Does anyone know when Stern Pinball Arcade will finally be released for Steam?


New member
Feb 8, 2014
both the pc and android verison are a mess for some strange reason.. they have alot of work to do.

Having finally logged some time with the PC version - sadly, the mess is only in the presentation layer and UI. The actual tables themselves are fine!* Maybe some cosmetic and lighting issues need to be tweaked, but they play great. If only getting to the point you can play was less painful.

* Well okay, the cameras on Mustang make it unplayable. Star Trek and AC/DC are good though!


Apr 18, 2013
Well i just gave this a go, quite a lot need's to be fixed, tables are very jaggy looking no matter the setting, AF/AA do not seem to work, lighting also seems to be having issues compared to the how it look's on PBA on the same table, UI need work as well, logging in has your email overlapping with the password, and i only seem to be able to pick the tables with the mouse icon as the joypad either does not work or is really hard to see, plus a strange screen issue, on my usual setting that gives me a full screen on PBA at 1920/1200, i have to pick 1920/1440 on SPA to get the game to fill the screen, strange bug that one.

But on a plus i do have 6 tables i already own from PBA that have unlocked, so a plus, but as of now i will wait and see how this pan's out before sinking cash into it, even though that new Star trek table is calling me. lol
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New member
May 17, 2013
Firefox2000, is 1920x1200 your native resolution?

Do this: Start the config, set it like this: 2560x1600 (same 16:10 ratio as your monitor).

Start the game, alt enter two times to get it to full screen preoprly. Play a table. How's it looking now?


New member
Apr 8, 2014
Having finally logged some time with the PC version - sadly, the mess is only in the presentation layer and UI. The actual tables themselves are fine!* Maybe some cosmetic and lighting issues need to be tweaked, but they play great. If only getting to the point you can play was less painful.

* Well okay, the cameras on Mustang make it unplayable. Star Trek and AC/DC are good though!

Elder ... Thanks for pointing out that ACDC and Star Trek work in portrait mode. Went ahead and purchased those 2 tables ... good tables. I have both on Gear VR, but they are better on my cab for sure.


Apr 18, 2013
Firefox2000, is 1920x1200 your native resolution?

Do this: Start the config, set it like this: 2560x1600 (same 16:10 ratio as your monitor).

Start the game, alt enter two times to get it to full screen preoprly. Play a table. How's it looking now?

My monitor's native is 1920/1200, but i will give this a go.


Did not work, i get black bars top and bottom of screen, and it crashed back to desktop on the first table i tried. :(
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New member
May 17, 2013
Then try to set config as your monitor's native res. After starting the game, alt+tab a few times to see if full screen is without black bars.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
both the pc and android verison are a mess for some strange reason.. they have alot of work to do.
Although I said I wouldn't purchase the Android version until they fixed some issues, I realised they screwed up the pricing of the two tables I actually wanted, ACDC and Star Trek.

The UK pricing for these two is currently the same as the non premium TPA tables £4.89ea though they should be $9.99 x 0.81 which is the current conversion rate.
Anyhow, although holding out for fixes, I bought today to grab a bargain as on a budget I couldn't normally justify spending £10 on a virtual table even though I can afford it, so I grabbed these two whilst they were accidentally half price.
I love Steve Ritchie tables.

Happy to report, most of the Android bugs are superficial. I'd have thought them an easy fix personally.
The core emulation is good, tables work and play fine other than the menus being screwed and the special buttons not working once the game starts.
Even using a two and a half year old Note 4 running LP5.0.1, if you don't mess with the menus, there is no lag or slowdown.

Wierdly the worst Android bug is that the app doesn't show in running apps once started, but continues to drain battery and resource even once exited. You have to manually purge the ram using a task manager, or restart the device to stop it draining your battery.
Never seen an app behave like this before.

Sorry to sell out, but a bargain is a bargain.
I'm hoping Farsight or Google screw up again when Ghostbusters gets added. ;)

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