easiest and hardest pin in TPA


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Easiest: TZ on PS4. I played one game for over an hour with a six plus billion score. Could never get anywhere near that IRL.
Hardest: Dr. Dude - Because I f*cking hate it. The music and call outs are so stupid I don't care to do well. F*ck this game, I'm going home. :p


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Easiest: Creature from the Black Lagoon. When in multiball, I trap a ball in the left flipper and then play exclusively with the right to the point my left finger starts cramping.

Hardest: Champion Pub has been a real bear to me for some reason. Honestly though, I don't view any of the tables as being 'hard' per se, more that there are a few that don't grab my attention enough for me to really try. Because of that, they are hard!


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Surprised to see Cactus Canyon being mentioned as hard. I know the high scores are unreasonable, but I got to the wizard mode of that pin on my second game without even knowing the rules at that point.

Hardest in terms of keeping the ball alive has to be Central Park, but the game is designed for short ball-play, so not sure if that's fair.

Bride of Pinbot is probably the easiest, yeah.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Champion Pub's difficulty is about one simple rule: don't shoot the boxer on the fly from the left flipper. The boxer is actually very far off center so rebounds point straight at the right outlane. Don't do that. He's not the AFM saucer. Get a catch, post pass if you need, then shoot up-and-down from the *right* flipper much more safely.

Haunted House is the real hardest, it's way faster than it should be thanks to too-strong flippers.

Harley is tough, but that's because of the limited EBs and that the wizard mode is so enormously far from the start button. Shot-for-shot it's about the same as most others, you just need more shots on fewer balls.

TOTAN is also tough (rightfully so) thanks to that unpredictable lamp, but doesn't feel so bad since the wizard mode isn't very far.

Bride is of course the easiest. Ripley's also gets very easy once you know what you're doing and learn the railroadable physics.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Haunted House is the real hardest, it's way faster than it should be thanks to too-strong flippers.

Table angle was also a lot flatter in older Gottliebs, so the ball should move slower too. When you see one next to a modern table, you can really see the difference. When you play one the flippers feel a lot closer to you.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
For me I would definitely have to say that BoP, ToTAN, and Taxi are the easiest.

The pain in the a@# ones (hardest) is definitely going to Genie (3 million points alone makes it the hardest), Champion Pub, HH for me.

There are more tricky wizard goals, but they are more easier than the ones I listed. For me!


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Try any Challenge Mode that includes Genie then. 3 million isn't even enough for max challenge points. The requirement comes to 3,640,000. And it's forced into 5-ball mode not the more lucrative 3-ball.

Rudy hates me

New member
Jan 13, 2014
Easiest - Bride of Pinbot. Shame, good table, but too easy to hit that ramp over and over, and the ball's seemingly terrified of the outlanes.

Hardest - am I the only person here who gets destroyed by Whirlwind? Maybe I'm playing it all wrong, but I find it significantly harder than any other table in TPA.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
BoP - shuttle ramp, shuttle ramp, shuttle ramp... heart ramp, heart ramp, heart ramp, rinse & repeat
TZ (for shame) - too easy to make shots in general

Genie - though I had a reasonable session last night and I'm working it out slowly
Whirlwind - I think the wind spinners are just too powerful - IIRC this was easier for real - I could get 20m+ on a real table, I struggle to get 10m in TPA


New member
Feb 5, 2014
No mention of Firepower on the hard ones?

The goals aren't that difficult (they're hard... but not off the scale), but the table layout is brutally unforgiving. There's a row of six targets right in front of you screaming 'shoot me', and if you don't know what you're doing they'll ruin you.

Easy I'd go for Scared Stiff - it's an endurance feat, almost impossible to lose a ball without getting another one. I think it's good that some are tuned easier than others (though it would be better still if we could tune them ourselves), but SS is too easy to be fun for a player with any experience at all in my opinion.


Mar 5, 2014
Easy: Bride of Pinbot, Funhouse, Scared Stiff. Both BoP and FH are pretty easy on real tables as well, but not like this. Still fun tables imo! SS never interested me.
Hard: Harley Davidson was hard to get to the wizard mode on, and I didn't like that table at all at first, but being determined to finish the wizard goals I eventually got around to find it playable at least. Big Shot is usually quick and brutal, and I love it! :)


New member
May 18, 2012
Easy, AFM, SS.
Hard, Central Park..... 2 micro flippers and a canyon between them, how much fun is that?
FirePower and Haunted House are hard too, but great tables.


Apr 12, 2012
If you can't get the piano or the slot machine down, then Twilight Zone is kinda difficult.

Once you figure out how to do left ramp to right ramp to piano, or left ramp to slot machine, it gets really easy...

Yep, never been able to get the timing down right. There's a couple of shots that are just completely blind for me on TZ, no matter what angle camera I pick.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Hardest - am I the only person here who gets destroyed by Whirlwind? Maybe I'm playing it all wrong, but I find it significantly harder than any other table in TPA.

I'm not getting destroyed by that table. I usually get skyway paid and collect all allowed extra balls. THe side ramp is your friend. just shoot it a lot and you will do well.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Cactus Canyon is the only TPA table that is harder than the original (according to those who have played it).

Not in my experience. Shooting the mineshaft is a lot trickier on the real thing for starters. FarSight did a pretty good job of making theirs play like the real deal, but I've yet to play any of the tables in real life only to think FarSight's version is tougher.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Easiest: Who Dunnit? & Bride of Pinbot

Hardest (for me) would be Goin' Nuts & Monster Bash. GN is still the only table that I haven't done all of the table goals :(

As for MB,I just can't seem to get anything going on the table. Which isn't a surprise to me,because I completely sucked on the real thing.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
Easiest tables imo are Cactus Canyon and Who Dunnit and these are really the only two tables I have highly rated scores on (3rd overall on Cactus Canyon and about 36th or so last time I checked on Who Dunnit) I also find Twilight Zone pretty easy and I can complete LITZ every game pretty easily and sometime two or three times per game and my games tend to approach an hour most times on this table, Scared Stiff is also pretty easy and a table I can play long games on.

Hardest for me, Star Trek and Fish Tales, I can never put anything together for long on either of these tables and both drain constantly. The annoying thing is I love both tables but they just frustrate me after a few games as I find them so hard. Firepower I also find very hard but as I'm not as keen on the actual table I rarely play it anymore.

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