High Roller Casino ~Twitchstream~


Mar 25, 2013
Here's some notes from the Twitchstream:

- Going to be able to do a Kickstarter pretty soon. But won't reveal till tomorrow in the Newsletter. "It'll be an expensive one."
- XB1 is sitting in pre-certification. There's a steep learning curve to getting certified.
- XB1 release will contain season 2. Tables will have the new lighting. Will then be able to port the lighting over to the PC.
- BSD, no news but hopefully have some news at some point.
- Don't have a date for PC Tournament play yet. The person that was working on it left. So one of the new programmers will be working on it once they are up to speed.
- Nothing on Pinball After Dark. Just that it won't be worked on until console releases are stable and programmers are up to date.
- S2 on PS4 after XB1 release
- No info on a potential Wii-U release
- Online multiplayer is in the works. Currently some problems getting real-time head-to-head working. There's a delay when watching another play. Only way to get around that is buying some high end servers. They're looking in to alternative options but nothing has been announced as of yet.
- Phantom of the Opera is possible.

High Roller Casino looked pretty decent. Didn't seem like a deep game but looking forward to trying it my self.

I suppose the big news though is with the Kickstarter and I think we can surmise what that will be. Will be interesting to see if people put their money where their mouth is for this one. Given the "will be expensive" comment I'm guessing it'll be close to a $100,000 goal.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
If it's an Expensive license it's gonna really have to be a big table to get all the money TPA needs to fund it. My Guess Is (The Addams Family) or (The Simpsons Pinball Party). I still hope someday for (Indiana Jones Pinball Adventure)


New member
Jun 11, 2012
TAF will easily hit whatever mark they set. TSPP would be nice I guess although I'm not a biggest fan of the theme, and I could see the license being expensive enough to be out of reach. Indy isn't going to happen because disney.

My money is on it being TAF most likely. What I'm actually hoping for is a newer licensed stern but pretty near all of those would be ridiculously expensive, and some like LOTR probably not even possible.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
If it is The Simpsons, I hope they can do the DE one too. It's not nearly as good as TSPP but it's a decent DE table. I don't see how it would be an issue, licensing wise. DE and Stern are pretty much the same and the show was controlled by Fox then just as it is now.


Apr 7, 2014
Anything "Simpsons" related is going to be a little pricey, whether or not the original table is any good is irrelevant.

That being said, you rarely see requests for it, so I wouldn't expect it anytime soon, if at all.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
This is gonna be a killer BIRTHDAY weekend! Bring on this "Kick Starter" rob me of my money just bring us more Flippin Funn than we can handle.
I turn the big "5 .0" this Saturday July 12, baby.
"The Addams Family" News Would Make For A Killer Birthday Gift!!!
(Plus HRC For IOS)
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