The observant may have noticed that the little green avatar on the forums has a much more human-sounding name now. This is primarily for three reasons:
May the pinball gods lead you not into temptation to tilt, but instead deliver you from drains...
- Some other forum users here have worked out my identity based on my association with CP Pinball and my tales of league play.
- Some of CP Pinball's patrons have in turn worked out who "Serenseven" was based on my obsession with Twilight Zone and my tales of league play.
- Since I've mentioned some of CP Pinball's patrons by name in my blog posts (although only to note their good play - their bad hair days will be kept under wraps!), it seemed unfair for me to continue to write under a pseudonym.
May the pinball gods lead you not into temptation to tilt, but instead deliver you from drains...