Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

Vote for a Pre-1980 Table

  • Centrigrade 37™

    Votes: 8 2.4%
  • Fireball™

    Votes: 27 8.0%
  • Flash™

    Votes: 26 7.7%
  • Future Spa™

    Votes: 17 5.0%
  • Joker Poker™

    Votes: 9 2.7%
  • Mata Hari™

    Votes: 17 5.0%
  • Paragon™

    Votes: 79 23.4%
  • Royal Flush™

    Votes: 15 4.4%
  • Spirit of 76™

    Votes: 14 4.1%
  • Time Warp™

    Votes: 6 1.8%
  • Xenon™

    Votes: 120 35.5%

  • Total voters
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David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I know, I just read someone wants Lost World, so it made me think of Escape from the lost world. Sorry I voted for Xenon, I'm not a fan of EM games, sorry guys.


Jun 4, 2014
(Ok, let's see if this quote thing can handle all of this!)

Man, some of the complaining and hypocrisy in this thread is entertaining.

In my opinion, we're pretty damn lucky to even be getting to choose a table. They could've just chose one on their own, like Genie or Central Park, and just said the hell with you guys. I do understand the frustration, since they said an EM was coming this season, and now seems to be overtaken by a SS like Xenon, but such is life. I think it has more to do with the popularity and market of EMs more than anything. To that end, that's on the fans, not the company. Trust me, I was hoping for Fireball, but I'll be just as happy with Xenon. I'm just grateful they even chose to let us participate.

In a modern world, there should NEVER have any vote or poll with only one round, doing a 2nd round between the 2 tables with more votes on round 1 would be by far the fairest way to proceed.

No, a poll is a poll. There shouldn't ever be a 2nd, 3rd, 4th round. lol The poll was created to see what *1* table people wanted the most, and just because the leading candidate is a table you don't like, doesn't mean there should be a round 2, 3, or 4. Even if there was another round, do you really think it would change the circumstances any?

I still think the poll should be open to only people over 45. Seems a few people are voting on artwork only or looks of the machine.

Now you're just being ridiculous. Who are you to exclude people of lesser age, just because a table you prefer not to win is actually winning?

I'm 49 years old, and I voted for Xenon because I like the table. Yeah, the art is nice, but the table is better than any EM on that list, in my opinion, and I've never liked Paragon. So, it was an easy decision for me.

Personally, if this was a strict EM poll, Fireball would have my vote in a second, but it appears they changed the rules of the game and wanted to add in some later tables that people have obviously been clamoring for.

To me it seems like too many people are getting hung up on the semantics of the name of the poll. It's the poll they wanted to do and the table choices they decided to include.

Although I'm not personally that excited about Xenon or Paragon they didn't have to do a community choice in the first place. I think a lot of people are missing that fact.

So my vote would be to just leave it be and not make this any more complicated than it needs to be. Would rather encourage more community choices than have this become more trouble than its worth to repeat in the future.


I voted for Xenon but IMO we really shouldn't be grateful for having ONE poll where we can pick an old table. There should be more of them in TPA to begin with. How many more Lawlor and DMD Bally/Williams tables do we really need?

I agree with you to a degree, but Farsight is giving people the most popular and most requested tables, which are easily Lawlor and DMD tables, by far.

I think that Xenon is best for the maybe upcoming Pinball After Dark. IMO opinion the reason that Xenon is winning because most of the art work is very, very provocative. It seems to me that people are voting for this table because of the hormones produced by the images on the table and not the gameplay. That's just my thought.

I've watched game play of both machines on PAPA and YouTube and In my humble opinion, the game play of Paragon looks a lot more fun to me than the game play of Xenon.

I still would like to have a runoff for the top three tables voted for in this poll. Let's call this poll a Primary Election and the voting for the top three the General Election.

Pretty Please With Sugar-On-Top; Farsight, let's have a top three run-off.

I think that's a mighty big stretch.

I also don't agree with Paragon. If you want to talk about a table that gets boring quick, that would sum up Paragon nicely. It's even worse in that department than Xenon!

people just have no taste

Speak for yourself.

Wouldn't Xenon be an "After Dark" table anyway?

