DX11 Public Beta Bugs


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Not sure if it has been mentioned somewhere on this list, but I think MM looks a bit weird with that black blob in the middle. This is @0% Room and 80% Bulb. Even changing these values being less extreme, it remains like a black hole in the middle of the playfield.

For clarification: I would expect it to be dark with 0% room light, but the difference between the middle of the playfield and the rest feels unnatural.
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New member
Aug 5, 2014
I'm getting lag for Cirqus Voltaire on both of my machines with nVIDIA cards. The desktop's a GeForce GT545 and I forgot what the laptop had but the laptop's card's better. Only happens when zooming in and when the strobe light's flashing.

Still seeing that bug with the ball shadow not being drawn when ball goes over the Boom Balloon as well. Anyone else noticed?


New member
Jan 2, 2015
Still seeing that bug with the ball shadow not being drawn when ball goes over the Boom Balloon as well. Anyone else noticed?

Yeah, mentioned it but none but you have picked it up yet. Or rather - when the ball passes the Boom B without it being lit the ball gets a shadow effect; I think it is connected to what you mentioned.

There is also a transparent block in the middle ramp for me on Bride of Pinbot. Lots of other small issues but I must say overall a great experience playing Dx11 - it just is so great :D

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
I'm finding Funhouse is showing a significant performance hit like CV is..It only affects my fps if I supersample.. but there is a significant performance lost on those two tables with last two builds I believe.

Could someone try Harley Davidson out for me that is familiar with the table? It seems to me like somethings wrong.
All the special modes seem to activating way to often without triggers being hit. I might be wrong tho since I never played it much before but seems like somethings off.


New member
Apr 19, 2015
Noticed that pinball arcade will not adjust samplerate of sounds so if your audio card is set to say 48000hz then everything is played slower....


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Not sure if it has been mentioned somewhere on this list, but I think MM looks a bit weird with that black blob in the middle. This is @0% Room and 80% Bulb. Even changing these values being less extreme, it remains like a black hole in the middle of the playfield.

For clarification: I would expect it to be dark with 0% room light, but the difference between the middle of the playfield and the rest feels unnatural.

Consider that this is from the table lights not having enough throw to light the middle, not it being an art issue. It will only be corrected if Mike figures out a way to throw the light source in a larger radius.


New member
Jan 2, 2015
Consider that this is from the table lights not having enough throw to light the middle, not it being an art issue. It will only be corrected if Mike figures out a way to throw the light source in a larger radius.

Wouldn't that be great. That is, I think, Fungis (it was Fungi?) greatest issue with Attack From Mars strobe lighting (and mine is some sense) that if the area of the emitter was allowed to cover a larger area it would make a stronger impact.

There are more of less shadowing on tables though, but in Season 4 I hardly notice them so it is partially a balance in how you present the game.

What do you play most upon Shutyertrap, iPad,pc, what? Do you enter tournaments too (more than Blahcast :) )?


New member
Nov 6, 2013
Is it possible at all in a future release to have an option to disable the 'Match' DMD animation after each game?, it's completely worthless (apart from the interesting animations) as all TPA tables are set to free play anyways and just slows down the amount of time for you to start a new game!

That would be a ROM setting. I don't think it's possible to disable the match in all tables (the later DMDs such as Sterns have this option I think). Also if I recall the match animation is used by Pinball Arcade to determine when a game is over.


New member
Aug 14, 2013
While we're on that subject, there's a few tables that display the final score screen while the Match animation is playing. TOTAN and Medieval Madness are two such tables that do this.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
What do you play most upon Shutyertrap, iPad,pc, what? Do you enter tournaments too (more than Blahcast :) )?

I used to play on PS3, but now only play on PC. I stopped doing PS3 tourneys because I only have first 2 seasons on that, and I hated the grinding just do I could maintain my position in gold level. I had no prayer of being top 10, so it was all about just not being at the bottom and moving to silver. Ceased being fun.

So BlahCade TotM is it for me, though I'm sure I'll play the first few PC ones if those ever arrive, just as a show of support.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Here's a bug with Gorgar's scoreboard:



Also, the snake pit doesn't light up when you shoot it.

Same problem with Black Knight:


Also, the ball gets held up in the ball lock. Have to nudge to register and get new ball.
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Active member
Dec 18, 2013
DX11 V1.37.12 Bugs:

