DX11 Public Beta Bugs

Armin Ruoff

New member
May 30, 2013
DX11-version reads it resolution information from I don't know where, maybe not at all. There are no 16:10 resolutions shown.
DX9-versions is fine.


New member
May 17, 2013
It's all in the Back Buffers!

You have to play with values to find something good. I'm on 2160x1620 (custom value) to make it use all the pixels on a 5:4 1280x1024 screen.

Back buffers and gpu scaling from the gpu control panel. Our new friends!


New member
Apr 20, 2015
Hey, everyone! Have never posted here before and have normally provided bug reports straight to Farsight by eMail, but, Mike wanted bugs posted here, so that's what I'm gonna do.

I've given a quick look at EVERY table in the DX11 public beta, gone through some of the game settings and menus and such, and have compiled the following list of issues. Apologies for any duplicates... I've done my best to colour them out though have left them in this report just in case it's an issue I have insight on due to my own experience as a game programmer.

For reference, my hardware specs are:
* AMD FX-8350 CPU, 8-Cores, 4 GHz
* nVidia GeForce 660 GTX Video Card, 2 GB Dedicated RAM
* 16 GB RAM
* 1 TB WD Black HD
* Windows 8.1 Pro x64

General Issues (Setup Program):

* "Anisotropy" is mislabelled as "Anisotrophy".

General Issues (UI):

* ALL audio effects being produced are mono only.

* Attempting to go to the "Game Setup" menu with any game loaded will complain about being in "Head to Head" mode. Afterwards, it becomes impossible to start the game and if you quit, instead of going back to the games list, you go back to the main menu.

* The mouse cursor is behaving very oddly. While loading the game, the cursor can barely be moved. While the game is loaded, the cursor will move fine over the program window but will stutter a lot. If you move the mouse cursor out of the Pinball Arcade window, it will move smoothly, but with a significant amount of delay. If you minimize Pinball Arcade or otherwise disable the rendering context, mouse behaviour returns to normal. If the program crashes, the mouse will become incredibly unresponsive until you clear away any Windows error messages which pop up.

* If you minimize the game, it will continue to read keyboard and mouse input. All other methods for switching to alternate tasks will properly trigger the program to let go of keyboard and mouse input. (Although the mouse cursor will continue to behave oddly if the game's rendering context is still active.)

* The text entry for login passwords does not hide the characters being input.

* Attempting to log out crashes the program, every time.

General Issues (Gameplay):

* While the lighting effects are fairly well done overall, there's a few tables where it feels too strong (such as white, overbright spots in weird places), and a few tables where it feels too weak (no bright white anywhere). Being able to adjust not just the ambient lighting but the strength of the table lighting would be a good way for players to tweak this to their preference.

* The sound effect for drop targets has a faint "chime" sound to it, as though it was originally sampled from an EM machine where the chimes would've rattled from the force of a drop target dropping. When playing either of the EM machines in the program, this sounds perfectly fine. When playing ANY other game though, the drop targets sound very unusual thanks to this subtle effect. Would recommend transferring over the drop target sound sample from the DX9 version.

* Many of the head models used for the various tables are using flat surfaces for the displays. This is causing unusual and unsightly glare on some of the machines, as well as causing lighting spots to appear in places they really shouldn't, like right in the middle of a DMD.

* Many of the tables which have alphanumeric displays are rendering them at a much lower framerate than the actual gameplay. This is affecting ALL games which use a single, large, two-line display and includes Black Knight 2000, Earthshaker, FunHouse, Taxi, Whirlwind, Class of 1812, Lights Camera Action, and Victory. Since it's affecting games across different hardware emulation it's safe to assume this is a rendering issue and not an emulation issue.

Table Specific Issues:

(NOTE: I only did a brief run through all tables in the program, so I likely missed a bunch of things, but below are all the specific things I noticed, not counting generic issues affecting multiple tables which I've listed above. Any table missing from the list below was one I DID check, but found no specific issues with given how quickly I was running through everything.)

