How many TPA tables have you played in real life?

How many TPA tables have you actually played?

  • All of them! Every single one! (this includes Goin' Nuts, people)

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • At least 50

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • At least 40

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • At least 30

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • At least 20

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • At least 10

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Less than 10 (but at least one)

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • None of them! Zero!

    Votes: 3 4.5%

  • Total voters


New member
May 4, 2012
There was not one, but TWO Genies at the York PA show last October.
There was also an F2K but the flippers were so underpowered it wasn't possible to make shots up the lock lane.
Gorgar, Xenon, and HH were all present at Allentown this year, but I didn't get a chance to play HH. There was also a totally refurbished F2K but it wasn't playable. I mean it was beautiful, looked like new.

Wow, good stuff. Two Genies, lol! I'd love to check out a good-condition Gorgar & Xenon. I greatly envy people who live in other parts of the USA :).

I expected that I had played more than 51 tables, before I thought about each table. I think what happened is that in the 1990s/2000s when I went to shows & auctions, I was really looking for WMS machines I hadn't played much (like J.Mnemonic & I500), or famous 1970s classics, or rarities, and these were always there, so I would've shrugged off Co1812/ElDor/LCA/Fl2k/Genie/CentPk/BigShot, even HH, probably even GNuts, though I think I would've at least tried Gorgar and Xenon.

P.S. Although I wish I had the money back for lots and lots of things, pinball games aren't one of them. I estimated that I put $1,000 into pinball machines in 1994, and I was getting about 50% replays then. If anything, I wish I'd played even more pinball! :)

P.P.S. And I really, really wish that I'd actually bought a machine or five when they were cheap and I had plenty of disposable income. :( :( :(


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
50 table club. As I've been able to go to the Pinball Hall of Fame in Vegas, I have actually played Goin' Nuts. Here's what I either know or don't remember having played...

Harley Davidson (can't remember)
Central Park
Flight 2000
Class of 1812 (can't remember)
El Dorado
Lights, Camera, Action
High Roller Casino (can't remember)

I did see a Xenon 3 years back in a bowling alley, but it wasn't working.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Less than 10 games. ReplayFX is going to change that.

Twilight Zone (2nd visit at Kickback)
Theatre of Magic (1st visit at Kickback)
Addams Family (1st visit at Kickback)
High Roller Casino (Summit Inn, 2004)
Tee'd Off (Bowling alley, same place where TSPP resided)
White Water (2nd visit at Kickback)

Tan Coul

New member
Mar 15, 2012
21, I think, 9 in Brighton Arcades in the late 80s, 9 at Play Expo Manchester in the last three years and TAF, STTNG and Whirlwind in the intervening 25 years...


New member
Sep 21, 2014
About 11 tables. I've only played 90's ones, unfortunately. It's what the arcades I came across had; they sure had a lot of licensed themes.

Starship Troopers
The Addams Family
Tee'd Off
Scared Stiff
Junk Yard
Party Zone
Attack from Mars
Medieval Madness
Cirqus Voltaire
Harley Davidson
Theatre of Magic


New member
Feb 26, 2012
53 for me, although Pintastic today filled in quite a few blanks. The biggest one for me was Scared Stiff which I had never seen in person before today. I could have added another one but I couldn't bring myself to play Central Park. :)



New member
Jul 12, 2012
One thing is playing them at sometime, the other is playing them when first released.

Being and old timer, Genie was one of the first pinball machines I played (in the fish and chip shop) that was soon joined by a Gorgar :) and delight turned to extacy and a confirmed addition when Fire Power came on the scene. Only to have my mind blown by Black Knight :)

(still waiting on Flash to round out that stream of memory lane for me :)

Haunted house and Black hole, though impressive, where such sloppy tables to play in comparison. Centaur was surprisingly fun.

Currently 34 so far with Red and Ted played for the first time last year in Las Vagas Pinball hall of fame :)


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I started playing pinball a lot when I started Uni in '92. There was a Hurricane in the bar I was in the most, that got played at lot. TPA-wise we also got BSD and TZ.

Another bar usually had 2 tables on the go, of the TPA tables there was an STTNG that got horribly abused, there was also an HS2 (coming soon?). (I also played a lot of Point Blank there, it was also the bar with Street Fighter 2, which I very rarely played but was very popular.)

Then there were 2 or 3 in the main union building, that got TAF (I was not really a fan back then...), and Fish Tales (ball buster).

Finally there was the student night club, I was never sober when I went there, and that had Red&Ted, so I don't think I ever played it sober.

Oh and I was living in Brighton, so there were arcades. The pier had CftBL and later Elvira but they really had difficulty keeping their tables in shape.

Then I lived in France for a year, an arcade with over a dozen tables became a haunt, but pretty much all licensed tables not in TPA. They had a Cue Ball Wizard though, didn't like it much. (I had "ownership" of Corvette, and pretty well established residence of Demolition Man.)

Back home, in Torbay, more arcades, and the one I went to most had White Water and Whirlwind. WH2O got the most attention.

Then I moved to London after Uni, and one of the pubs near where I worked had a TotAN which I played most lunchtimes, and usually left a bunch of credits in it. The arcade at the Trocadero in Piccadilly Circus had AFM, I also remember briefly playing No Good Gofers and Monster Bash there.

