Initial Thoughts on PBA for Switch


New member
Oct 2, 2015
To be fair the Stern packs increase the total price by a lot. The Star Trek, AC/DC and Mustang tables were only available in SPA. Still a big let down for the Switch and imho no need to get any of the tables if you have SPA.


New member
Apr 19, 2018
I already have star trek le en acdc le for spa.

They need to offer individual tables for a fair price. All i want to buy is ripley, mustang, ghostbusters and last action hero. That is 40 euros....


Feb 28, 2012
Hello Swuth66, is it possible to tweak Ripley's to be a bit harder in a future update? Like removing some extra ball awards, maybe. In one of my first games I got so many extra balls I lost sensation of time. Extra easy difficulty isn't extra fun. Thanks.
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New member
Jun 30, 2013
Okay, so they went from $210 for the 90+ tables on the first release, lost 2/3 of the content, and now what's left costs $91.

You could have gotten more tables on the old price structure, better tables, too, for $60.

This is not going to be a popular pricing structure.
Yeah the handful of Stern tables are $40. If you take that off, the total drops to $50-something. Then if you're not interested in the PBA original Dr Who table, that brings the total down to $40-something. I downloaded everything excluding the Stern stuff and paid less than I would for a typical retail title.

So in 2005, Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection released on GameCube. Fast forward 13 years, I've basically got the Gottlieb Super Deluxe Colection for Switch, with a couple bonus extras... :p

Oh, and the Black Hole is still one of my favorite tables. Also if you missed out on the Williams tables, there's always the Pinball Hall of Fame Williams Collection physical disc floating around for various game systems, and still currently the only licensed release for Jive Time. I may have to track down the PS3 physical disc before it becomes unobtainium... :rolleyes:
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Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
I still have TOTAN on my switch and and I got the new update that removes the Williams/Bally licenses.

Ah so the lucky people in the US who bought it quickly get to keep the WMS tables?

I was kinda expecting them to refund everyone and wipe the slate clean, seeing as it can't be very many people.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
Seems really good apart from a couple of glaring errors.

Why can't I use tate mode with the joycon attached? I don't want to use touch screen. Also I can't use my usual username for the leaderboards, or even the same username I use for SPA on switch either?

These issues aside I have to say it seems like the best handheld version available.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
Seems really good apart from a couple of glaring errors.

Why can't I use tate mode with the joycon attached? I don't want to use touch screen. Also I can't use my usual username for the leaderboards, or even the same username I use for SPA on switch either?

These issues aside I have to say it seems like the best handheld version available.
I started going by Kosmic Stardust (as opposed to my old handle stardust4ever) for new signups a couple years back. Ho hum, I registered as Kosmic StarDust in TPA then it wouldn't let me use that same username in Stern, even though I am from the same Nintendo account. So I went with Kosmic_Stardust for the Stern App. :rolleyes:


New member
Apr 16, 2012
0 least Stern pack 1 is pretty good....if you didnt get RBION, ST or ACDC on SPA.

Everything else....well Im glad Ill be able to get all the Bally/Williams stuff on my PS4. Also a bummer that we lost the ability to demo tables.


Nov 1, 2013
interesting that they just released custom ball packs for Pinball Arcade and one of them includes the Addams Family custom balls.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
interesting that they just released custom ball packs for Pinball Arcade and one of them includes the Addams Family custom balls.
Thank you for the tip. I just purchased the Glo Balls, Dr Who, and Farsight Ball Packs.

Don't bother with the Farsight ball pack if you only wanted the Addam's Family ball pack to cheat the tables with. It doesn't work like that anymore. The Addams Family "hand ball" doesn't behave any different than the others this time around. Still, it was a cool Easter Egg while it lasted.:p

And where's my 99 cent Eyeball? One of my old favorites. We should petition them to bring it back. Surely they didn't lose the licensing rights to that too?:p

AFAIK, Farsight still has the rights to Dr Who, Addam's Family, T2, Star trek TNG, and Twilight Zone; they just don't have the rights to the Williams developed licensed tables themselves. Farsight already reskinned the Dr Who table. It would not surprise me if they did the same with Addam's Family or others.:rolleyes:
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New member
Jun 7, 2018
The Switch version immediately became the preferred way of playing for me thanks to vertical mode.

It sucks that the Bally/Williams tables aren't in there, but I think there's a lot of good tables left. (looking on the bright side here)

After some initial doubts and buying only one table pack, I have by now bought all the table packs except for Alvin G. & Co and Dr. Who, neither of which I'm interested in for this price. I thought the prices for the Stern packs were a bit high too, but I still bought the packs (and the better priced Gottlieb ones), about a third of my total paid price went with gold points. I thought it would be better at this point to get everything and have a full cabinet to play through than to be stingy and wait for a sale (which I will still do for those final two packs), especially since I love that vertical mode on the Switch and can take it anywhere.


New member
Aug 19, 2015
So if I've purchased ALL of the Stern Pinball Arcade tables (on Switch) piecemeal, there's no way to import them into the Pinball Arcade app? :mad:


New member
Jun 30, 2013
you have to download the tables for pba in the eshop. they are free for you if you purchased them for spa.
PBA only lets you buy the packs.

I bought two standalone tables in the Stern app: ACDC and Ghostbusters. I want to play these two purchased tables on pba.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
I'm not seeing it. Like I said, I purchased them individually, not as packs. And each pack still shows up with the original price.
Perhaps, like me, you did not want to purchase all of the tables (for instance, just the ones that had not appeared prior in PBA), and you did not buy all of them?

The Nintendo eShop does not permit you to purchase a bundle if you already own parts of the bundle. If you purchase all of the components contained within a bundle (which may or may not be the same price as the sum of it's parts), then the bundle itself will show as purchased in the eShop.

Since the tables are only avialable to purchase as packs in the updated Pinball Arcade App, perhaps you did not purchase ALL of the components of Stern Pinball packs 1 and 2? Open the Stern Pinball App and link to the eShop to verify if the packs display as purchased or not.

Again, normally, the bundle will be grayed out (attempting to buy will result in an error message that you cannot purchase it as you already own some of it's content) if you purchased some but not all of it's contents individually. If you purchased none if the contents, the bundle will be available for purchase. If you purchased all of the contents individually, the bundle should display as already owned.

IF you purchased all of the contents individually, and the bundle does not display as purchased, contact Farsight. It should be possible for the developer to unlock it for you or send you a code.

I would still like to be able to play ACDC Pinball and Ghostbusters inside the Pinball Arcade app (I have little interest at this time of purchasing the overpriced bundles), but I will probably contact Farsight as well when I get a chance.

I imagine this situation could be very frustrating to people who purchased the content during the brief moments the entire PBA store was online, as they will have a bunch of old Williams tables and some of the Gottlieb and other stuff from the other packs (they won't be able to purchase the bundle, nor would they be able to purchase the missing pieces individually).

Also this morning I received an email from Nintendo regarding Switch update 6.0.0. Nintendo will be unveiling their online service moving forward, so make sure your Nintendo account and Switch account are linked so you can move forward with your purchased content, and access online play or cloud saves if you sub to their premium service.

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