I don't see why? There's nothing to me that would be deemed PAD material. I think the fact that the table is included in the poll kinda already answers that question.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Damn, was hoping Flash would get a good look-in, at least it's a fairly good player compared to the majority of the titles up there. Oh well, hopefully it has a chance of appearing in TPA eventually.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
No, a poll is a poll. There shouldn't ever be a 2nd, 3rd, 4th round. lol The poll was created to see what *1* table people wanted the most, and just because the leading candidate is a table you don't like, doesn't mean there should be a round 2, 3, or 4. Even if there was another round, do you really think it would change the circumstances any?

Well, 1st i dont really care which table will be choosen, i can barely play this game these days and never played any of the tables selected IRL. I got to concede that for the reasons most of people mentioned here, i'm against Xenon, it should be a real EM table, and this Xenon will come on TPA on day or another. But it's not such a big deal for me.

As i said, i just think that in all situations where u're not in a hurry, there should always have a 2nd round in any vote where u got more than 2 candidates. Well, in a perfect perfect world u would even have 9 rounds, to eliminate the last candidate each time, but we dont have the time needed for that theses days ;p
Coz yes, a poll is a poll when u just want to have opinions from people, just to know, but when a poll is used to take a decision then it's not a poll, it's a vote, and at the end of the day the winner should be elected with +50% of votes. Anyways, again it's not a big deal, i'm sure they wont change the way they do things this time, and i dont blame FS for this and yes, it's already good to be able to give ours opinions, i just say that a 2nd round would ensure to have a result closer of what the community really wants.... even if if the table elected in this case maybe wouldnt be a one u like :p
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Active member
Feb 9, 2014
to all the future voters, please, vote for paragon even if you have your own favourite since all the others have no chance and xenon really shouldn't win this one.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
You know what guys? IIRC we were told by FarSight that there would be an EM this season. Right? Well, if that's the case Fireball should be coming anyway. Anybody remember this?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
You know what guys? IIRC we were told by FarSight that there would be an EM this season. Right? Well, if that's the case Fireball should be coming anyway. Anybody remember this?

I remember that as well. But I'll believe it when I see it.

Star Hedgehog

New member
Feb 4, 2014
Hi. I have seen a poll on the forum dating back last year with 30 EM tables and fans were to pick their top 10 tables. My nominated table currently on this poll "Spirit of 76" came in second with 113 votes while Wizard won with 130 votes on the previous poll. Will Pinball Arcade still keep these top picked EM tables in consideration? "Spirit of 76" was digitized once before by Microsoft in 1998 who also first digitized Cue Ball and Haunted House in the same package. My aunt used to own the actual Spirit of 76 table and it was the first machine I ever played and its what got me into pinball, so there is a lot of history in this EM, and in my personal opinion it is a good looking table. Thank you, have a great day.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Damn, was hoping Flash would get a good look-in, at least it's a fairly good player compared to the majority of the titles up there. Oh well, hopefully it has a chance of appearing in TPA eventually.

The good thing is they made over 19k Flash's in real life so, it's not to expensive. I'd like to get a cheap project Flash and trick it out in LED's and Cointaker post flashers tied into the pops and slings.


New member
Dec 18, 2013
Hmmm, so in re-reading the title of this poll, I am noticing "Pre-1980". I take this to mean before 1980. While I certainly do not know what Farsight will end up choosing, by all rights, Xenon should be disqualified. Consider this: if this was the poll by Farsight asking for the next pinball table, would Xenon be that choice? I mean, this is the first time that I am seeing this table mentioned (at least anytime recent). If the voting is not going to stay within the designated parameters then I vote for F14 Tomcat from 1987. I get that we are not going to see many EM tables. I get that many (perhaps the majority) here want the more modern bells and whistles tables. Those dominate The Pinball Arcade. I am ok with that. Personally, I do not give a crap about the upcoming Starship Troopers pin to be released. I never got into the whole theme of Starship Troopers nor do I care to. I get that there are a lot of people who like that and they are getting it. I am good with that. The Pinball Arcade should not always be about what one person likes. Give the EM folks a day in court here and let's choose an old table and throw us a bone.

Star Hedgehog

New member
Feb 4, 2014
Hmmm, so in re-reading the title of this poll, I am noticing "Pre-1980". I take this to mean before 1980. While I certainly do not know what Farsight will end up choosing, by all rights, Xenon should be disqualified

Hi, I understand what are saying. I felt the same way but have looked more into this and determined it is possible Xenon does count. This is debatable but politically the 1980's did not start until 1981. If we look at it this way, then Xenon would be the youngest pre-1980s table after being manufatured in November of 1980. 2 months before 1981.
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