How many times have you purchased Pinball Arcade?

How many times have you bought the game?

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Gord Lacey

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Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
One of my TVs is a Sony LCoS (from 2006, I believe, but it could be form 2005), and the other is a few years old with any of the picture enhancements turned off. Neither one is set to a "Game" mode.

Models are KDL-40V5100 and KDS-R60XBR2.


New member
May 6, 2012
One of my TVs is a Sony LCoS (from 2006, I believe, but it could be form 2005), and the other is a few years old with any of the picture enhancements turned off. Neither one is set to a "Game" mode.

Models are KDL-40V5100 and KDS-R60XBR2.

Those wouldn't have the higher refresh rates of the newer Sony TV's, that's probably why you're not getting the lag and I am, those are good TV's you have. I've had nothing but Sony big screen TV's since I started with the big screens. I actually got this TV (60 inch NX720) deeply discounted because my last Sony LCOS had a common defect. I hope Farsight can fix this, but for now I'll be buying the rest of the DLC on 360. With my luck they'll fix the lag in a few of months and I'll wind up having to buy all the DLC over again on the PS3. That being said I hope The Pinball Arcade is a smashing success and I can purchase every single pinball machine ever made digitally, I used to have pinball machines in my basement, this way is much cheaper since I cant' afford real machines anymore, or that house I used to have them in for that matter, lol.


New member
May 8, 2012
So far I have it for my Android (phone and Tablet). As soon as it hits Europe I'll grab the PS3/Vita versions, and then no doubt the PC version when it comes out. I'll probably get all the tables on the PC version, whist getting those I love / grow to love on the other two, so I'm never too far away from a quick fix of my favorite tables.


New member
May 6, 2012
Have you tried turning off the high refresh rate on the TV?

Yes, tried everything, still a night and day difference between the ps3 and 360 version. I know it's odd, but I'm not alone in that sentiment, also I don't know how odd this is but it seems especially bad on TOTAN, which is my favorite table released so far and on the Williams Collection.


New member
May 10, 2012
Has anyone tried outputting from an android tablet or phone to their TV to see how it looks? I haven't purchased yet, but love it on the tablet and am wondering what it looks like through the HDMI output...


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May 15, 2012
I have purchased the game for my PS Vita and my iPhone. Personally I find most gaming on the iPhone to be very annoying so the Vita has become my main device.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
PS3 and ios for my ipod touch 4g. My PS3 is connected to a Panasonic Plasma. No lag issues. Although it taxes my ipod sometimes with slowdown.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Only once for PS3. If I wasn't so techno-phobic, I would buy this game as many times as I could to help FarSight out. Great developers and great games deserve great support. It is only by circumstance that I even own a PS3 but, now that I have one, I'm enjoying the *bleep* out of it.

I'm absolutely loving this game as well. I'll give you a tip: there are more ways to help Farsight that just repurchasing the game.

One way you can support Farsight is to blow some bucks on the Kickstarter for Twilight Zone. If you want to purchase multiple times, put this awesome energy into the kickstarter.

Not only will you be helping fund the kickstarter, you'll also be showing a tremendous amount of support to Farsight and bringing this awesome pin closer to a reality. And you'll be doing great things for the TPA community because together with others, you'll be bringing this game closer to reality.

I could only spare $10 for the kickstarter. I would have loved to drop $100 to be frank, but my very limited discretionary budget doesn't quite extend that far. :(


New member
Jun 1, 2012
Bought it for 360 so far - will most likely get it on PC too (supposing I can get a rig together to do it justice). Initially laid down $10 for the Kickstarter and upped that to $25 when the 360 version became available as a download - Would like to give more, but this isn't my only Kickstarter expiring on the same date so I can't overstretch myself too far at the moment.. (Car tax is due in June too :() Think I'd prefer to see a bit longer for a Kickstart than just 30 days - Esp. one with stretch goals..

Captain Chris

New member
Jun 6, 2012
Bought a copy and all tables so far on both the iPad 2 and Xbox 360 :D Love this game. The Williams Collection got me started. Great job FarSight!! :D


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Missing option: zero! Still waiting for the PC port. If it helps though I've bought both the Williams and Gottlieb collections. I might cave and get it for 360 or PS3, but Steam would be ideal. A little irked that the platforms I care about the least get releases and tables the quickest - iphone, ipad, kindle, etc. I have an iphone and my girlfriend has an ipad I could play on, I just don't want to play mobile versions of these beautiful tables. I want to play on a huge screen. :)


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I'm seriously considering going to 3 now that I have a new 360 and noticing no lag on my tv....


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I found it in the Mac App store so I bought it there first and then iOS (initially on the iPhone, but now almost exclusively play on my new iPad). I fully intend to buy it for Wii-U - when that comes out.


New member
May 29, 2012
2 times, iOS and Mac.

However, I´ve only played the Mac version once - I somehow assumed it would be something more than just an direct port of the very first iOS version with only four tables and uncustomizable controls and no controller support. Oh well, I treat it as a little donation to Farsight and who knows, maybe it gets better and I will return on it someday.

The iOS version on the iPad is pure gold, however!

(I´ve also got the PHOF 3DS port, and even though it´s pretty weak compared to TPA, I still enjoy it a lot, mostly because of Taxi and Whirlwind.)

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