Harem multiball


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
What's the best approach to achieving this difficult "standard" goal? I got all the other goals without even trying, but this one... Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
First, thank your deity of choice that you're not trying to do this on the Williams Collection on a 360.

Then, basically cradle the ball in the right flipper, wait for the Tiger Loop light to extinguish and the Harem light to illuminate, then shoot the left loop. Repeat 4 more times. Try to avoid hitting the Genie or getting the Secret Ball Lock so that the Lock lights don't activate. If they do activate, lock balls and play out Genie Multiball, because you can't make further progress on Harem until you do.

Sometimes the Tiger Loop light might flash very rapidly but never completely go dark. If that happens, shoot the ramp to convince the table to reset the Tiger Loop light after a few seconds.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Actually, I do have both PS3 and Xbox360 versions of the Williams Collection and gave up on the Harem thing long ago. I am amazed to now know that the Harem light will eventually cycle if I just wait. I had no idea. Thanks. Now if only my aim was better.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
That's it! I did it. All done! I think I also found a trick accidentally. If you are in the middle of the challenge "Forty Thieves", you can keep trying for the Harem shot without the danger of turning on the lock lights. Thanks Serenseven!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Anyone else have trouble hitting the loops with consistency? I don't have a problem in TOM, but in TOTAN it seems like they're much harder to hit. Seems like I either go a little to much to the inside or too far to the outside.......but very rarely line it up just right. TOM's loops are so much easier to hit.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Just played a real TotAN tonight...and started Harem Multiball on it, much to the amazement of the patron on my right, who was like "How the hell did you get THAT started?". Must not be a very loved table there, replay was only 5M...

I do agree, ToM's left orbit seems much easier to hit then ToTAN's...I can spell T-H-E-A-T-R-E with my eyes closed, but H-A-R-E-M takes some careful aim...


Apr 13, 2012
This was different in the Williams Collection, I had no problem to hit the left loop consistently (usually to get the Extra Balls for the Tiger Loops). Now it's much harder, don't know why. On the other hand it's easier to hit the genie with the right flipper so getting the fireball award is no big deal.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I managed to pull off the Harem Multiball last night on my iPad, although I'm still not very consistent in hitting the loops. Definitely seems easier in real life.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
It's a tough shot... i nearly jumped out of my seat when i finally got it. Now I can't seem to get all the wizard goals despite having no trouble with them before getting the HAREM multiball


New member
Mar 28, 2012
It's a tough shot... i nearly jumped out of my seat when i finally got it. Now I can't seem to get all the wizard goals despite having no trouble with them before getting the HAREM multiball

I got all the but 1 of the wizard goals. First in the camel race. I got to remember not pick the jewel option when 'Make a Wish' is lit. Despite that I was so close to completing the wizard goals on TOM right down to my last letter and the ball drained. Sigh!

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
.... Now I can't seem to get all the wizard goals despite having no trouble with them before getting the HAREM multiball

LOL I guess that happens to everybody! Scored a lower level bonus of more than a million on BH getting the standard goal of 250K, and I took me quite a few games to get over 500K... But if you can do it once, you can do it again!


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Nope, you dont even really see the 5th letter appear, you see a dmd animation after which you go to the plumbercam. I get haremball pretty consistently each game now and it never fails to launch


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Anyone else have trouble hitting the loops with consistency? I don't have a problem in TOM, but in TOTAN it seems like they're much harder to hit. Seems like I either go a little to much to the inside or too far to the outside.......but very rarely line it up just right. TOM's loops are so much easier to hit.
Are you talking about the far left loop? Yeah, I have massive problems with it. So much so, that when I get the Rocs tale I usually just shoot for the bazaar jewel collect rather than going for the jets :eek:


Apr 3, 2012
Glad to see I'm not the only one having issues with consistently hitting that left loop. I never had a problem on the williams collection, but for some reason it's seems much harder on TPA. I've watched videos of people on the real machine using the right flipper that can get it in the left loop with ease. But I find I end up hitting the fireball loop most of the time.


May 23, 2012
Its not exactly easy no matter what you do but for me using camera 3, the lowest one, makes a huge difference to being able to hit the loops. Its the only machine I need to go so far down on, I use camera 1 on everything else. Locked view of course.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I played numerous games over the last few weeks just trying to get the HAREM multiball. Just can't hit that ramp consistently. So yesterday I gave up on it. Just stumbled into it this morning without even trying for it. Even upped my high score by 15M in the same game. Pinball is a strange game.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Maybe Ive been playing Totan too much(most played table for me) but I can get the harem loop very consistently, IF I solely focus on it. Got it out of the way 3 times over the last 3 weeks (had to redo it on ps3, then got a 360 that broke after I got harem so had to do it again last week) and get it within 2 playthroughs. The hardest part is avoiding locks being lit, gemmodes that block it and tigerlamps that block away the possibility to get a haremletter.

Certainly the hardest standard goal however, I very rarely get it "naturally" as its not a very profitable mode, plus geniemultiball is the easier to get multiball for the occassions you want to do something risky (like ramping up lampspin). Harem score also resets (I think) after rescuing a princess.


New member
May 15, 2012
This is a difficult goal, but it can be done pretty easily if you focus on it and only shoot when the light is lit. At least it isn't as bad as PHoF where it was completely glitched where it wouldn't count any shots around the orbit after the first one.

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