Request General Wish List Thread


New member
Sep 23, 2012
For touch screens...

Configurable line to denote where nudging begins. And not a straight line... it should be shaped like an umbrella, bending downwards near your thumbs.

And I'd prefer it to be on display all the time, but configurable as some people won't want to see it.
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New member
Sep 23, 2012
Option to throttle nudging on touch screens.

I never mean to nudge three times in a second or two... but occassionally do when my thumbs get too close to the nudging region of the screen.

Nik Barbour

Guess this is covered under controls, but I'd really like to shift the nudge for Xbox onto the bumpers (i.e left nudge left bumper and right nudge right bumper). Using the stick on the left messes with my head.

I asked for the same thing (but triggers) back in July when I first got my xbox.
But.... After a while, the stick makes perfect sense.
I love the analogue nudging (and general controller) on xbox, almost makes the dlc release schedule bearable!


New member
Mar 8, 2012
We need a toggle for dual stage flippers on PS3. I never actually use them and it is very obnoxious having to smash the buttons even for a slightly delayed response.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
We need a toggle for dual stage flippers on PS3. I never actually use them and it is very obnoxious having to smash the buttons even for a slightly delayed response.

Yeah, this is actually keeping me from buying the PS3 versions lately.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
HiTechKoke said "Here's one I don't know whether it has been brought up. On the Farsight Leaderboards can we get a symbol for the platform that the score was achieved on? My suspicion is some platforms are dominating the high score lists for whatever region... Optionally keep separate platform high score lists so it is apple to apples comparison on scores."

I give this idea a +1. I find it interesting to see that scores from mobile devices seem to be dominating the top of the scoreboards. Perhaps less sophisticated physics on Android/iOS make for an easier play?

As for my own thoughts... not sure if it has been said earlier in the thread, but I would like to see Friends scores brought up more front and centre a la Zen Pinball 2. Loosing to your friend/partner can be a great motivation for "one more go".

Table demos for EU version; they are a great incentive to part with more cash if we are on the edge over purchasing. Since Zen 2 lanched, I have bought 10 more tables on the strength of being able to sample them.

More consideration for plasma screens. Items that are constantly on the screen such as the chrome surround to the DMD are not good for plasma screens. Making the DMD semi transparent / moveable would solve this issue.

Higher res back plates/cabinets with ability to browse the artwork close up. Memory could be freed up for this by simplifying / removing the background assets (carpet/floor, walls, posters etc).

Apart from that, I think everything that I am hoping for has already been confirmed to be coming... new flipper physics (hopefully removing PS3 lag), lighting slider, better looking & more functional menus, sound with more bass, online play/ auto message challenge friend mode.
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Shifty Pete

New member
Oct 10, 2012
1. On the after game score screen could there be an option to replay with the same number of players (with button A) rather than going back to the main screen and having to set the number of players again (maybe button B to go back to the main screen)

I'd like to see this as well, and support for multiple controllers. Online multiplayer would be great, too, but obviously is much more complicated to implement.


New member
Apr 15, 2012
Score Merge?

I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I've always wanted to merge scores with my friends. I recently bought a Galaxy Tab2, pinball arcade looks fantastic on it, but I'd still like to play it on my phone.
It would be nice if we could merge highest scores and achievements between multiple device we might own. Also I'd like to merge scores with friends, I don't want to compete with the best online but I'd like to compete with my friends offline.

Something the combines the scores and orders them, deletes duplicates and only keeps the highest scores would be perfect.

Shifty Pete

New member
Oct 10, 2012
I've noticed that at the beginning of multiball on CftBL with view 1 unlocked that if you shoot the rollover targets from the plunger, the 2nd ball is almost off the right flipper and down the drain before the camera pans down enough to see it. Pretty minor issue that can be avoided by locking the camera before plunging, but there's room for a tweak there.

Also, how about a random table selection option? Sometimes I just can't decide which table to play.