The Addams Family

* Audio here is louder than most other tables in the program.

* Scores from a game just finished are forgotten by the emulation, thus showing a 0 on the DMD following a game. Not really a major issue, but weird all the same.

Attack from Mars

* The strobe light effect isn't nearly as strong as it is in real life.

Big Shot

* The "Special" lights in the middle of the table are very dim.

Black Hole

* The audio is MUCH louder here than on most other tables, both on the game selection menu and in the game itself.

* The ball is invisible on the lower playfield, however, the lighting effect for the ball still shows up. The lighting effect also shows up THROUGH the playfield in spots where it shouldn't. There is a similar (although less severe) problem with Haunted House.

* There's extreme glare and brightening of the bonus display on the playfield, to the point where it's difficult to read.

* The spinner audio effect is different than the one in the DX9 version. Not sure which is the correct effect.

* (Longstanding Issue) The audio effects on this table tend to get cut off, especially the vocal effect for making the transition from the main level to the lower playfield.

Black Knight

* For some odd reason, a red "0" is rendering next to "Ball:" on the HUD.

Bride of PinBot

* The switch behind the head assembly is frequently registering more than once when you lock balls. Fortunately, the game code seems built to be able to tolerate this but still, it's abnormal behaviour.

Cactus Canyon

* The flippers, train, and Bart Bros. toy are all extremely dark, even with default lighting. Unsure if the real game is like this or not.


* There's a completely missing texture/mesh/both up in the captive ball area, causing the drop targets to show right through the playfield, even when they're down.

* The "60" bonus light is very dim. (Already Reported)

Cirqus Voltaire

* The lighting textures on the flashers and neon light strip don't seem to function well with the new lighting engine, causing dark areas to show up in unusual ways, most notably covering a section of the DMD in the lower right corner.

* The neon light strip only renders in blue at the moment. The plastic balls do change colours with each load appropriately. (Already Reported)

Creature from the Black Lagoon

* The lighting for the creature effect from under the playfield acts instantaneously instead of gradually fading in and out. Not sure if that's normal behaviour or not, but the DX9 version acts differently.


* The light effects surrounding the mystery wheel are very slightly misaligned, getting worse the further to the right the lights are.


* (Longstanding Issue) Match number always comes up as 00, except on the very rare occasion when the game forces a match, which also overrides the proper end-game detection, meaning you have to abandon the game to get out of it.

Dr. Dude

* (Longstanding Issue) Camera alignment is leaving a lot of empty, unused space at the top of the screen.

* There's an odd issue with the Gift of Gab lights. Sometimes the middle one will be much dimmer than the first and third, while other times the middle one will be normal brightness and the first and third will be much dimmer.


* Alphanumeric display looks very wrong on the head model itself.

* The lock light on the playfield pointing towards the right orbit is not lighting up completely.

Eldorado: City of Gold

* Camera alignment is leaving a lot of empty, unused space at the top of the screen. Oddly enough, this is not a longstanding issue and is more recent.

Fish Tales

* One of the GI lights has somehow been placed INSIDE the DMD and looks very odd.

* The captive ball award lights on the boat are very dim.

Flight 2000

* Something weird is going on with the playfield's environment mapping. Just change the camera angle a few times and you'll see what I mean... It's as though either the U or V coordinates are not set properly.


* The "Steps Open" light by the left plunger is very dim.

Goin' Nuts

* Three of the pop bumpers are missing GI. Not sure if this is normal or not.


* The flash lamps for the cave at the back are not working.

* Because this is an old scripted table and not a ROM-driven table, there's separate textures in use for flashing lights compared to lights which are solidly lit or unlit. There's a major discrepancy between these textures, resulting in a few of the lights looking brighter when unlit while flashing, and a few looking dimmer when flashing compared to when solidly lit.

