Enhanced version of the Star Trek: The Next Generation table on PS4 to be shown at E3


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
From Facebook, in response to someone asking if there would be an official video of the E3 tech demo:

Which is what I was trying to stress before. We're all in for a real treat when The Pinball Arcade is launched on the PS4...and it will be well worth the repurchase...at least IMHO.

Sorry about the edit smbhax...this phone has a mind of its own sometimes. :)


New member
Jan 19, 2013
I think that this is all great news. Im not disappointed that our current ps3 tables wont transfer to the ps4, because I don't plan on selling my ps3. Nothing will prevent us from enjoying our current ps3 tables, and i think that charging for the ps4 version is justified because the ps4 version is a new game that will look and play differently.

Im also glad to find out that the pc version will get the upgraded next-gen graphics in future. Is there any chance that the pc or ps4 version will give us the ability to buy a season pass for a discounted rate on the next-gen tables?


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
From a new post on their Facebook page:

It was an exciting week down at E3 for the Pinball Arcade.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and it was a blast demoing our game to everyone at the show. We’ll be posting official screenshots of the PS4 version next week.

We want to give Sony a huge thanks for included us in their booth. Congratulations to the PlayStation guys for having a great week and an amazing show! The PS4 is going to be awesome and our game is going to look stunning on it!

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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
More from Facebook on PC. (I guess this info should be in PC thread but it is an offshoot of our discussion in here so oh well):

Someone asked:
"Why on Earth would you not have features available on PC when any PC could be the eqivalent, if not superior to, any console? Also, why is it taking so very long from Greenlight to release on PC?"

The Pinball Arcade:
"The PC version is using directx 9 right now, which doesn't support all the features we'd like it to, we'll be adding support for directx 11 and are trying to get as much as we can out of directx 9 at the moment. Not everyone has video cards that support directx 11 so this solution is better for everyone at release time. The reason it is taking so long is because it has bugs that we are ironing out and it needs to finish going through internal testing before a beta is ready. All of this means a higher quality product by release time."

This is great news as it tells us they are only constrained by the graphics libraries they currently use, so things can only get better.

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Jun 15, 2013
How can you be happy with a game using only DirectX 9? That's a 10 year old technology.

Are they also going to consider it a new game when they release the DirectX 11 version, making PC users buy all tables again? Or is that only true for console users?

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012
How can you be happy with a game using only DirectX 9? That's a 10 year old technology.

Are they also going to consider it a new game when they release the DirectX 11 version, making PC users buy all tables again? Or is that only true for console users?

I'm happy with DX9. I hope they keep DX9 version to people with low spec. Pinball FX 2 works fine on my notebook.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
How can you be happy with a game using only DirectX 9? That's a 10 year old technology.

Are they also going to consider it a new game when they release the DirectX 11 version, making PC users buy all tables again? Or is that only true for console users?
They're trying to make it accessible to as many potential customers as possible. The target audience for pinball includes a somewhat older demographic who may not need or want to get a new computer every few years.

And no, I would not expect the DX11 version to be a "new" game. It will probably just be a video option somewhere, along with resolution, etc.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Can we please reserve this thread for PlayStation 4 talk and move the PC port to another thread?

Anyway, Sony should fire the PlayStation rep at the PS4 E3 booth who has been telling everyone that TPA for the PS4 will be free for owners of the PS3/Vita versions.

I've seen this new reposted and spread like crazy. It should also be removed from that website ASAP.

I actually preordered the PS4 when hearing this, but have since canceled the preorder. $80+ worth of pinball DLC with my PS4 was a hell of an incentive for me to move to the new platform. Oh well.

All I can hope now is that Farsight doesn't give up on fixing the PS3 version of TPA.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
If the PC will be getting the visual updates in the future free I think it's a bit odd they feel the need to recharge for the ps4. Yes they are doing more work but with the ps4 months away they are just going to dry up ps3 sales. Why buy a worse version when a better one is coming? They need some incentive to still buy the ps3 stuff. A discount or something on the next gen if you have the current stuff.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Why buy a worse version when a better one is coming?

A lot of people can't afford and won't upgrade to a PS4 at least for 18 months to 2 years. The PS3 has been out for a long time now whereas the PC version has as yet to materialise, and people who buy tables on the PC now know improvements will come which will help sales for the NEW PC product.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
How can you be happy with a game using only DirectX 9? That's a 10 year old technology.

Are they also going to consider it a new game when they release the DirectX 11 version, making PC users buy all tables again? Or is that only true for console users?

Who said I am happy about it being in DirectX 9? Actually I was quite surprised. What I am happy about is knowing it can get a whole lot better when it gets upgraded to a new DirectX version, as they are not currently taken advantage of what modern PC hardware can achieve.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
A lot of people can't afford and won't upgrade to a PS4 at least for 18 months to 2 years. The PS3 has been out for a long time now whereas the PC version has as yet to materialise, and people who buy tables on the PC now know improvements will come which will help sales for the NEW PC product.

I know, I'm probably not upgrading right away due to cost but even at that it just feels like a waste if money.
You could use the same argument for the PS3 as you did PC. knowing they have improved tables sitting there for me when and if I upgrade would keep me handing them cash. Right now even though they are small amounts you can snowball yourself in the hole pretty quick on stuff you would have to rebuy. I've already spent 90 on PS3 alone. If the pricing was the same you're looking at a easy 100.
With the bad visual issues the PS3 has had on a number of tables I think they should cut us a break on trying to replace the tables they screwed up on.
Would the PS4 be the death of the Vita cross buy too?
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New member
Mar 26, 2012
Would the PS4 be the death of the Vita cross buy too?
I have a feeling that it would work like this:

TPAv1 PS3 <-> TPAv1 Vita
TPAv2 PS4 <-> TPAv2 Vita
but TBAv2 Vita will not work on PS3. So I imagine you may possibly have a state where two Pinball Arcade versions are on your Vita, one that's cross-play compatible with PS3, and another with PS4.

Note that I'm just using the "v" numbers to identify distinct versions of TPA... not saying that one of them is what FS considers "v1" and another is considered "v2". Just that there could be two different ones.

That's how I think it'll be worked, anyway.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
But the PS4 isn't a PS3 like Android isn't an Xbox 360. It's a new platform that happens to come from the same company (Sony).

At the same time I can understand your frustration to have to buy again.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
But the PS4 isn't a PS3 like Android isn't an Xbox 360. It's a new platform that happens to come from the same company (Sony).

At the same time I can understand your frustration to have to buy again.

The main issue is the ethics behind it. To me we were a bit screwed over on broken/ugly packs and broken patches. The free pinball they said was coming for the borked patch (not a big deal but still...) is nowhere to be seen. How long ago did we hear they were going to fix Black Knight? They rush out the season pass patch before the reveal to try to get the money upfront for tables right up to the PS4 launch because they know the sales would have dropped if they didn't secure the cash first.
To me, I funded this better looking game by buying their sub par game that we have been begging them to fix...and it seems like the only solution is to re-buy the whole thing on a different platform.
The PS4 version is so much better it requires a price tag? Then why does Steam get the upgrade free?
I'm okay with some kind of upgrade fee. If they said give us 50 bucks right now because we screwed you over a bit and we'll give you PSN codes for the base game and 2 season passes when it's released...I'd do it. I just think a full double dip on customers that you really put through a bit of crap is terrible.


Jul 11, 2012
You think it will still be mono audio and have that same lame ass song from Gottlieb collection they're still using? Why would you bring an unfinished version of a TPA table to E3 for the PS4? Will these remade tables take as long as the PS3's to make? Is this going to be another learn as you go things with every pack being inconsistent?

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