Hey Farsight, Take a Break!


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Why do people keep saying this? It was NOT fixed. I still get ball through the flipper all the time off the Insanity Falls shot when I try to hold the left flipper up to let it roll over to the right flipper.

Ok, can you get some sort of video of this happening? When i shot the video of the ball through flippers issue, it took me 10 minutes with a camera to recreate.

I tried today to recreate this by shooting insanity falls over and over and over to try and get the ball to move fast enough through the loop at the end of the ramp and could not get the ball to go through. If it's happening to you "all the time" it should not be an issue.

That said...2 a month


New member
Aug 15, 2013
I just read through the whole blog.
Im 42 have played Pinball since I can remember, had several own Pinball machines and love the game, recon its one of the best games ever invented.

I came across TPA a few Weeks ago and after playing a couple of tables for free got on and right away bought all the tables for 70 odd bugs (a bargain if you apreciate/love pinball), did the same for my dad ;) played all the tables saw some bugs, which are infrequent, dont mind it as the tables are still a computer simulation and not the real thing and if you got any idear how complex programming is you know what i mean. In most cases it's not just a quick fix otherwise it wouldnt be there in the first place.

I dont care if I spent money for a table that MonkeyGrass mentioned in his post; Are there about 4-5 tables that I have bought and paid for that I never play? You betcha.

I would gladly pay 10.- per table, no problem. Im just glad that FS is doing what they are doing, cause nobody else is.

I would also be happy to get one new table every month or even every two month. Really, think about it, ONE TABLE EVERY MONTH! Thats just f..... great, thats what it is. I think we are getting a bit spoilt here and need to sit back and relax.
Pinball is after all a game that you can play over and over again. Thats why thouse tables are still out there and are still being played after 20 or more years! When I used to play at bar's and pubs and hotels here in Australia and Switzerland, they only used to have one table or maximum two and that/thouse table/s was/were there for several months.

Let FS do what they do, Im sure they are aware of their ""problems"". Imagine how many bug reports they get. Im sure you could easaly employ one guy, just reading them and check them if they are legit and then go ahead and try to fix something which the majority of players havent even noticed as a bug.
After all they run a business. And what they do is great. The tables are great fun to play. If you don't like it don't buy it or get youself a real table and see how many "bugs" you'll get with thouse. If you ever owned one yourself you know what I mean.

Sorry my English, my motherlanguage is Swiss German.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
You said you just found TPA a few weeks ago and purchased all tables straight away. So you just got 34 tables in one month. Give it at least 6 months and see if you still would be "happy to get one new table every month or even every two month." :)

By the way, welcome to the forum!!!


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Welcome to the forum miga.

Surely some bugs will grate on you after a time. It's unrealistic to think they won't, but you are right. Its a very high quality program witha few nicks and scratches in the surface.

PS Garek

New member
Dec 25, 2012
I guess I'm the only person that was hoping that this topic was asking Farsight to do a port of the generally unknown Sierra game Take a Break Pinball! Ah well.

Also - I'm fine with two a month, though it's often a treat when I do see tables have been updated.

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013

One of the best comedy movies EVER!!!!

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013


New member
May 18, 2012
Yup. I own the Gold pack. I am really looking forwards to 28-30 Zaccaria tables to play on. I really like the new one Black Belt. What I really want is Zaccaria to come to Steam. OMG Zaccaria on PC would be fantastic!

Yes, PC, Mac, Android, it would be great. But I think their team is too small to make all of this happen in the short run.


New member
Aug 18, 2013
Yep 2 a month, but FS need to make sure the older machines do not get neglected in their bug fixing. Keep up the good work !

i approve this way with centering on bugs and issues fixing first. because there no logical reason for cutomer to buy another new bugged table, and the bad memories of not fixed flaws on previous tables will accumulate until he'll say "i have waited enough!!"
there already are some examples of dead simulating games like "IL-2: Cliffs of Dover". They have many bugs in released project and still worked on next project, until license holder made decision to take rights on the game to other more compitent dev team.
Last edited:


New member
Jul 11, 2013
That bolded comment was in retort to MonkeyGrass's comment "I don't give a crap about iOS updates and fixes", and that winking emoticon at the end was intended to convey that I was not being entirely serious.