  • Muffled music/sounds on Bride of Pin*Bot, Central Park, Cirqus Voltaire, FunHouse, Genie, No Good Gofers, Ripley's, Scared Stiff, Theatre of Magic, TotAN.
  • Missing floodlights on Lights Camera Action.
  • Attack From Mars: Side GI (texture swap) has been carried over from DX9.
  • Attack From Mars: Find a way to strengthen the Strobe light?
  • Haunted House: An upper playfield plastic is lit when the ball is in the lower playfield. Should be the other way around.
  • Haunted House's bumpers needs GI.
  • Fullscreen is not functional at this time. Known issue.
  • Missing 1K spinner sound on High Speed. Sound is present in DX9, though.
  • Creature: Overall lighting needs brightened.
  • Creature: As the ball travels along the right ramp, it touches the gate of the left ramp.
  • Centaur's backglass isn't lit.
  • Centaur: 60 Bonus bulb is dim, but only at certain times.
  • Tee'd Off: 2nd Golf Ball isn't lighting up.
  • Cirqus Voltaire: Highwire Multiball fails to start after lock 3.
  • Earthshaker: GI activity may need tuning (light brightness is fine; just on features like Match Up)
  • Earthshaker: Plunger may be too powerful, hitting 100k on max plunge. I noticed the ball rattle a bit on the spiral on max plunge. A tad less works fine for going on the Overpass.
  • Fish Tales: Captive ball lights are too dim.
  • Black Knight 2000: Only half of the backbox is lit.
  • Black Knight 2000: RANSOM letters are dim.
  • Cactus Canyon's backglass isn't lit.
  • White Water: Two different colors on the Shoot Again light.
  • White Water: Occasional ball hops at Bigfoot Bluff's diverter. http://youtu.be/9uFpTJeTld4
  • Champion Pub: Start Fight light sequence missing on both health bars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzFvBmwIx5g
  • Whirlwind: Light effects around the flashers remain on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wajnSB882p4
  • Whirlwind: Plunging and making the 3-Toll ramp, a bit less than full power. That ramp needs to feel more steep.
  • Whirlwind: Set of Super Door Values lights to be like Earthshaker and Cyclone?
  • Twilight Zone: Wronged Multiball startup light sequence alongside claiming a Jackpot, both being off sync when compared to the actual machine (DX9 has this problem as well). I think it's a problem with emulation in general.
  • Twilight Zone: Brighter flashers, similar to that of Addams Family?
  • Twilight Zone has a sound missing during the opening Mutliball sequence: (It may have been interrupted by another sound...) http://youtu.be/K5DY_Mr2n3U?t=5m49s
  • Twilight Zone: Metal piece in the Lock is missing. http://youtu.be/00LzUVAzJ8o?t=1m3s
  • Twilight Zone: Camera wall is missing. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=2684&picno=37888&zoom=1
  • Party Zone: There should be two separate types of solid GI color: Red and White. There are flashers in there as well that separate from the GI overall (which are already in there). Refer to the video below.
  • Addams Family: Bonus count is a bit off-sync. Sounds are supposed to align with the "animations" on the DMD. Refer to videos on the internet.
  • Addams Family: Cousin It's bonus tune now is lower-pitched, and Mamushka's bonus tune is higher-pitched.
  • Phantom's right habitrail interferes with the metal piece around the spinner. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=1777&picno=9468
  • Starship Troopers' main music is getting cut off early. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoDUY4AIED4
  • Star Trek's Delta ramp gate isn't aligned to the metal piece below the Lock/Super bulbs. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=2357&picno=13798
  • Pin*Bot's red topper is missing. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=1796&picno=21840&zoom=1
  • Skewed cabinet art on Firepower. http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=856&picno=44750&zoom=1
  • Tube at the Re-Entry is really faded on Black Hole.
  • Theatre of Magic is missing a switch that plays a sound on the right habitrail: http://youtu.be/PMYdwfq8mng?t=1m4s
  • Class of 1812: The teeth and heart are supposed to be in the rhythm of the music during Multiball.
  • Black Knight: Locks need more tuning. Just had a second ball locked where it's supposed to exit.
  • Black Knight: Sometimes the first lock doesn't register. A nudge can solve this problem.
  • Black Knight: Depending on how balls are positioned, a third lock up top can be denied.
  • Shutyertrap's and other users' mentions listed.

This list seems to be getting longer and longer :(


New member
Feb 20, 2014
TPA v1.37.12 bugs

Cyclone (DX11 and DX9)
When the ball is in the Ferris Wheel, the ball shakes/glitches a little.. otherwise it's working fine.

Black Knight (DX11)
Nice with new lighting, but there is a sharp line on the lower playfield.

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New member
Jan 8, 2013
I have a AMD GPU (& CPU) without perfomance issues and I'm not the only one.
When you go through all the posts in the DX11 threads you will see that this is not a specific AMD issue.

The important question really is - Which Amd or which Nvidia GPU do you have?

PS: seattlemark, did you turn on Supersampling AA again? Please don't do that. :)

Biff, nope on my AMD R7770 I had switched to using all all the Catalyst Defaults when testing with DX11. So Multisampling is on and Supersampling is off.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
That would be a ROM setting. I don't think it's possible to disable the match in all tables (the later DMDs such as Sterns have this option I think). Also if I recall the match animation is used by Pinball Arcade to determine when a game is over.

Im sure there would be an option in the ROM settings for all tables that has a 'Match' mode, seeings as its a method to give out a free game im sure all operators would want an option to disable that. So be nice to have a setting in the option menu to disable match mode


New member
Apr 8, 2014
Im currently running a Nvidia GTX 560. Got a Nvidia 750 Ti (2GB) coming in mail. Should be here tomorrow. Will post about performance changes (CV) once I get her up and running.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Im currently running a Nvidia GTX 560. Got a Nvidia 750 Ti (2GB) coming in mail. Should be here tomorrow. Will post about performance changes (CV) once I get her up and running.

You'll see a slight boost, probably. The 750Ti is not that much better than the GTX560. (Source: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107-7.html). However it does have the huge added advantage of being powered directly from the expansion slot with no additional power inputs required.

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