I want the next Kickstarter to be either Lord of the Rings or Indiana Jones.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
I'd love to see this on Pinball Aracade too... but I just don't think it's likely going to happen. At least not currently. One or two years ago I might have thought it possible since "classic" is a different type of brand than the new series is (I mean, Big Finish has only the permission to do Classic Series stuff as well) and probably easier to acquire. These days however it appears that the BBC is a bit busy with rebranding Classic as well as New Who, so getting a foot into their door might be a problematic these days. At least you get the sense that something is happening behind closed doors. Just look at the McGann-era logos on the New Series re-releases on Blu Ray... or the strange ongoings in the DVD range (especially concerning the recently recovered episodes).

But then again, who knows?

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
And poor little Gilligan's Pile suffers a glitch. Too bad, I wanted to keep hearing the awesome music from that game.

Still, I didn't catch onto DW when I first played it at a record shop in Atlantic Beach. I didn't know why it was so popular. But, after reading the ruleset, I think it was a fun game... But there is some slight unbalanced scoring in there, as Sean will tell you.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
doctor who asa. big fan would be perfect

they shiukd sweet talk the bbc i into a reboot deal as an orginal 2005 reboot heh

galliferys capitial is a globe...


New member
Dec 27, 2013
As a KickStarter, I'd back it. I'm fortunate, I got to see the early shows on a nine inch B/W tv with my dad in Canada. Dropped off watching until the movie a few years back, but when I got DirecTV, I picked it back up. Netflix has saved my wallet. I've played the table before and would enjoy seeing it in TPA.

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