DX11 Public Beta Bugs


New member
Nov 24, 2013


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I am playing all tables on 0% brightness and although ball is sometimes tough to see it totally spoils the table going any lighter. Even darker would be better for some tables. Whatever the fix for the ball I hope FS don't make the 0% setting brighter. The ball just needs to be more reflective or have a highlight added as it appears not to absorb light from any far away objects. Personally the ball must look real. Maybe a new custom ball would be good which is like existing default ball but with a highlight and more shiny at darker settings. I could never play with a smilie ball, or glowball as it would be like playing Zen.

REQUST: Another suggestion for the slider. It jumps in 5% increments. I tried setting it to 5 and the increase in brightness from 0% is too much. Why not allow 1% increments?


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
CRASH: Desktop Spec

All my testing so far was done in 'letterbox' mode on my cabinet with a Core i7 Win 32-bit 4GB RAM, GTX 480 1.5GB. No crashes.

CRASH: Desktop Spec:
I thought I would give it a test on my desktop PC which currently successfully runs the DX9 version, but I can't get it to run.
Win7 64-bit 4GB RAM. GTX260 896MB. Upgraded to latest nVidia 64-bit W7 drivers - v341.44

As soon as I click OK to in the warning about savings settings, screen goes black for 1-2 seconds and then crashes with this:

I tried lower resolution settings, and turned graphic options off, uninstalled and re-installed, but no luck.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: PinballArcade11.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 553181df
Fault Module Name: nvwgf2um.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 54d1603a
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00206f56
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Those that are testing at 0% try using the silver stripped ball for now.
its surface is brighter isn't to goofy looking but is much easier to track in the dark sections (gold ball works to)


New member
Sep 10, 2013
After trying most of the tables out, I'd say that Cirqus Voltaire is the one that needs the most work. There's a ton of slowdown, possibly due to the neon light on the right side, and as others have mentioned, there's a weird dark patch over right side of the DMD. That being said, the overall *look* of the table in the dark is amazing! This table was made to be played in dimly lit rooms!

I guess it could be my rig not being powerful enough, thus causing it to slow that table down, but I haven't encounted this problem with any of the other tables.

edit: experience major slowdown issues on TOTAN and Whitewater as well.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
The gtx 260 is a direct x 10 card.
And you try to load a mode specifix for direct x 11...
That is why it doesn't work.

That did occur to me so I did some research online and a few places said it does support DX11, but maybe that is not the case after all.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I received a crash tonight when scrolling through the balls. I can't remember which table it happened on but I have a feeling it would happen on all of them. When I reached the start/end of the balls when scrolling through (so backwards, it would be the silver standard ball, the other way would be the last one) the next click would crash straight to desktop, no errors or anything.

Can anyone else verify?

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
i can go both directions with no crash's on POTO..but I've not bought any ball packs I just have the generic 11 that came with the season packs


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Not sure if this is a bug but i'll post here and see.
I am finding that some tables seem to have really dim bulb intensity for the tables lights.
Should these be more consistent or is it purely based on the table?
CTBL for example has really weak lamps the lights for film and megamenu barely light up at 5% darkness setting vs POTO which is vibrant and just beautiful
here's a comparison with same 5% room light setting


I already confirmed this. Creature really does need brightened.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
ah sorry didn't realize GI meant same thing
There are numerous tables that seem dim..should we list the ones we notice or its all kinda covered already?


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
uh ... just turn up the brightness ... to maybe 75% and then you will see the ball just fine. Here's the deal .... if you turn the lights out the ball is in the dark. I'm finding the best setting for me are around 30-40%. Done. DirectX11 brings a completely different lighting experience so play around with it a little bit. I've played real pinball machines in the dark and it can be just as hard to really see the ball. If you can't see the ball, its easy ... just turn up the brightness a bit.

who knows ... maybe farsight will come out with the "black light glow ball" ... Lord knows I'd purchase it and turn brightness to 0% just for fun ...

uh ... Doesn't work. It's a matter of contrast. Being able to separate the "light sucking non reflective anti-matter orb" from the rest of the table. Turning everything down just to turn everything back up is not a solution. Excuse me, but I'm suggesting something to make it better. Why fight me on this? Just because you can see the "light sucking non reflective anti-matter orb" doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed.
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Those that are testing at 0% try using the silver stripped ball for now.
its surface is brighter isn't to goofy looking but is much easier to track in the dark sections (gold ball works to)

Holy crap. Even though the ball is right in the center, I still had a hard time seeing it. Sure! That's just fine! FarSight doesn't need to do anything.

Everybody. We are testing this for FarSight now. Let's not be satisfied with something just because it's cool we get to play with it this minute. The way FarSight goes back and fixes problems, we need to let them know about issues right now.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Fungi..breath...just lighten up abit. You seem really intense, we all agree its an issue and I wasn't suggesting this as a permanent solution.
I was just suggesting to try it, for now, just to get by till the issue is addressed.
In motion its much easier to see due to the ball being a brighter metallic color


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Holy crap. Even though the ball is right in the center, I still had a hard time seeing it. Sure! That's just fine! FarSight doesn't need to do anything.

Everybody. We are testing this for FarSight now. Let's not be satisfied with something just because it's cool we get to play with it this minute. The way FarSight goes back and fixes problems, we need to let them know about issues right now.

I just generally kind of have a problem with expecting the ball to be extremely visible in the dark. I mean yeah clearly there's a problem where it doesn't actually reflect anything unless it's right next to the light source, but I'd much rather it be realistic than some sort of Zen-style internal illumination ball. And if it's realistic it's still going to be a bit hard to see in the dark.

Fredrik Lundholm

New member
Oct 4, 2014
I thought I would give it a test on my desktop PC which currently successfully runs the DX9 version, but I can't get it to run.
Win7 64-bit 4GB RAM. GTX260 896MB. Upgraded to latest nVidia 64-bit W7 drivers - v341.44

I doubt GTX260 is fully Directx 11 compatible as it was released in 2008?
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Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
I wanted to bring up a few things I've figured out about Full screen
I know Pinballwiz45b has this line in first post
Fullscreen is not functional at this time. Known issue.

But I've figured out a few things.
1. FPS are not locked by default but while in windows mode will use the monitor refresh rate as its default so mine appeared to be locked to 60fps..but was 60Hz
2. By using Alt+Enter you can force the application to switch to fullscreen mode. my FPS jumped to about 200fps once in this mode and the simulation sped up like crazy. To address I exited the game went to the nvidia controll settings an forced v-sync on
when returning to the game and switching to fullscreen mode the frame rate and simulation is locked to 60.
3. When Alt+enter is used the aspect ratio is messed up initially. Use the same key combo to switch back to window mode then again a 3rd time to go full screen.. the aspect ratio will now be fixed. This didn't do anything for portrait mode and backbuffer setting of width 1080 heigh 1920 tho.
4. I've observed when using windows mode "the simulation seeming slowing down randomly while the fps was a constant 60fps" This is eliminated while in Fullscreen mode and the feel and speed of the ball on the table is pretty much where identical to dx9 version.
5. When in fullscreen mode i left the game at plunger after a centerdrain for 10minutes and when i came back the fps was about 30 until i toggled alt+enter in and out of that mode..but thats only time I've seen a loss of performance so far.

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