Funhouse Tactics and Strategies


New member
Jul 29, 2012
Damn, gotta try that. Sounds implausible, but worth a try. Wonder if it works on 360, too.

yep, it works on IOS -- it's what i do (499 million top score, but it's only on gamecenter, not farsight's leaderboards). if you look closely after the shot, the ball actually ricochets off the left steps ramp target in order to make the orbit.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Can't make it work on 360. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are talking about.
If I flip at the absolutely earliest time possible that will actually send the ball anywhere, it always goes straight to Rudy. 100% of the time.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Can't make it work on 360. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are talking about.
If I flip at the absolutely earliest time possible that will actually send the ball anywhere, it always goes straight to Rudy. 100% of the time.

When the shot works, it actually ricochets off something and into the trap door. I often hit rudy when trying it. The shot has to be a millisecond before that.


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Jul 15, 2012
Advanced Tips (aka, Point-Mongering Edition)

First, again, great writeup by the OP. It does a good job explaining all the features, what should be focused on, and good general strategy.

I'll share a few more critical tips now that I've had my end-all be-all game and I'll be moving on to something else. I'll have fun watching you guys chase the leaderboards :cool:

There are two and only two things to concentrate on, and in THIS order:

1) Complete the mystery mirror on every ball
2) Midnight Multiball / Million Plus

(Edit: the other things... the additional EBs, Rudy hits, etc... these will all happen naturally over the course of a game)

Mystery Mirror

This is the source for unlimited extra balls that will keep your game going. As the OP stated, if you don't complete it, it's an extra ball wasted because you'll have to do it on the next ball... and the mirror is disabled for the remainder of that ball once you do complete it. The other EBs (replay score, special, steps award, gangway) can all only be awarded once, to my knowledge. So again, although Midnight Multiball is going to be your source for the big points, you should always always concentrate on completing the mystery mirror first on each ball.


Pretty simple. Trap right, shoot mirror. Dead pass to left from eject, shoot lock, shoot Rudy, repeat.

Additional tips:

- Also practice the superdog-to-mirror shot from the left flipper. Since post transferring is fairly unreliable in this game, this shot is also critical. It is also critical when you shift focus to Midnight Multiball. More on that in a moment.
- The "Steps Gate Open" award is valuable. It's different from simply lighting the steps ramp in a very key way: it will save you from a left outlane drain. So when you get it, AVOID shooting the steps ramp to keep that as insurance.
- Quick Multiball can be lucrative, but be mindful of the double drain and concentrate on ball control to avoid that (ie, better to let one ball drain than to do something risky that can lose both... and if that happens, that's another EB you won't get.) Also, see tips below regarding multi-ball control and using the mirror shot to your advantage.
- As the OP says, ignore Superdog. Just flat-out ignore it. Waste of time and you are creating drain hazards.
- As for Super Frenzy, yes you can indeed get some epic points if you can start midnight multiball right after it starts, and especially if you can stack a regular frenzy on top of that to add time to the clock (up to 35 seconds). However, DO NOT delay picking up SF when it is lit, in an attempt to achieve the multiball stack, or you'll end up sorry. Trust me, in the long run, you just want to be sure you pick up SF before losing the ball. It's not even about the bonus points, it's about having that EB available on the next ball again. That is the priority. Once SF starts, if you want to try to rack it up, throw it up the left gangway into the pop bumpers. If you're lucky, the ball will rattle around off them for a while and jack up the SF bonus. Be aware it's a potential SDTM hazard though... but you've completed the mirror at this point, so go for it if you wish. If you DO get the multiball stack, FIRE AWAY with reckless abandon! It doesn't really fit the "tight game" strategy I'm trying to emphasize here... but hell, it's fun. Just don't lose all three.

Midnight Multiball

So you've completed the mirror... or maybe, you got to 11:30 before completing the mirror. If so, that's okay, get going with multiball since it's tougher to get the Rudy hits at this point (because Lock is lit). Just remember if the mirror is incomplete, get right back to that when MM ends.


