Idea: SPECIAL FORCE (Bally, 1986) as a Military/Veteran Fundraiser Release?


New member
Jul 5, 2013

Had the pleasure of playing SPECIAL FORCE (Bally, 1986) a few times at the Louisville Arcade Expo recently and it was easily in my top 3 favorites of the day. Such a fun table!

Naturally, I would love to see it come to The Pinball Arcade, but then, using my experience in Marketing I got to thinking... given the table's theme... what if FarSight were to release SPECIAL FORCE on either May 26th (Memorial Day), July 4, or November 11th (Veterans Day) and offer to donate a portion of the proceeds from each table sale to a reputable military/veterans charity of their choosing? It would stand out as a little different from the typical table release. It would be more of an event. I'm sure whatever charity they chose would even advertise it to their donors through emails, newsletters, etc.

Memorial Day isn't far off, so that may be a bit of a stretch so soon. But I think July or November would be totally do-able if they wanted to go this route.

I don't know much about military and veterans charities, but a quick search of ranks the most reputable (i.e. your money actually goes to the people who need it and not just a shady corporation/business posing as a charity) as being...

Armed Services YMCA of the USA (A–)
Fisher House Foundation (A+)
Homes For Our Troops (A)
Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund (A+)
Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America (A)
National Military Family Association (A)
Operation Homefront – N.O. (A)
Semper Fi Fund / Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund (A+)

I think this has the potential to garner a great deal of positive publicity and exposure for TPA as well as increase table sales for people wanting to help out the military/veterans charity. At the end of the day, FarSight would be helping out a deserving charity and TPA fans would be able to enjoy a fun and unique new table.

Something to think about anyway. Thoughts? :)

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Active member
Aug 2, 2013
I think its a Great idea. With the govt cutting veterans services it would be a great help to those men and woman that have served us.
My hat is off to you for such an unselfish thought.


Interesting idea, however to some degree nationalistic marketing ideas on international products tend to backfire. For example, every customer from outside of the US would be exempt from this offer in the event it were used to raise money for the US Military.

IF the fundraising were tied to a (politically) neutral cause like Cancer, AIDS, or feeding the poor etc then there could maybe be an international approach to market it without excluding a vast portion of your customer base at the same time.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
Uh, for this table I would gladly raise money for whatever the found raiser is.
I would really like to see this one, it's in my top 10 and I'm glad that someone else noticed it becasue there wasn't much about it here. Or at least I didn't find it and I didn't see it any poll. And it's licence free.

But I agree with netizen, something like this can backfire. I'm one of those that refuse to support something if I don't like what's behind it even if the product is something that I like.


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Interesting idea, however to some degree nationalistic marketing ideas on international products tend to backfire. For example, every customer from outside of the US would be exempt from this offer in the event it were used to raise money for the US Military.
Well, it wouldn't go to the US military itself, but I see what you're saying. I was thinking more of causes that support injured/disabled veterans and their families. Uncle Sam definitely doesn't need any more fundraisers than it's already got, but veterans and their families are often forgotten and outright ignored after their service time is over.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
Perhaps this idea could be expanded into veteran charities for the country in which TPA is sold. Help for Heroes for example here in the UK...

Personally I have no objection for raising funds for US veterans but it may help FS in other territories.

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
Silly, ignorant idea, i am sorry.

Why would anybody outside usa want to raise money for a country that causes so much trouble worldwide?

I am not against raising for vets, but come on get real.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
I'm from Belgium.
If farsight made a table with donation to, for example, aids research or cancer... yeah, I'm ok with that.
US war vet? No disrespect at all to those people but no, not interested...


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Let's be clear. A war vet doesn't make national policy.
A war veteran from ANY country is an individual who has made personal sacrifice.

I'm all for it.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
well, no. But at some point he took the gun and went to do whatever he was told to wherever he was send by national politician. So at the end, vet of a pro army is a product of national policy and they should take care of them.
Anyway, this is not a place for this kind of debate. But as stated before, something like this could backfire at FS beacuse some or a lot of people won't support this or even find it offensive. I personally don't care even for the vets in my country because of many things they didn't do to clear their names from some bad people that used them and used the benefits that they sholudn't have. So I really don't care for any others also. But I would still buy this table. :D


New member
Dec 11, 2013
I see your point.

My statement isn't universally applicable. But I support the veterans I've known from my own country and leave it at that. A charitable donation is voluntary by definition.

I will say that, in looking at the proposed table, I'm not certain it makes the right statement either.
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New member
Jul 5, 2013
Perhaps the vet fundraiser idea isn't the greatest one. I still say this is an extremely fun pin (especially if you like action movies) and would love to see it released on Memorial Day, July 4th, or Veterans Day.

Then again, maybe if they go the charity route, maybe international buyers who take issue with donating to homeless/injured/sick veterans can have the option to purchase the table with no money going toward the charity.


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
It is a great thought on your part. I can understand the international community not wanting to be a part of it. You had a great list of places for those who care about the forgotten vets to help out.
Thanks again
US Army 74-76


New member
Sep 9, 2013
To be honest I don't see how Rambo-style table puts out the right message about war veterans. The backglass alone is saying "Look at these manly soldiers ready to kill whoever gets in their way!"


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Even though my charity idea was met with a little controversy from international fans, I still want to see this table join TPA.

SUCH a fun, and unique pinball experience. If you are near a place that's got one of these, seriously, go out and play it TODAY.


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
Even though my charity idea was met with a little controversy from international fans, I still want to see this table join TPA.

SUCH a fun, and unique pinball experience. If you are near a place that's got one of these, seriously, go out and play it TODAY.
I'd buy it.

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