Enhanced version of the Star Trek: The Next Generation table on PS4 to be shown at E3


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Check out the animated backglass of Star Trek : The Next Generation on the PS4 at the beginning of the video below. Looks like fully animated backglasses are on the way.



Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Oh, cool touch. It's a shame it's so fleeting, but neat that it's there. The simulated crowd noise is a little "basey" tho'.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Check out the animated backglass of Star Trek : The Next Generation on the PS4 at the beginning of the video below. Looks like fully animated backglasses are on the way

That is excellent news. I wonder if those are ROM controlled yet, or are just random lights for the opening sequence. Hopefully the former :)


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
From Facebook, in response to the question "will you be allowing users of the PS3 version to either import their tables or get them at a reasonable discount?":

The Pinball Arcade We haven't come to an official decision yet, but it will not be completely free for ps3 owners.


New member
Jan 19, 2013
From Facebook, in response to the question "will you be allowing users of the PS3 version to either import their tables or get them at a reasonable discount?":

Interesting. I guess that there is still a chance that we could get a discount on the new tables if we already purchased the ps3 version.

I'll be happy either way, because i'll buy the upgraded tables if they are worth their asking price, or i could theoretically upgrade at a discount, or I could pass on the new version and enjoy the current ps3 version. I dont have any plans to get rid of my ps3 if i get a ps4.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
From Facebook
Sony has announced a Cross Discount feature for the PS4. This will allow us to offer customers who have previously purchased Pinball Arcade content on other Sony platforms a discount when they buy that content on PS4.

And now I'm happy.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
EDIT: sorry netizen, didn't see your post.

They also just posted this:

"Our fans got an early look at the PlayStation4 version of the Pinball Arcade at the E3 show in Los Angeles last week. We were part of the Sony booth, and the game was amazingly well-received by pinball aficionados and novices alike. Our new PS4 lighting technology allows us to model individual lights for each of the 100+ lamps on the typical pinball table (complete with attenuation, blooms, and reflections). The result so far is a level of graphical realism never before seen in a video pinball game and it's going to get even better as we continue to improve the technology! Check out the video below for a sneak peek. In more good news, Sony has announced a Cross Discount feature for the PS4. This will allow us to offer customers who have previously purchased Pinball Arcade content on other Sony platforms a discount when they buy that content on PS4."
Last edited:


New member
Sep 8, 2012
They also just posted this:

<deleted video>

"Our fans got an early look at the PlayStation4 version of the Pinball Arcade at the E3 show in Los Angeles last week. We were part of the Sony booth, and the game was amazingly well-received by pinball aficionados and novices alike. Our new PS4 lighting technology allows us to model individual lights for each of the 100+ lamps on the typical pinball table (complete with attenuation, blooms, and reflections). The result so far is a level of graphical realism never before seen in a video pinball game and it's going to get even better as we continue to improve the technology! Check out the video below for a sneak peek. In more good news, Sony has announced a Cross Discount feature for the PS4. This will allow us to offer customers who have previously purchased Pinball Arcade content on other Sony platforms a discount when they buy that content on PS4."

Sweet news indeed! Now the speculation can shift from if there will be a discount to how much it will be..


Jul 11, 2012
as they continue to improve....uhhg:( sounds like TPA for PS3 all over again. With the ability to fix the game easier this is a baaad sign, glad I'm not being the guinea pig again. Hey FS lemme know when you got it figured out.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I know this isn't a finished build so I'll remain optimistic. The lighting is very nice. Otherwise, the table looks very similar to the PS3 version, which other than the f'd up center lights, is pretty good looking to begin with. While graphical improvements are always a want from the consumer, I'd really like to seem some work done to the sounds as well. Flippers still sounded like the current versions. They sound like a click and don't have that sharp crack feeling that the real thing does. Also, and this is judging from this short video of an unfinished build, the physics look unchanged. I think some more work should be put into this as well. When the ball hits a post, I want it to sound and feel like you just bricked it.

Keep in mind that this opinion is coming from a person who, in theory, will use their PS4 for little else other than TPA and various indie games along with the one or two buy "big" titles of the year. I don't game near as much as I used to and I find most of my gaming time with FarSight's product. I just want to see some bigger improvements for me to justify the $400.00 purchase price of a gaming system that would be, mostly, used to play TPA.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Thank you Sony for thinking about cross discount. I'm sure this is going to affect many of the PSN titles they have.


New member
Dec 3, 2012
The lighting (little invisible spotlights illuminating the playfield around the inserts) reminds me a little bit of 'Age of Pinballs', but this is far better, of course. Will this new lighting tech eventually trickle down to current consoles and mobile devices?

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