The OP covered MM strategy pretty well, so I won't say too much here. I DO believe in letting that third ball go. I don't do that immediately, but if I have the chance to get one trapped in each flipper, I'll let that third one go. The vast majority of your Million Plus shots are going to be with two balls, not three. It's tough to keep things under control with three, so don't be afraid to let that third one go. But to re-emphasize general strategy: Shoot trap door, shoot steps ramp, repeat (duh).

Additional tips:

- Think of your starting goal as always trying to get one ball trapped on each flipper. From here you can: Shoot lock, shoot trap door (if already open), or, Shoot ramp -> Shoot lock -> Shoot trap door (and as the ramp ball comes back to the left flipper, try for the superdog to mirror shot, or even a shot straight to the lock is possible)
- As OP stated, the mirror eject is your friend, ESPECIALLY here. You can trap on the right, or dead pass trap on the left, 99% of the time (watch out for the occasional unpredictable eject though, especially when two or three balls are in there at the same time). USE this to your advantage in MM and at every opportunity. Let's say for example you have one ball trapped on the right, and the other ball is entering the mirror. Quickly shoot your trapped ball into the mirror as well, just before the other one ejects (so they don't bunch up in there and give you that unpredictable eject). That way, you're free to trap left and then trap right again. Now rack up those unlimited ten millions!!
- Here's the big one. Some would call this tedium, and they'd be right. But if you really want to shoot for the leaderboards, this is what you have to do. When you've completed the mirror, and you are now tasked with running up the clock to 11:30, shoot the mirror shot over and over. Each shot will give you only 15 minutes, BUT you can trap right and repeat this, safely. The mirror shot is VERY easy to master and you should rarely miss it. Yes, it takes time and yes, it's tempting to throw the ball into the maxed jet bumpers for a potentially quick clock run-up, but it's risky and will cost you in the long run. This post is about getting high scores. If that's what you want, trust me.

Regarding the trap door shot:

As was discussed previously in this thread, I had a difficult time finding the sweet spot for the all-important trap door shot. On the Vita, I adopted the strategy of hitting that shot as EARLY as possible, which can result in a shot that caroms into the trap door. This is for when the ball ejects from the lock (thanks to MAYUH for that most valuable tip.) If the ball is coming from Rudy's Hideout or a right-to-left gangway shot, a more "traditional" aim is usually more successful. Your results may vary (possibly even depending on platform). I can confirm this method also works for the PS3, although, I have found that on the PS3 taking direct aim at the trap door also seems feasible. I just couldn't do that on the Vita for some reason.

Fun Fact: It appears that Rudy hits max out at 255. Once you go over that, it flips back to zero and you no longer get all that bonus. :/

And finally, a challenge to the rest of you...

Will this game register 1,000,000,000 + points? I welcome some brave soul to find out. Today, I killed my game at 998 million, because I was afraid to find out the hard way. If it will indeed register over a billion (and not reset to zero), then I may one day renew my interest in this game.
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Apr 12, 2012
Far be it for me to argue with somebody whose high score is 10x as high as mine but I don't think Super Dog is nearly the waste you've stated. If you've mastered the Super Dog -> Mystery Mirror shot, you can easily do a left flipper -> Super Dog -> Mystery Mirror -> dead pass back to left flipper sequence with very little danger. Granted, you're looking at only a million or two but it's very low risk.

Also, personally, I have never mastered the trap door shot. I had it down pat on the PHOF versions of this game but can't get it on this one. I'm way better at it real life than I am on the PS3 TPA.



New member
Jul 15, 2012
Is anyone able to record a video or something? :) I just can't make it work

Okay, I was bored today, so I did this. This ball came from the lock eject. This shot is EARLIER than the Rudy shot. I slowed it down to 25% speed and looped it a few times. Watch as the ball ricochets off the target to the right of the steps ramp. This was done on the PS3. It works the same on the Vita, and it has been reported to work on IOS too. I imagine it works on all versions. This is the ONLY way I have been able to hit the shot with consistency.

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New member
Jul 15, 2012
Far be it for me to argue with somebody whose high score is 10x as high as mine but I don't think Super Dog is nearly the waste you've stated. If you've mastered the Super Dog -> Mystery Mirror shot, you can easily do a left flipper -> Super Dog -> Mystery Mirror -> dead pass back to left flipper sequence with very little danger. Granted, you're looking at only a million or two but it's very low risk.

