Request Hold off the DLC & fix the bugs


New member
Mar 10, 2012
A few people might abandon ship, but these people are not being rational if they do. Are there problems? Yes. Do they need to be fixed? Yes. Will they be fixed? Yes. Just give it time.

Skyrim: $60, major developer, massive game-breaking issues at launch, probably will never quite work correctly if Oblivion is any indication.
Diablo III: $60, major developer, massive logon issues at launch, has had two patches and some hotfixes in its first month although Blizzard is usually on top of correcting issues promptly.
Pinball Arcade: $10-$20 depending on how much DLC is out on your platform, small developer, and with two exceptions (Black Hole's camera and Cirqus Voltaire's multiballs) the tables have always been playable if not 100% accurate.

I am aware of no indications that the first two games are bleeding customers because of their issues; therefore I don't see why the third should, either.

Absolutely right on. Granted TPA is no oblivion or diablo in its presentation, scope and technicality, but the comparison is totally sound. Well said.


New member
May 29, 2012
Personally I think Farsight will gain more customers by releasing a steady stream of tables than they would lose due to bugs.

Besides, the first few months are going to be rather turbulent but it will start to smooth out with time.

I agree 100%. Sure, bugs can be really annoying, for instance when you just couldn't play Black Hole due to the camera bug... but that just made me play a different table. I don't mind having a product that has occasional hiccups but still gives me a continuous stream of enjoyment - I can't WAIT for each new DLC, it's really an exciting moment for me each time, especially since I almost never got to play these actual tables before.

I guess most relatively casual TPA players like me would be much angrier about a sudden stop of DLC than getting much slower, but flawless table updates. At this point I really don't mind it being kind of a work in progress, and I'm really excited to see where this whole thing is going.

That's not saying that I can't empathize with players who have their "main" table continuously messed up, especially when they're used to the real tables and/or are seriously going for hiscores, but as it is right now I think they should just get this project going forward at a steady pace, to a point where they can hire enough people to do bugfixing AND develop new tables consistently at the same time.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Are the bugs actually being fixed?

I was under the impression that new tables were being released with no bugfixing whatsoever since the release.

Tables have been revisioned time and time again. Thats why you have to redownload them after each update. It would be nice if FS communicated this proper in patchnotes or something (like the stealth nudgefix in iOS), but most bugs reported have been tackled or have been responded to as "in the works".

Which is why I'm completely fine with the current state of the game apart from the lack of DLC on consoles, which I completely understand but still find dissapointing because I want to play MM, FH and CV on my ps3 badly :). The only other issue I have is the lag of my tv,. but I can see how that is close to impossible for FS to narrow down and fix so I'll plkay on my pc monitor instead.
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New member
Jun 7, 2012
In the interest of actually making this game playable (and, enjoyable to play), I'm going to bump this initial request to the top.

There are a million things wrong, and I'd rather play a 'finished' product. As the current tables stand, I don't feel like I'm playing a finished product, or even a finished product with bugs. It feels like I'm playing a damn beta version.

Honestly, step it up guys. I don't even think they read this forum anyways. They don't even have someone to handle PR/their website. Their website lists consoles that aren't even being used anymore! (umm GameCube?)
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New member
Jun 7, 2012
If you've tried playing the game on iOS (iPhone 4, here), you may understand my sentiments. The last update some time ago pretty much bricked the game for me. I can only play in portrait mode, which is extremely uncomfortable unless you're playing Tetris. Playing in landscape mode results in flipper taps being registered as 'nudges,' and thus the table becomes tilt-locked pretty quickly. It looks like they forgot to exclude the bottom half of the screen in landscape from nudging. In portrait mode, nudges will only register on the top half of the screen (as they probably should). And, yes, I've reset my device numerous times, deleted the entire game and reinstalled (losing all high scores in the process), etc.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
In the interest of actually making this game playable (and, enjoyable to play), I'm going to bump this initial request to the top.

There are a million things wrong, and I'd rather play a 'finished' product. As the current tables stand, I don't feel like I'm playing a finished product, or even a finished product with bugs. It feels like I'm playing a damn beta version.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Give it time. And if you don't want to give it time, then set the game aside for a few months and come back later when the game is more "finished". That's what I did with Skyrim at launch when I ran into problems and was unwilling to put up with them. (And Oblivion was never finished officially - the fans had to come up with a set of unofficial patches to fix the remaining bugs, some of them major.)

Honestly, step it up guys. I don't even think they read this forum anyways. They don't even have someone to handle PR/their website. Their website lists consoles that aren't even being used anymore! (umm GameCube?)
If you're speaking of FarSight, not only do they read here, but they also participate - Mike Reitmeyer has over 100 posts here alone - and two more FarSight accounts were just created the other day. As far as their website, yes it needs help, no I don't think they should divert obviously scarce resources away from TPA to work on the website at this time.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
I honestly don't mind bugs here and there...

Agreed, cabinet colour (FH) and cosmetics I didn't notice in the first place.

My only tiny niggle is the MM flipper issue. Mike R from Farsight posted elsewhere that he was unaware of this despite it being mentioned by members a day after release.

In the end though, I'd like to see DLC's on a regular basis. I'm sure all the bugs and issues will be solved in due time. Cash flow is king as Pin Wiz has already mentioned. It's more important to me to see the company go from strength to strength with this new project and bring more and more of these wonderful tables.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
If you've tried playing the game on iOS (iPhone 4, here), you may understand my sentiments. The last update some time ago pretty much bricked the game for me. I can only play in portrait mode, which is extremely uncomfortable unless you're playing Tetris. Playing in landscape mode results in flipper taps being registered as 'nudges,' and thus the table becomes tilt-locked pretty quickly. It looks like they forgot to exclude the bottom half of the screen in landscape from nudging. In portrait mode, nudges will only register on the top half of the screen (as they probably should). And, yes, I've reset my device numerous times, deleted the entire game and reinstalled (losing all high scores in the process), etc.

