Goodbye, Serenseven

The observant may have noticed that the little green avatar on the forums has a much more human-sounding name now. This is primarily for three reasons:

  1. Some other forum users here have worked out my identity based on my association with CP Pinball and my tales of league play.
  2. Some of CP Pinball's patrons have in turn worked out who "Serenseven" was based on my obsession with Twilight Zone and my tales of league play.
  3. Since I've mentioned some of CP Pinball's patrons by name in my blog posts (although only to note their good play - their bad hair days will be kept under wraps!), it seemed unfair for me to continue to write under a pseudonym.
Since I wasn't really trying to hide my identity in the first place, I've decided it's time to unmask. I'm Sean DonCarlos, and I'll be continuing to share my observations and experiences with everyone here as before, just a little more transparently.

May the pinball gods lead you not into temptation to tilt, but instead deliver you from drains...


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Well goodbye Serenseven and HELLOOOOO Sean DonCarlos! :D Oh and I love the last sentence in your blog!


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Hahaha Man I miss Animaniacs! That sure does take me back. I'm one of the older folks here. Well I'm 30, so I know there are older people than me here. Anyway, nice to meet cha Mr. DonCarlos! That's a sweet last name.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Heretic;bt53 said:
sean is a strange pairing with doncarlos, how did that come about
Apparently Sean is supposed to mean "God's gift" or something like that, and that's why my mother picked the name. All I can say is that God must have been feeling prankish that day; I think I've turned out to be a rather strange gift.

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