Also, personally, I have never mastered the trap door shot. I had it down pat on the PHOF versions of this game but can't get it on this one. I'm way better at it real life than I am on the PS3 TPA.


I'm personally at around 75% success rate with that shot, so although I considered that, I decided to side with the OP as far as there being bigger fish to fry. Just my preference. If I had 100% confidence in that shot all the time, maybe I'd do it... but I'd much rather move on to getting the next mystery mirror award and get that thing completed to set up the EB for the next ball, then move on to the clock/MM. Just one million plus shot is worth the best superdog round, and it only gets better from there. Basically, for me, I'm nervous until the mystery mirror is completed. I don't want to delay that.

For the trap door shot, check out my above post. It was done on the PS3.
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New member
Jul 15, 2012
One addendum to this section:


The OP covered MM strategy pretty well, so I won't say too much here. I DO believe in letting that third ball go. I don't do that immediately, but if I have the chance to get one trapped in each flipper, I'll let that third one go. The vast majority of your Million Plus shots are going to be with two balls, not three. It's tough to keep things under control with three, so don't be afraid to let that third one go. But to re-emphasize general strategy: Shoot trap door, shoot steps ramp, repeat (duh).

I stopped employing the nudge to avoid the left outlane drain when Rudy spits out the first ball, and the reason is 1) I can further preserve my two tilt warnings for more important times, such as preventing a SDTM if I see it coming, and, 2) As stated, 2 balls are easier to manage anyway, so it is really no big loss if that first ball goes down the left outlane.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Here is my tips.

1) always plunge weakly. Try to master right right inlane to mirror. if you can't hack that, then right inlane to ramp to mirror is good.
2) once lock is lit, then you can't use it to set up a shot at rudy's jaw. instead you need to use other methods.

these include

1) hideout shot. this is easier then you'd expect it to be. just shoot a lil too late when trying for the gangway. it will rattle around and go in the hideout. hit rudy then.
2) left orbit until you get steps lit. shoot the ramp, whack the ball at rudy when it lands from the steps.

And even when the lock is lit, inlane to left ramp to mirror off the superdog still works.

The trap and dead bounce off the kickout for the funhouse are only 99% reliable. not 100%

You CAN hit the trap door off the lock with practice. I hit it the right way nearly every multiball!

Combining quick multiball with regular multiball is possible, and can be a good idea.

My multiball routine is to get a ball in right off the bat and a ball on each flipper. shoot mirror with left flipper off superdog, and, shoot ramp with right. hold up right flipper to catch ball from kickout. shoot hidden hallway. shoot trapdoor. shoot ramp, hold up right flipper....

When you need to advance the clock the fastest and safest method is ramp to mirror off superdog, catch, repeat. you should make these shots nearly every time.

okay it IS harder to get that trapdoor shot on the xbox. i can get it out of the lock reliably on ps3. my advice is to change camera angles when going for the trapdoor, and then change it back when going for the hidden hallway, at least on xbox360. I find the hiden hallway shot easiest from the second lowest, and the trapdoor easiest from the high angle.

Okay. one exception to the always plunge weakly rule.. go for the skillshot during hidden hallway multiball. the trapdoor is easier with a faster moving ball.
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New member
Jul 15, 2012
When you need to advance the clock the fastest and safest method is ramp to mirror off superdog, catch, repeat. you should make these shots nearly every time.

Might take a little longer, but it is definitely safer to just shoot the mirror over and over (just trap right and repeat). You get 10 minutes per shot but MUCH easier to never miss.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
Might take a little longer, but it is definitely safer to just shoot the mirror over and over (just trap right and repeat). You get 10 minutes per shot but MUCH easier to never miss.

it's a wash in my experience. the ramp and superdog bounce into the mirror are both very easy shots, and that loop advances the clock much faster (which reduces risk, offsetting whatever difference in risk there is between the shots themselves). i'd say it comes down to personal preference, and how confident you are in the ramp/dog loop.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
it's a wash in my experience. the ramp and superdog bounce into the mirror are both very easy shots, and that loop advances the clock much faster (which reduces risk, offsetting whatever difference in risk there is between the shots themselves). i'd say it comes down to personal preference, and how confident you are in the ramp/dog loop.