Later on in that post, I actually thank him later for presenting his views in a way conducive to intelligent argument, so it would have been really odd for me to launch a barb at him first.

No offense taken, I got your winkie, and raise you a cool smiley! :cool:

Ain't nobody here gettin' p-od over a video game bug. Just a slightly frustrated long-term customer who has waited for quite some time for several issues to be addressed on my platform of choice. ;)

I have also spent much of the last 15+ years in software dev/coding/graphics design work. I believe I mentioned in one of my posts that it looked like an alpha channel got mixed up somewhere in the ball lighting and the more I think on it, could also very well explain some of the table lighting issues in general. The color it overlaid (or replaced) looked to be darn near the exact shade of pink that seems to infuse several tables, to my eye.

I appreciate what you do for the community, and the Table Master Issues list is a very helpful thread. I'm sure I haven't said so before, so let me do so now - thank you for what you do around here. It's a pretty thankless (an unpaid) chore, I know.

Table bugs are, IMO, to be expected from time to time. Nobody (at least, not this guy) is clamoring for the ever-elusive, mythical "bug-free" software. Basic platform bugs and shortcomings, on the other hand, can suck a lot of enjoyment out of an otherwise fantastic game. I am well acquainted with Bethesdas bugs, and have encountered more than I care to count, lol.

Regardless, some of the stuff we over here in PS3 world have been asking for is not earth-shattering in complexity. Adding multiple controller support, or an option to disable or tune the 2 stage flippers, for example. TPA is not a great game to play local multi-player on, due to these issues. I like to host local mini-tourneys for me and several guys who I have turned on to these pinball sims. WHOF is great for that, with the tournament mode and multi controller support. TPA, not so much. Which really blows, because it has way more tables and some really good ones that aren't on WHOF. After several years of playing WHOF, those 13 tables can get a bit repetitive...

I think what ultimately bugs me, is that I don't think much (if anything) will be addressed, with the PS4 launch coming up. The PS3 team has shifted gears into PS4 mode, and is working hard on having everything ready for launch. Once that happens, it'll be full-speed ahead on the PS4, and I just can't envision the old PS3 getting much attention from FS anymore. I won't be upgrading to the PS4 for at least another 8-12 months, and it seems those of us who can't or won't upgrade immediately will be stuck with these issues for the rest of the PS3's lifespan. And that makes me a little bit sad. :'(


New member
Jul 16, 2012
I played Williams challenge for xbox 360 with my friends allot before pinball arcade came around. I was very happy with those tables for along time (years) and still love to play them. We have so many tables now... Is it really necessary that we keep putting more out every single month while letting the quality of the game suffer? I don't know what makes people think quantity is better than quality. would you eat 3 apples that are rotten instead of 1 really good apple? would you smoke a bunch of terrible mexican brown weed with seeds in it, instead of a some grand daddy purple that will get you 10 times more stoned out of you gourd? (lol) were still going to get a whole lot of tables why not let them slow down a bit and get really good tables. I'm not sure if anyone noticed this but they have been pushing out easier to make tables lately because it is so hard to get them out fast enough. The most important thing is that when new people that have never played the game before pick it up they don't just put it down and never play it again on the grounds that it is a clunky game.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I'm not sure if anyone noticed this but they have been pushing out easier to make tables lately because it is so hard to get them out fast enough.

I'm not arguing that your statement is incorrect but I'm not sure how you know the latest tables have been "easier to make".


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I wouldn't mind if they took a break, but not until they finished the rest of the re-releases, which should happen by early next year.


New member
Jan 27, 2013
I'll pipe in noting two things... the PS3 chipset was always considered a bear to program for, so much so the PS4 has a completely different architecture. Also, Funhouse is the table I know better than most, and they recently fixed it so it plays a lot closer to my memories of it. So the fixes will be coming as they have time, IMO. As for slowing down the release rate, I'd be up for that, just so I don't feel rushed every four weeks to learn new tables. :)

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