Request [iOS] [Android] Increase the audio compression bit rate for better-quality audio


New member
Jun 7, 2012
Currently there are no plans to increase the bitrate of the audio on iOS and Android. It’d require a lot of heavy lifting in the engine code and our resource compiler. It’s not as trivial of a change as one might assume.

Any plans to increase the bitrate on the PS3/PS4 version of the game?


New member
Jun 7, 2012
Bump. Paging Farsight PS3/PS4 team. Do you have any plans to increase the bitrate/sample rate on the PS3/PS4 version of the game?

If someone from farsight could get this to the PS3/PS4 team, I would greatly appreciate it. It's an issue that has been there from day 1 and I have yet to hear anyone acknowledge it, let alone say they were going to fix it. Yet, we got stereoscopic 3D in the latest patch...come on guys! You can do this, I know you can!
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