* (Longstanding Issue) Sound dropouts of Gorgar's voice and other audio effects are still extremely common.

Haunted House

* The environment maps on several large metal parts do not have their coordinates set properly, resulting in some odd effects.

* Some of the GI seems missing; the table feels much darker than it should be given my own personal experience with the real machine.

* The lighting effect for the ball is showing up THROUGH the main playfield in spots where it shouldn't while the ball is down on the lower playfield. There is a similar (although more severe) problem with Black Hole.

* The displays on the head have a lot of glare on them.

High Roller Casino

* The slot machine DMD is very messed up... looks like texel misalignment. There is a similar problem with Ripley's Believe It or Not.

* The audio here is louder than most other tables in the program.

Lights, Camera, Action

* The shadow for the ball is showing up THROUGH solid parts of the playfield, most notably the raised section where the gunfight saucer is.

* The red and blue flood lights aren't working. (Already Reported)

Medieval Madness

* The environment maps on several large metal parts do not have their coordinates set properly, resulting in some odd effects.

* Following the first multiball achieved, a shadow for one of the balls will appear in the shooter lane. JUST the shadow. Once a new multiball is started and the ball the shadow belongs to appears, it will follow its ball around as it should. This also happens on Tales of the Arabian Nights.

Monster Bash

* The green area which says "Alive Again" around the red eye light goes dark when the eye light is lit.

Party Zone

* The DMD is affected by the lighting issues so badly it looks bright yellow instead of amber.

Phantom of the Opera

* The table feels unnaturally dark, even with default lighting.


* For some peculiar reason, if a ball's altitude changes at any moment while two balls are visible, the shadow for that ball will have trouble following and will stutter along in huge steps. Only happens when two balls are visible. (Thus it can happen while one ball is locked and the other is in play.) The best way to see this effect is to lock a ball, then shoot for the same lock with the other ball.

Ripley's Believe It or Not

* The temple DMDs are very messed up... looks like texel misalignment. There is a similar problem with High Roller Casino.

* There's a problem with the audio balancing on this table. Some of the audio effects, both digital and mechanical, are MUCH louder than they should be compared to other effects on the table.

Starship Troopers

* The DMD is affected by the lighting issues so badly it looks bright yellow instead of amber.

* The coloured flashers aren't nearly as bright as they should be.

* The sound effect for shooting up a ramp, only to have the ball come rolling back because it didn't go all the way up, is missing. Dunno if this is a ROM revision difference or an emulation issue. (There was another audio emulation issue when the table first launched but was since fixed.)

Tales of the Arabian Nights

* Following the first multiball achieved, a shadow for one of the balls will appear in the shooter lane. JUST the shadow. Once a new multiball is started and the ball the shadow belongs to appears, it will follow its ball around as it should. This also happens on Medieval Madness.

* The mechanical audio effects for the shooting stars and the fireball ring are much louder than the rest of the mechanical effects on the table.


* The lighting seems very dark on this table overall.

Tee'd Off

* The audio here is louder than most other tables in the program.

Twilight Zone

* Many of the triangle and lightning bolt shaped lights are much dimmer than they should be.


* Some of the display effects are very slightly messed up. Either an older ROM is in use or the ROM in use is corrupted.

White Water

* The two bulbs used to light up the sign to indicate whether to shoot for the waterfall or whirlpool are missing, even though the light effect they produce is working fine.

* A couple of the orange triangle lights on the playfield aren't lighting up properly.


* Seems a little too dark in the back, but from what I understand this may be the way the game was originally designed to be... not completely sure though.


New member
May 17, 2013
Gemini did a nice job with the feedback. I don't know when they plan to release non beta dx11, but the task of "tuning" all the tables seems a nightmare... Somehow the dx9 version seems very polished to me right now!


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Can't you do a spreadsheet or sth.? I find long lists of words annoying to read / scroll. And I guess it's really hard to keep track of sth like that. They have to put it in a spreadsheet or bug tracker database anyway?
Ah whatever.


