Historic pinball tables you'd like in TPA


New member
Sep 22, 2013
High Speed was the first Williams alphanumeric, but the Gottlieb tribute to Chicago baseball was the year before.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
  • Spirit of 76 (in its New York version) was the table that celebrated the return of pinball to NYC after a 30+ year ban.
  • Chicago Cubs Triple Play was the first alphanumeric.
  • Mars God of War had the first "under the ramp" shot (where the ramp lifts.)

+1 on Triple Play. I remember seeing it in a Cubs Fan catalog in the mid-80's. It's said that CCTP was remade into Silver Slugger in the early 90's. Never played the former (have played SS) but I would like to see that.

My personal pick for ground-breaking table would be Rollergames. It was the first pinball to say "It's Sudden Death! Go For the Wall!!

I know, I know, wishful thinking.....


New member
Jul 11, 2013
I'd like to see Comet, Cyclone, and Hurricane. Python's Circus Trilogy was a HUGE part of any arcade in the 80's, and Comet was the first machine he fully built and designed. Would be nice to immortalize some of his original, trademark work for future generations.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
My personal pick for ground-breaking table would be Rollergames. It was the first pinball to say "It's Sudden Death! Go For the Wall!!

I know, I know, wishful thinking.....

Daddy Steve is so proud...


Great game !
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Since we can change art on Addams Family and remove music on Party Zone, why can't we change some things on Rollergames and make it happen? Change Slice, Pepsi, and Mug to orange, cola, rootbeer, etc. change the faces enough to avoid likeness issues and so on. It's not like people are super recognizable in the first place (at least not to me). And do you care about the actual brand names (I don't). Come on Farsight, Go For The Wall!


New member
Jan 3, 2015
The Shadow
Dirty Harry
Eight Ball Deluxe
Paragon lost the latest poll
Buck Rogers ;)
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New member
Sep 19, 2013
Since we can change art on Addams Family and remove music on Party Zone, why can't we change some things on Rollergames and make it happen? Change Slice, Pepsi, and Mug to orange, cola, rootbeer, etc. change the faces enough to avoid likeness issues and so on. It's not like people are super recognizable in the first place (at least not to me). And do you care about the actual brand names (I don't). Come on Farsight, Go For The Wall!

I agree. I think Farsight could easily change those product logos, just substitute them with similar fake logos (that aren't too close to the real deal) and it will look fine and I don't think anybody will complain.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
I think rollergames itself is a license.

Also the FS people don't like it's music, as I recall.

Truly historic games would be

Eight Ball Deluxe
Balls A Poppin (this one is a hard sell, though)
Lord Of the Rings (the first EPIC pinball game, and one of the great later Sterns.)
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Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
I think rollergames itself is a license.

Also the FS people don't like it's music, as I recall.

Truly historic games would be

Eight Ball Deluxe
Balls A Poppin (this one is a hard sell, though)
Lord Of the Rings (the first EPIC pinball game, and one of the great later Sterns.)

I agree with those listed
I grew up around Rollergames. To me the music and everything about it makes it a classic. Not sure how anyone can dis the soundtrack and voice call outs make it very interactive. Just a lot of fun and challenging.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
for me, I wanna see flash and paragon. flash sold almost 20,000 units, it was everywhere when I was a kid. paragon was a lil but harder to find, I only knew of two machines in town.

we have a rollergames and a fireball in town, but they are in such bad condition, it isn't worth putting a quarter into to them. I have never play a good condition machine of either of them so I cant form an opinion of them.

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