Others I've picked up here and there across the years, most recently at a couple of shows - particularly the System 11 pins, which I missed out on.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I guess I have to say all of them except Goin' Nuts, I've never seen one. I know that you all know I don't like EM's, but yes in the last 4 years of going to a Pinball show in Orlando Florida, I've actually played all the EM's their. I did it to find a few I might like, I didn't mind Old Chicago, one year they had a EM that has race cars going around a track, plus I played all the ones we have on TPA. I didn't get into Pinball until I was 22 years old, and The Addam's Family was the game that got me started and addicted to Pinball Machines, so I have to say System 11 games up to Jersey Jacks Wizard Of Oz and Sterns Star Trek I would say I've played just about every Pinball Machine in real life between those decades.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Yeah, counting up the missing ones is easier if you've played a lot. I'm missing Gorgar, Big Shot, Genie, Firepower, Space Shuttle, Centaur, Flight 2000, Victory, 1812, El Dorado, Black Rose, BK2000, LCA, Dracula, Phantom, Party Zone, SS Troopers, Xenon.

Unsure about Black Hole and Road Show. I know I've seen them and had the chance to play, but can't remember if I actually did. Also unsure about Elvira, CBW, Whodunit, Earthshaker, which I feel I've played sometime but can't remember when or where. Also I've played a Harley although not sure if it was 3rd edition, but going to count it anyway.

So I'm missing between 18 and 23, so I've played between 37 and 42.

I ticked quite a few boxes at the Vegas Pinball HOF last year. Many of which I probably wouldn't have taken notice of without TPA. Bride of Pinbot, Black Knight, Creature, Dr Dude, Central Park, Cactus Canyon, Champion Pub, Goin Nuts, Haunted House.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
This is an interesting exercise. So much of my pinball experience has been of the virtual variety (especially in the last few years) that it's hard to remember sometimes. I'm sure I played a handful of machines when I was a little kid but didn't really remember or take note because back then it was just something to occasionally do when I wasn't playing or watching others play video games. I didn't really start to take notice of pinball until I stumbled across a Cactus Canyon in a movie theater when I was 16 or so, and really coming to appreciate the complexity and skill involved in modern pinball. By then, it was basically too late, as we all know.

But here are the machines I know I've played in real life, either on location in random bars/arcades and some of them from a rich person's store that sells pinball machines at exorbitant prices but lets you just walk in and play for free to test them out.

Attack From Mars
Cactus Canyon
Cue Ball Wizard
Fish Tales
Medieval Madness
Monster Bash
No Good Gofers
Road Show
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Addams Family
Theatre of Magic
Twilight Zone

That's really not as many as I thought. There are quite a few others I've played that aren't in TPA (yet.) Most notably, The Getaway: High Speed II. But I'm realizing now that I played a lot of more recent Stern tables that haven't made it into TPA as well. Quite a bit of Terminator 3, The Simpsons Pinball Party, and Lord of the Rings, in particular.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
17 missing off my list (18 if AFG counts as a separate release), as I've played several TAFs, some using Gold Roms, but never an actual Gold machine. Two-thirds of the missing ones are Gottliebs.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
The table I played the most was Jack*Bot which I owned before ~900 plays. Then it's (in no particular order) Terminator 2, Addams Family, High Roller Casino, Red & Ted Roadshow, Theater of Magic. I might have played more that I don't remember though :)


Mar 25, 2013
Looks like I'm at 50. A couple of pinball expos and you'll see most. Have not seen the following at any expos:

Harley Davidson
Elvira and the Party Monsters
Genie (really want to play the real deal)
Dr Dude (not 100% sure - may have played that once at an expo)
Goin' Nuts
Tee'd Off
Class of 1812
Road Show

Hoping to start seeing those in next years expos.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I was surprised at how few tables in TPA I've played IRL.

Black Hole
Medieval Madness
Twilight Zone
Haunted House
Fish Tales
High Speed

I really consider myself a big pinball fan, but that's all I've played.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Now that I've been to ReplayFX...24 total machines played in real life.

Addams Family
Attack From Mars
Black Knight
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Cirqus Voltaire
Cue Ball Wizard
High Roller Casino
High Speed
High Speed II
Medieval Madness
No Good Gofers
Safe Cracker
Space Shuttle
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Tee'd Off
Terminator 2
Theatre of Magic
Twilight Zone
White Water
Last edited:

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Updated list:

- Ripley's Believe It or Not
- Theatre of Magic
- Medieval Madness
- Funhouse
- Cirqus Voltaire
- Monster Bash
- Creature from the Black Lagoon
- No Good Gofers
- Twilight Zone
- Star Trek TNG
- Attack from Mars
- Dr. Dude
- Space Shuttle
- White Water
- Champion Pub
- Whirlwind
- Terminator 2
- Cue Ball Wizard
- Fish Tales
- Black Rose
- Black Knight 2000
- WHO Dunnit
- High Speed
- Junk Yard
- High Roller Casino
- Diner
- Bram Stoker's Dracula
- Party Zone
- Earthshaker
- Addams Family
- Cyclone
- Xenon
- Road Show
- The Getaway: High Speed II


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Tables played IRL

-big shot (does hot shot count?)
-black knight
-black knight 2000
-cyclone (I think)
-fish tales
-medieval madness (I think)
-space shuttle (very briefly because the flippers were crap)
-starship troopers
-terminator 2

Only a couple of these were before the table got made. Most were just for a little while. Half of them were in bad condition. Better get out there and play more real pinball cause this list is depressing

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