iOS MM/BoP Update


New member
Mar 22, 2012
Trying to download new tables and it is just sitting on connecting then tells me I have to be connected to the internet to download tables...trying with Wi-Fi now


New member
Mar 22, 2012
Yep - it's still buggy, but the new tables work well, and it's completely playable on the new iPad.

Actually I've found all the bugs from 1.09 have been fixed - weird left ramp image on TOTAN, sound glitching issue when closing/sound not returning when reopening app, ball lock on TOTAN saying Free Play, images next to flippers missing on TOM, etc.

MM is awesome, love the DMD


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Playing beautifully here iPad 2. BoP's ball feels a bit slower and heavier than the other tables to me. So far everything is looking and playing perfectly. MM and TOTAN both seem a lot more difficult than The Williams Collection but also more true to how crappy I score in real life. I absolutely love this app!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Running great on my iPad 2.

I like the way BoP plays. To me, this feels more like the older machines I'm used to. I wish Black Hole played more like this.
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New member
Apr 12, 2012
Physics seem wonky still, but the new tables are fantastic. Its nice to have the textures clear enough to actually read whats going on, it's made the old tables so much better for it. I can't really read anything on the Xbox version. BoP is one of my new fav tables. I was disappointed we weren't getting Pinbot at first, but I get it now, table rocks.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Downloading now...though i wonder if MM table of the month is free for me. I have the free version, since I play mostly on the XBOX


And it's so prettyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Physics seem wonky still, but the new tables are fantastic. Its nice to have the textures clear enough to actually read whats going on, it's made the old tables so much better for it. I can't really read anything on the Xbox version. BoP is one of my new fav tables. I was disappointed we weren't getting Pinbot at first, but I get it now, table rocks.

They probably went with BoP first since Pinbot was already released in PHOF (as well as MM), so they wanted to have one new table to go along with MM.
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New member
Mar 26, 2012
Thank god! The older tables look a hell of a lot better on the 4S, too. I suspect the physics may be a bit wonky on MM though as a few loops (namely damsel) feel far quicker than the machine I've played IRL. Could be the angle that the physical machine I've played is on, but it's a lot harder for me to get some nice flow going in this version.

Anyone else?


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Hm. Not sure I like the sound of that :/ Doesn't just feel like it's a table angle setting, but the ball in MM (and possibly others) doesn't feel like it has any weight to it... like the game has literally just been sped up, but without any of the necessary minor adjustments needed to make it feel realistic. I was only referring to MM as that's the only one I could make a realistic IRL comparison with.

Haven't tried any of the other tables in-game yet but if that's the same, then it definitely sucks. They all felt pretty good pre-update.

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