Steven Lucz

New member
Oct 12, 2012
A suggestion mainly for all systems (All systems that have music players)
A custom radio option where you can have the game play your music at adjustable volumes, much like Zen Pinball as well as a few other games (Ex. A custom music folder on the PC version).
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New member
Oct 13, 2012
Improved portrait mode for PS Vita. Rotate the Vita so the buttons are on the bottom. Make triangle and X the flipper controls, and the right analog stick controls nudging. The touchscreen could be relegated to launching the ball.


New member
Oct 28, 2012
I agree with the dual stage flipper thing. It needs to go.

Also, if they could lose the solid border around the DMD a la Zen/FX2. My plasma doesn't like it :(


New member
Oct 29, 2012
With the iOS release adding another 4 tables, table selection is getting a bit laborious (not complaining - this is a nice problem to have!!) but maybe it could be changed into collections by manufacturer so you select Bally / Stern / Williams etc and then choose from the tables.

Another request on mobile devices is to have an option to refresh/download all tables from a single request after an update or whatever (rather than wait until you are out of data range before you discover that Bride of Pin*Bot cannot be played because it needs to be downloaded *grumble*).

I'll second both of these, since table selection has become more tedious with each addition table pack. In addition, it's too easy to accidentally load a table when attempting to swipe to another table. It's still fairly laggy changing from table to table on my (now pathetically slow -- thanks Apple!) iPad 3. How about changing tables ala ebook readers by tapping the screen edges rather than, or in addition to, swiping?

I'd also love to see iCade & iMPulse controller support as well.

I was disappointed to see that table view is now available, but has been incorporated only into TotAN's new Pro mode. I don't mind buying tables, but I'll have to object to locked functionality on principle.

Finally, I'd love to see cross-platform content support. I play primarily on my iPad, but I'd love to also be able to play the tables I've already purchased on Mac on the odd occasion, without having to buy them yet again. I realize that it may be difficult to accomplish between different ecosystems, but Apple's back-end should make it fairly easy to do on iOS & OS X devices.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
Tiny quick suggestion.

Put the little flags for tournament mode next to every competitor to see where is everyone from, just like in IFPA website.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
I don't see any mention of my suggestion as yet so...

Add a simple vertical scrolling small list of tables (ie like a list of songs in a playlist) to make finding and playing tables easier/faster.

I have bought every table/pack released so far and there and they all show up one at a time in a relatively random sequence.

I would love to just scroll down a list with a little icon of the table and the table name in each row.. then click to play.


Now <swipe left> <swipe left> where is <swipe left> <swipe left> Gorgar? <swipe left> <swipe left> <swipe left> Ah.. found it.

PS Love the tables, keep them {Fire Power} {Scorpion} coming! . o 0 ( Ah.. Williams )


New member
Oct 28, 2012
Not sure if these went in already (didn't see them) but here are two (one very obvious)...

1) Improved lighting - I saw someone mention in another thread that there was talk of HDR on the consoles. This would be the BEST thing Farsight could add (after all the bug fixes and what not). Looking at the lighting in FP, for some tables, it's AMAZING. Granted the PC has more power, but there must be easy ways to program some bloom lighting on the flashers (with highlights on the playfield). This is the biggest visual drawback to an otherwise EXCELLENT game.

2) The sounds of the tables. For instance, the flippers don't sound anything like that "clack" you hear from real ones, another thing FP has nailed. Also, the sound the ball makes when it goes up a ramp on some real tables has a more "clickity clack" sound, whereas in TPA it's just smooth sliding all over. These are just a couple examples of what I'm talking about

Otherwise, keep up the great work FS!!


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
As well as better mechanical sounds for flippers, slingshots, ball drops, tap noises as balls bounce of table objects, etc it would be nice to be able to separately control the volume for ROM emulated sounds and mechanical sounds. In Pinball FX I tend to turn the mechanical sounds up full and the music, etc. a quarter the way up.

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