First impressions


May 19, 2012
There does seem to be a lot of love for this table. But I'm amazed that over 13,000 of the actual tables were sold. I've played it in arcades, but always considered it inferior to Ritchie's original. The playfield seems so unnecessarily cluttered compared with High Speed. And to me, it plays slower than the original. The best thing about the actual game, IMO, was one I played that had insanely bright LED lights under the playfield. It was dazzling (if blinding) and made the game feel a lot more exciting. I wish the TPA version on my Mac looked remotely as good the video Pinballwiz45b posted.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
There does seem to be a lot of love for this table. But I'm amazed that over 13,000 of the actual tables were sold. I've played it in arcades, but always considered it inferior to Ritchie's original. The playfield seems so unnecessarily cluttered compared with High Speed. And to me, it plays slower than the original.
Yeah, I'm with you on that one. Of course, I'm biased with owning the original :) Having said that, if I had the choice I'd still stick with mine, I just think it plays a lot faster and is a lot more distilled.

It available on iOS!!!
2 days to practice for the mobile tourney
Yes! I was expecting it to come over the weekend, so this is a pleasant surprise.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
My only problem us that I still have the SC logo even though HSII is in the app


Yep me too, with the hsII iOS update there was also a safecracker, medieval madness and monster bash update. The. Safecracker had something to do with translations. But did MM and MB get the new flipper physics?


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Farsight needs to increase the scoring limit when you're playing the demo table...these are always set way too low and you can really not get a feel for the table and it's flow. This is one table I'm on the fence about and playing the demo table doesn't give me any real feel for liking the table enough to buy it. :(


New member
Dec 26, 2012
I have the real machine and have the L5 rom, when multiball starts it should only release one ball at a time not all 3 at once.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
that's what I said.

the issue is the post not physically popping up fast enough to block the second ball in the simulation.


New member
May 3, 2013
Replay doesn't award EB because it's how the game is set up. Most recent tables are like that especially those where it is easy to get EBs some other way, like HS2.

So what good is lighting a Special in this game? It really sucks to have a light/goal the game sets you up with and you get zero reward for it. Specials should at least be worth 10m if they aren't going to give you a ball. Putting a machine on free play shouldn't make the game itself less fun with less goals just because two of them (Special and hitting the goal score) give you a free game on a physical table not set to free play.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
So what good is lighting a Special in this game? It really sucks to have a light/goal the game sets you up with and you get zero reward for it. Specials should at least be worth 10m if they aren't going to give you a ball. Putting a machine on free play shouldn't make the game itself less fun with less goals just because two of them (Special and hitting the goal score) give you a free game on a physical table not set to free play.

Ask and ye shall receive.



New member
May 4, 2012
Add an extra zero and I'll consider losing a ball... :)
I seriously think Specials are worth way, way too few points on most tables, but I don't guess Farsight can do anything about that. I think I'd make a Special worth 200M on HS2. And an EB worth 40M if in a no-EBs mode.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
I seriously think Specials are worth way, way too few points on most tables, but I don't guess Farsight can do anything about that. I think I'd make a Special worth 200M on HS2. And an EB worth 40M if in a no-EBs mode.

I imagine IRL on a machine that is not in free mode earning a special would be a glorious thing and you wouldn't even care about points... When I play in tournaments with extra balls turned off getting an extra ball results in points and varies by machine - for example, Star Trek (stern) an EB is a paltry 2mil - but in fish tales video mode - shooting the EB is worth 20 million.

As far as specials - I wonder if there is an operator setting that could sweeten the scoring - and if so could TPA set that to default - not technically factory settings default - but not unreasonable for how we play the game


New member
Feb 8, 2014
As far as specials - I wonder if there is an operator setting that could sweeten the scoring - and if so could TPA set that to default - not technically factory settings default - but not unreasonable for how we play the game

Different tables have different settings as to what to award for Specials. The default of course is a single credit, but it can be set typically to EB, points (either fixed or maybe variable), or nothing. Some tables (Black Rose) it's just plain broken - it's supposed to award 10M+Jackpot, but all it does is award nothing and resets the Jackpot to its base value.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
interesting about black rose - haven't played in a while - is it easy to avoid getting a special?

was just thinking about the old light gun games like duck hunt - where you just shoot anything and everything without consequence (kind of like pinball) - eventually those shooters evolved to include targets (like innocent victims) that gave you a penalty if you shot them - so you had to have quick reflexes and basically think before you shoot. Some of the zen pinball modes do this (hit this but not this) but i don't think there is any examples (that I can think of) in real pinball.

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