New member
- Jul 15, 2012
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Damn, gotta try that. Sounds implausible, but worth a try. Wonder if it works on 360, too.
We've confirmed IOS and Vita, so probably it's the same on 360 too.
Damn, gotta try that. Sounds implausible, but worth a try. Wonder if it works on 360, too.
Damn, gotta try that. Sounds implausible, but worth a try. Wonder if it works on 360, too.
Can't make it work on 360. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are talking about.
If I flip at the absolutely earliest time possible that will actually send the ball anywhere, it always goes straight to Rudy. 100% of the time.
Is anyone able to record a video or something?I just can't make it work
Far be it for me to argue with somebody whose high score is 10x as high as mine but I don't think Super Dog is nearly the waste you've stated. If you've mastered the Super Dog -> Mystery Mirror shot, you can easily do a left flipper -> Super Dog -> Mystery Mirror -> dead pass back to left flipper sequence with very little danger. Granted, you're looking at only a million or two but it's very low risk.
Also, personally, I have never mastered the trap door shot. I had it down pat on the PHOF versions of this game but can't get it on this one. I'm way better at it real life than I am on the PS3 TPA.
The OP covered MM strategy pretty well, so I won't say too much here. I DO believe in letting that third ball go. I don't do that immediately, but if I have the chance to get one trapped in each flipper, I'll let that third one go. The vast majority of your Million Plus shots are going to be with two balls, not three. It's tough to keep things under control with three, so don't be afraid to let that third one go. But to re-emphasize general strategy: Shoot trap door, shoot steps ramp, repeat (duh).
When you need to advance the clock the fastest and safest method is ramp to mirror off superdog, catch, repeat. you should make these shots nearly every time.
Might take a little longer, but it is definitely safer to just shoot the mirror over and over (just trap right and repeat). You get 10 minutes per shot but MUCH easier to never miss.
it's a wash in my experience. the ramp and superdog bounce into the mirror are both very easy shots, and that loop advances the clock much faster (which reduces risk, offsetting whatever difference in risk there is between the shots themselves). i'd say it comes down to personal preference, and how confident you are in the ramp/dog loop.
1) always plunge weakly. Try to master right right inlane to mirror. if you can't hack that, then right inlane to ramp to mirror is good.
to each their own, but if you can hit the hideout every time (on my iPad2 i am over 99% on hitting the hideout on plunge) then it is good for a million points every time you plunge the ball .. and you plunge the ball a LOT in this game! then, when the ball gets kicked out of the hideout, I knock rudy, which sends the ball arguably slightly out of control, but catchable/recoverable 98% of the time. from there i start working on the mirror or, if that's done, ramp-dog-mirror loops. my typical game ends up with around 200 rudy hits (which is over 10 million in bonus per ball, not counting frenzies) and who knows how many million-point shots into the hideout.
Man, all this talk about completing the mirror every ball and I'm lucky if I can manage it once per game, even if I concentrate on nothing else. I just can't seem to regain control of the ball after hitting Rudy -- I nudge, ball hits a slingshot and it's over more often than not. Frustrating.