It's pretty easy, but I'm like 98% with the mirror shot from the right.


New member
Dec 23, 2012
ramp, dog, mirror repeat...ramp is 30 mins, but that's just my preference. best option is quick multiball right after midnight multiball, keep flipping to the pops, score some gangways and when one drains shoot the hallway and it's 1145

also, it's risky but i often quick flip the upper flipper on a shot to the left loop to get a shot on Rudy, also have been trying to shoot from right flipper to the tip of a held left flipper, for shooting an open trap door...both risky shots, but with the nature of sim pinball, one can know what to expect when missing where, after enough observation
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New member
Jul 29, 2012
1) always plunge weakly. Try to master right right inlane to mirror. if you can't hack that, then right inlane to ramp to mirror is good.

to each their own, but if you can hit the hideout every time (on my iPad2 i am over 99% on hitting the hideout on plunge) then it is good for a million points every time you plunge the ball .. and you plunge the ball a LOT in this game! then, when the ball gets kicked out of the hideout, I knock rudy, which sends the ball arguably slightly out of control, but catchable/recoverable 98% of the time. from there i start working on the mirror or, if that's done, ramp-dog-mirror loops. my typical game ends up with around 200 rudy hits (which is over 10 million in bonus per ball, not counting frenzies) and who knows how many million-point shots into the hideout.
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Active member
Feb 14, 2013
to each their own, but if you can hit the hideout every time (on my iPad2 i am over 99% on hitting the hideout on plunge) then it is good for a million points every time you plunge the ball .. and you plunge the ball a LOT in this game! then, when the ball gets kicked out of the hideout, I knock rudy, which sends the ball arguably slightly out of control, but catchable/recoverable 98% of the time. from there i start working on the mirror or, if that's done, ramp-dog-mirror loops. my typical game ends up with around 200 rudy hits (which is over 10 million in bonus per ball, not counting frenzies) and who knows how many million-point shots into the hideout.

If you have mastered hideout AND the trapdoor off the hideout, then yeah it's worthwhile going for the skillshot, or if the mirror is not lit, it's worth getting a rudy hit off the hideout kickout.

I haven't, so, just as in real life, i go for the weak plunge.

it IS possible to stack too many extra balls. if this happens the game won't light any.

How to get the gangway extra ball.

Ramp to right orbit to trapdoor loop until it drops in. repeat until extra ball is lit, then collect at hidden hallway.

There are FIVE sources of extra balls.

1) mirror award. available every run of the mirror.
2) gangway extra ball: available once per ball, i THINK. might be limited
3) score extra ball: available once only
4) SPECIAL extra ball: available once only
5) STEPS extra ball: available ONCE ONLY. it will NOT light again after you collect the award, no matter HOW often you hit the steps targets.

treat other extra balls as insurance in case you fail to finish the mirror.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Yeah, said it before but it's all about completing the mirror every ball and picking up the other EBs along the way. Epic runs on this game are all about controlling the mirror shot eject (since you can catch or dead pass to the left at will, 99% of the time), and making safe repeatable shots to run up the clock. I did it sort of a tedius way (mirror shot repeatedly) but I can hit that 100 times in a row or more easy when I'm just running up the clock after completing the mirror. Running the mirror is: mirror shot, dead pass to left, hidden hallway, rudy shot, repeat. The only time the ball is really in danger is after the rudy shot. Then run the clock up, get all the million+ you can. Unlimited 10 millions available.

Heh I'm starting to wonder if there truly is a score ceiling of 1 billion on this game, because I'm surprised none of the score glitchers have taken over my 998M yet.


New member
May 12, 2013
Man, all this talk about completing the mirror every ball and I'm lucky if I can manage it once per game, even if I concentrate on nothing else. I just can't seem to regain control of the ball after hitting Rudy -- I nudge, ball hits a slingshot and it's over more often than not. Frustrating.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
Man, all this talk about completing the mirror every ball and I'm lucky if I can manage it once per game, even if I concentrate on nothing else. I just can't seem to regain control of the ball after hitting Rudy -- I nudge, ball hits a slingshot and it's over more often than not. Frustrating.

don't nudge. it usually comes back to the flippers for a catch, if I remember right.

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