If you had $10,000 to spend on pinball?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'm home from work today having a new heat pump/central air unit installed in my house. It's costing me around 10K. Yes, ouch! Got to thinking about what pins I would buy if I had spent the money on a machine(s). I think I would go with Addams Family and Haunted House. What would buy?

Gail R Schwartz

New member
Jun 26, 2012
Hi k. Omg . Guess I am glad a.c. Included in condo. Ur not far from me . In Atlantic city new jersey now. Was born in philly. If you have room some money . U can pin 4 real . TNT amusements . Southhampton pa. Has lots of pins. From $1500.00 to $ 2.600. They will loan u money if u qualify. Check it out. I would if I had lots of room. I could get 6 or 7 or more. Check out their website. Go for it.

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
That is barely recognizable as English.

For me the issue isn't one of money but of space and of finding a well-conditioned machine or someone who could regularly maintain it for hire. But putting those issues magically aside, I would love to own a BlackKnight 2000. That's one pin that I can play over and over and not get tired of. Incidentally I really hope that comes to TPA so I don't have to buy one. But either way that would be a lot more fun than a new HVAC system. Good luck with the house though, dude!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Yeah, I'd definitely go for quantity. I'd get too bored with only 1 or 2 machines.....I'd get a couple DMDs and then a bunch of cheaper oldies.


Apr 12, 2012
$10k? If I had to buy a real machine, it would be a Funhouse. If I'm allowed a Hyperpin/VP cabinet, I'd buy a pre-made one and a 4-player MAME cabinet.


Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I'm probably over $10K with this set, but Twilight Zone, Scared Stiff, Cirqus Voltaire and Whirlwind. Theatre of Magic and High Speed II get honorable mentions.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
I used to have MM, Taxi and Johnny Mneumonic. I do miss 'em but, I couldn't justify that kind of expense nowadays.

I do get to see my old MM on occasion. The left troll (I call him Rupert) is still broken.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
I'd have a look at maybe 3 or 4 top 20 machines in reasonable working order. Luckily a company 10 miles from me could refurb them for me. Given £10k (I'm being greedy here not USD) the machines could cost around £6000 or less. Refurb and modding costs, hopefully less than £4k.

Can I have £100k instead Kolchak? Choices are so much easier then....


New member
May 26, 2012
Unless you're replacing whole playfields or trashed ramps, refurbing a pinball shouldn't cost much at all. More like £100 per machine at the most.

Only DMD I would have to get for my 10k would be Attack From Mars. Whatever's left towards F14 Tomcat, Fathom and Grand Lizard. :)

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