New member
Apr 20, 2015
mpad said:
Can't you do a spreadsheet or sth.? I find long lists of words annoying to read / scroll. And I guess it's really hard to keep track of sth like that. They have to put it in a spreadsheet or bug tracker database anyway?
Ah whatever.
If Farsight is using QA software of any kind then yeah, they'd have to put it all into their own database anyways. :p

Pinballwiz45b said:
@Gemini what a great list. I can update the list of you wish.
I presume you mean the list you have at the front of the thread? 'twould be a lot of ground to cover but feel free. :)


New member
Jun 11, 2012
GTX 970 4Gb
i5 3570K @ 4.4GHz
16Gb RAM
Win7 home 64-bit

I normally have sounds off when playing, but I tried to turn them on to hear Cyclone. Currently every time I launch the game and turn on sounds and music in the menu, and then try to enter a table, the app crashes on loading the table. If I go to the table first and try to turn music and sounds on from the in-table menu it crashes when it tries to load the sounds.

There are no 16:10 or 10:16 resolutions available, and the closest ones (in portrait) have the camera on several tables so high it clips all or parts of the flippers off. I tested with diner, cyclone, earthshaker, dr. dude. All are clipping the lower part of the table off. Cyclone and Diner were the worst with none of the flippers visible at all. Dr. Dude had fairly normal view (as in similar to the DX9 version).

I tested cyclone on the DX9 version and the view is perfectly accetable, so the problem might just be the lack of 16:10 implementation in the current DX11 build. I also tested sound in the DX9 version and the first time I switched sounds on the game gave me a bluescreen out of memory error and crashed. The second time I tried it worked without problems. Something is off with sounds and memory management.
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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
* The sound effect for shooting up a ramp, only to have the ball come rolling back because it didn't go all the way up, is missing. Dunno if this is a ROM revision difference or an emulation issue. (There was another audio emulation issue when the table first launched but was since fixed.)

It's an issue with the gate system in general. The sound is there, but the 2nd gate hit won't generate another trigger until some time after the 1st.

FunHouse has this problem, too. Can't think of others.
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Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
1. The ball shadow remains several seconds after the ball leaves the playfield. Eg. shooting the ringmaster.
2. The ball passes "through" the table's play-field. seen on. black hole, haunted house, cirquis voltaire.

It's very noticeable when you play on HH when the ball travels over the bottom play field. (above the main flippers). Just play it and see if you notice anything around the edges of the bottom area. This "effect" has only come up on a few tables but is similar to the strange "plains" found in CV that was addressed previously.

3. Is there a DPI issue. I am convinced the resolution could be sharper. The buffer resizing in the config appears to be working at a minimum, but I am convinced that the rest, MSAA,etc arent doing anything.

4. The dmd/backglass lighting should overlay on all tables to some degree. Lights camera action does this in DX9...just play it. it's awesome.
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New member
Apr 15, 2015
Tested. Result are like this:

Started with buffer height 2160. Various widths give bad results, as the flippers were not visible. 1280x2160 gave some kind of usability, but with black borders left and right.

Thanks. Excited to see dx11 TPA in 1024x1280. Hope the fix comes soon!


Nov 15, 2013
Monster Bash, tried to turn the music in the game down, whole thing froze, had to go ctrl alt delete and turn the game off.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
Honestly, with all of the graphical bugs, which with the exception of a few are minor and I could live with. With the love of God, could someone please fix the AFM texture swapping on the left and right mid plastics....that would be my biggest gripe of any table ever released...DX9 or DX11.


New member
Jan 20, 2015
[MENTION=5350]Gemini[/MENTION] thanks buddy and welcome! Hopefully they have you stick with us after the public beta is over! Your attention to detail and programming know how would be super helpful with our monthly beta builds!


Jun 27, 2012

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