Ever wondered why they never made *this* pinball???

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Alright I have one for you guys, and it is way way way overdue. A pinball machine based on the Die Hard series, I mean John Mclane (Bruce Willis) could do voices for the pinball machine. With 5 movies out their and a 6 one on the way, they would have so much to do on this franchise. I'm going to a pinball show Tommorrow in Orlando Florida and I'm going to bring that up to Jack, I think his team would do it justice. But they do have to talk to 20th Century Fox first, it's all about the liscencing, so what do you all think. "Welcome to the party pal" or "Come to the coast, get together, have a few laughs" or the most famous Die Hard line "Yippi Yi Kay Mother F--ker.


New member
Nov 19, 2013
Breaking Bad - quite easy scenario: make drugs to Sell for score. Multiball = shoot out. A lot of mini Games would also be possible


New member
Jul 9, 2012
As unusual and stupid as it may sound, Mallrats would make an excellent table (only if it's uncensored of course.) Besides, there's a profound lack of tables featuring Jay and Silent Bob.


Given the obsession with bands, and retro stuff why hasn't this been made into a pinball game yet :mad:



New member
Nov 3, 2013
American Gladiators-Specifically the original version. Here is the way it would work

There are 7 events you have to complete. After completing all you unlock Eliminator multiball. The 6 events are
Atlasphere-Land the ball 5 times in a kick-out hole that is shapped like an Atlasphere scoring pod
Skytrak-Complete two ramp shots consecutively
Assault-Around the playfield are 5 targets that must be hit before the ball drains.
Gauntlet-A trapped ball is hit 5 times each time knocking down a drop-down target
Powerball-Three balls must be locked. Once they are locked it activates a three-ball Powerball mode
Joust-A set of jet bumpers must be hit 40 times.
Eliminator-Once the other 6 events were completed then it unlocks the eliminator a set of required shots. Upon completion of the Eliminator it unlocks Eliminator multiball

References to other events-The skill shot is based off Breakthrough and Conquer in which you have to score a touchdown but can not hit the ball into the Conquer circle
The Wall-In the back of the playfield would be a climbing wall
Hang Tough-When the ball drains one of the animations on the DMD is a Gladiaor pulling the contender off the rings
Pyramid-The free game would involve the gladiator pulling the contender down the Pyramid to a certain number


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I mentioned this in another thread, but knowing a little bit more about the forum, I'll go into more detail:

"Bomb Squad"-it's all about diffusing bombs. Think of all the possibilities...several stages of bombs, each a more powerful explosion than before, from a stick of dynamite to a time bomb to a nuclear warhead. The first diffusion is dropping a couple of targets. Then it progresses to dropping them in order, then hitting a captured ball to break the connection. The time bomb must be diffused in a reasonable amount of time, pressure being applied by the sound of a ticking clock, and a voice telling you to hurry up. Each level must be completed before the ball drains, or the game starts over. The wizard round is a nuclear warhead accidentally activated. Win, and the levels begin again. Lose, the table goes dark, followed by the backglass becoming a video screen, and showing a mushroom cloud, followed by a (safe) blast of air. This would represent the shockwave, then a low frequency rumble from the subwoofer mounted in the cabinet. The usual extra balls (by score) and multi-balls (by skill shot). But, NO gazillion point award, no "God Shot". And there's no licensing agreement necessary!


New member
Aug 18, 2013
Mega Man. 8 modes, one for each boss. Then wizard mode in Wily's Castle. There's so many great Mega Man characters that the possibilities of what you could do with the theme and modes is nearly endless. You could pick and choose bosses from the 10 games to suit the modes you'd like to include. It'd also be an attractive theme for anyone familiar with video games.

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