That's weird because I'm playing on an ipad2 in landscape and nudging works just as it should....actually even better since the last update.
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Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
My only tiny niggle is the MM flipper issue. Mike R from Farsight posted elsewhere that he was unaware of this despite it being mentioned by members a day after release.

I probably wasn't clear when I stated "I dont know about the spacing issue". What I meant was, I didn't know if someone was currently fixing it. I was aware that it was an issue.

It's an art issue, not something I could fix myself.

Also, I do read a lot of posts on here. I don't always have time to respond.

We also have a guy who reads all the posts, he came in this morning to tell me about a bug someone posted about on here involving troll bombs. I'm looking into that today.

Pinball Arcade

FarSight Employee
Jun 11, 2012
"I can only play in portrait mode, which is extremely uncomfortable unless you're playing Tetris. Playing in landscape mode results in flipper taps being registered as 'nudges,' and thus the table becomes tilt-locked pretty quickly. "

We have not received any messages into Support concerning this. Nowhere on your screen in landscape does a tap result in the flippers responding?

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
Thanks for clarifying Mike.

I can totally understand you not replying to all the niggles that come up. Really good to know that you guys take notice of what's on the forum though. A lot of companies wouldn't bother!

Thanks again


New member
Jun 7, 2012
"I can only play in portrait mode, which is extremely uncomfortable unless you're playing Tetris. Playing in landscape mode results in flipper taps being registered as 'nudges,' and thus the table becomes tilt-locked pretty quickly. "

We have not received any messages into Support concerning this. Nowhere on your screen in landscape does a tap result in the flippers responding?

Please see this thread in the iOS section in regards to the nudging issue (last 3 posts at the end):

The flippers respond just fine. The problem I was describing is that the nudge function is incredibly sensitive in landscape mode for me and/or interprets taps on the screen as 'swipes'/nudges. I switched to portrait mode and it worked just fine. Haven't played in a couple of days; I think the problem is intermittent though. Just played a quick game in landscape mode and had no problems? Odd....

In sum, from the thread:

For me, nudging HASN'T been fixed and is actually worse now. Now it is much too sensitive and accidentally will take the input from my flipper taps as me trying to nudge the table. This leads to tilt-lock and me losing the ball most of the time.

The game is pretty much unplayable for me right now on iOS, iPhone 4, latest software, because it will tilt lock too easily. I'm not even TRYING to nudge the table! Just hit the flipper!

Are you playing in landscape mode? That has always been more sensitive and just plain wrong. It seems they only programmed the tilt feature in portrait mode. It works the other way, but it's not very functional.

I have no problems with false nudges on my iPad or iPhone in portrait mode.

Yup- you're right. The bug exists in landscape mode but not in portrait mode.

Not too comfortable to hold the phone and play in portrait mode though.
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New member
Jun 7, 2012
Ok- I think this is what is going on here- in landscape mode, I play with my thumbs positioned almost midway up the screen, so that I have a good view of the flippers at the bottom. The nudging function takes up the top half of the screen space. Even with nudging on 'swipe,' an accidental tap on the top half of the screen (or in my case - many taps- due to the way I hold the device), will nudge the table.

Long story short, swiping function still doesn't work for nudging, is more sensitive than last version, and because it takes up te entire top half of the screen, it's causing me to tilt lock the ball when I'm really just trying to hit a flipper.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Ill post here what i did in the MB sub forum as i think this step need to be taken....

You really think FS are that tight up for cash that one month without release 2 new tables would cause the company to folder??....i dont think so some how. Anyways the 360, Vita and PS3 DLC's should be out next month so that would see them through to next pay day if what your saying is true!

If they carry on like this their existing customer based will get pissed off and FS will gain a reputation for releasing bug ridden software, they need to act on this now and stop all future DLC tables until the existing tables are bug free, hell even the first set of tables released still have bugs that for some reason or another haven't been fixed. I think FS should just concentrate on just updates and bug fixing for next month and implement all the features they said they would.

To be fair im not sure how some of these bugs get passed the beta testers, i guess they have such a short time frame to get the 2 tables out every month that corners get cut!, this is more than enough reason to take a months rest bite and sort out all existing problems/bugs, they can still work on the 2 DLC tables they have planned for next month by all mean just dont release them until everything is 100%.

Doing this will be much better for their reputation in the long run, and surely its better to take 'beef' from annoyed customer for just 1 month rather than every month when something isnt working as it should be....which is exactly what is happening atm

Hope one of the FS forum regulars will see either of these threads and mention it to the powers that be.

All FS would have to do is make an announcement via facebook stating that there will not be any new DLC next month and instead a massive update for bugs fixes, new features and letting the other formats (360 & PS3) catch up...i know they'll get stick from some facebookers but best to take the flak now than constantly every month when a bulb is missing from the playfield and everything gets blown out of proportion!


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Damage has been done. I already have no faith in FarSight. It's obvious they have no testers. Oh wait they do? Well then that's even worse.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

If they held back releasing tables, people would complain that they didn't release anything.
If they do release them and there''s even a single insignificant bug that doesn't affect most play, people would complain.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I just wish the significant bugs in MB right now didn't exist. The problems I have with the other 3 tables are just personal preference I guess. Flipper spacing, outlane post placement, that stuff.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Bugs in games is not new. For years AAA titles have come out with huge bugs. Often the same bugs that they had during beta testing and some were never fixed. Also you make it sound like everyone that works on the games is capable of doing bug fixes. I'm sure they must have some people who work on art and design etc. I think FS has been doing a much better job fixing bugs than many companies that are much larger.

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