I suspect twilight zone will be too easy to handle the slot machine kickout as well.
A hit to rudy's jaw, if done from the hallway kickout or from the hideout kickout, is pretty safe. it's not always consistent, but i don't fear it. Trying after the steps, though.. that's HARD. I miss much more often, and drain a LOT more that way.
just tried twilight zone. and yup,you can trap or dead bounce every ball that comes out of the slot machine...
Finally, did something happen to the leaderboard? The discussion here seems to indicate several players have crept close to 1 billion scores, but the leaderboard I see on the PC version and website shows the top score as 846m. (Well, top after the 999m I just put up.)
PC is supposed to share the same leaderboard as Sony/Android/iOS. Everything but X360 is together.
Yeah, I had 100M on Taxi, and bumped it to 126M last week.
Funhouse shows my 999.6M, 999.7M by Tarek Oberdieck (new since last week), and the next highest is 846m by WlkBtwnRnDrps. I see this both in-game and on pinballarcade.com. No sign of any other 999M scores on Funhouse from you or anyone else. Don't know what's going on there.
1. Tarek Oberdieck 999,732,800
2. vikingerik 999,662,230
3. WlkBtwnRnDrps 846,601,810
4. geohoo 604,575,360
5. Space Tractor 540,795,470
6. krazysteve1958368,017,470
7. chk341,982,260
8. Roy Wils 340,221,360
9. Mart 314,601,390
10. csw 309,228,080
it's once per ball. but yeah that allows you to recover. It's a worthwhile goal if you have enough room for it.The Gangway extra ball is NOT limited. I collected it at least five times in a game. Since you can collect both that and the Mystery Mirror EB on every ball, yeah it's pretty easy to play Funhouse forever, you can make up for a ball that drains too quick without completing the mirror.
This is how it's done in real life, if you have a kickout that cooperates. HOWEVER... in TPA, hidden hallway after the ramp is as difficult as direct trapdoor after hidden hallway. SO that's why ramp to superdog to mirror to dead bounce to hallway is used instead.As for regular multiball, I've got a simpler sequence for hitting the million plus than Sean described in the first post of this thread, once you hit the trap door once.
- Start with ball 1 on the right flipper and ball 2 about to come out of the scoop eject (like after a trap door shot)
- Shoot ramp with ball 1, then hold the right flipper to catch ball 2 out of the scoop and keep holding it
- With ball 1 from the ramp, shoot the lock hallway
- With ball 1 from the lock, shoot the trap door
- Start over again by shooting the ramp with still-held ball 2 before ball 1 comes out of the eject.
If you keep the timing on the right rhythm, you don't need the mirror shot at all. Before each ball ejects from the scoop, start the ramp-lock-trapdoor sequence with the other ball. That's all there is to it. Ramp - right Gangway - trapdoor is also an option, which is more fun IMO and works towards the Gangway EB, though recovering from misses is more chancy.
I only just now looked at the leaderboards via pinballarcade.com. I never have before. From the looks of it, all the top tens except Funhouse are the same (at least the ones where I have a top ten score)
Here's what PS3/Vita shows right now for Funhouse:
And from pinballarcade.com:
Interesting that a lower score from Roy Wils is there (on the website). I know his 703M has been there for easily a year. That was the #1 score at the time I got my 998M, then my score was #1 for most of this year (little did I know it may have been beaten long ago and I just never saw it.) Moovenstein got his score fairly recently. I think syncing with this table has been broken for a while. Also as you can see, evidently there's no ceiling at a billion. If I knew that, I would have kept playing. I'm thinking the PS4 version might get me back into it again.
I wonder if everyone else who doesn't show up on the website's list is on PS3/Vita?
BTW, how'd you score that high on AFM? I don't think it's much of a secret that the way to these scores is to get the game "on rails" and set up safe, repeatable shots. That damn right orbit STDM drain though... does it happen on the PC version? That bug killed my will to keep chasing the leaderboards.
Just can't figure it out. I complete the Mystery Mirror on pretty much every ball I play, but I have not completely figured out how it functions. That is embarrassing to admit, because I've been playing a long time. Although, I have never done a lot of research. I tried though and I can not find an in-depth guide to it. My problem is with the lighting system. I know when a solid light is on an objective in the Mystery Mirror, it means that objective is complete. And when a flashing light is active, it means that objective can be activated by shooting the ball into the mirror. But, most of the time, I just get a whooshing sound and nothing else happens. So I shoot to the pop bumpers to get a flashing light on one of the other Mystery Mirror objectives. Sometimes when I shoot the Mystery Mirror after that, I activate a new objective, sometimes ... just the same whooshing sound again. And again. Sometimes the objective activates though, and it seems so random. What am I missing?
After completing an objective, hit Rudy in the mouth to relight. Hitting pop bumpers just changes the mirror objectives.
there is a white insert just below the mirror hole that indicates whether it's lit or not.