For Duffers: The BASIC Goals You Just Can't Get


New member
May 4, 2012
lol youve never heard my voice either man, when it comes to pinball does it matter what sex you are?
PAPA or Pinburgh used to have a women's division. So it definitely mattered at least to who was setting up that tournament.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
PAPA or Pinburgh used to have a women's division. So it definitely mattered at least to who was setting up that tournament.

isnt that weird? did they have a casual divison too? when it comes to reflexes its all rather silly, but like john mcenore says id kick seerna williams ass


New member
May 4, 2012
did they have a casual divison too?
They had a C division, and I think still do. (I played in C in PAPA 1995, otherwise always B other than 1.5 years of A.) And at least some PAPA's and/or Pinburghs that I went to had a Juniors division, and I faintly remember a Seniors division, but that could be wrong. I think C was intended for people who had never been in any kind of pinball tournament before, or maybe had never played competitively. So not necessarily the same as casual players. (But I don't know if "casual" has been well-defined.)

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