IS it next week yet?


New member
May 25, 2012
Yeh and the cheap bastards are only selling dlc without updating the game , its still at version 1.0.2

so no lightning update ??? or bug fixes

Funny you should say that, 'cheap bastards' is exactly how I would describe people who b1tch and whine so much about a game that costs less than a tenner, and even with it's bugs, is amongst the best value for money gaming on the market.

Reminds me of this:



New member
Sep 7, 2012
Hey let me remind you , customer is KING here in this part of the world !!!!!
so i have the right to complain about it.

25 is more then a tenner i bought all the dlc so ?

so yeh update is part of the angrement it mentions weekly updates in the psn store
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New member
Sep 7, 2012
how do you feel when they add tournament mode in version 3.0 but europe gets it 3 month later ???
you will miss all the action.

or you supported kickstarter for 100 bucks and you get it 3 month later then the rest ??

its my right to complain..
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the ajp

New member
Jun 17, 2012
Yeah @urbanshenkle you have a right to complain and i also have a right to praise :)
After the long wait we had in the EU we are currently getting tables at the rate of TWO A WEEK which i think is amazing it's like a birthday present every week and i for one am loving it .. i never blamed farsight anyway sony EU have always been slow on the uptake since the PS3 came into existence and the PS2 and playstation before it ...
I think the game is playing pretty well ok they are a few bugs but nothing stopping my emense enjoyment of the game nor stopping me beating ATLANTIS on RBOIN or completing TOM . Never had any flipper lag either maybe i'm just lucky
TPA gives me great pleasure and allows me to revisit tables i had long since resigned to memories and i appreciate all the hard work that goes into it :)
By the end of the month we will have caught up to the american release dates and i am looking forward to playing the rest of the new tables on my PS3 .. right i'm off back to trying to beat battle for the kingdom on MM .. bye for now :)

Shifty Pete

New member
Oct 10, 2012
I understand the frustration with bugs and with release delays, but for me it always comes back to the fact that I can buy a pack of tables for the cost of a few plays on a real machine, and then play them as many times as I want... without running to the machine for more quarters!

I haven't played much pinball in real life (mostly Addams Family back in the 90's), and it took a lot of games on TPA for me to be able to keep a ball alive for very long. If I'd had to drop $0.50 for each of those games I'd be in a lot deeper than the cost of the TPA packs I've purchased (all of them). I can have 5 bad games in a row on TPA without that feeling that I'm wasting money, and I can play pinball anytime I want without driving to a bowling alley or movie theater 50 miles away.

I'm very happy with TPA, and the continued refinements and new tables are just icing. Awesome icing on a two-layer awesomefood cake.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
The price is irrelevant. If TPA cost a $100 or $2, the fact is that it's shipping with what many consider to be game breaking bugs that should not be there. Or just sloppy like the Black Knight table (which whether you like it or not, you paid for along side the other table) or the reversed table art that was pictured in a different thread. You can rationalize it all you want, the game is cheap, tables in the wild are not perfect either, etc etc, but the fact remains, this game and these table packs are being released bugged. They shouldn't be. When Monster Bash is reported having a bugged exploit prior to release on the PS3, but releases with that bug anyways, than someone is flat out not paying attention.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Joo talking to me? *looks* jook talking too meee!?

Granted man but the dev time and bug fixes your asking for with the scooe of this project would see maybe 2 dlc packs a year i rather like our current groove...i kinda enjoy bug finding too but im a geek and some of our better players plays beat me to it heh

Shifty Pete

New member
Oct 10, 2012
The price is irrelevant. If TPA cost a $100 or $2, the fact is that it's shipping with what many consider to be game breaking bugs that should not be there. Or just sloppy like the Black Knight table (which whether you like it or not, you paid for along side the other table) or the reversed table art that was pictured in a different thread. You can rationalize it all you want, the game is cheap, tables in the wild are not perfect either, etc etc, but the fact remains, this game and these table packs are being released bugged. They shouldn't be. When Monster Bash is reported having a bugged exploit prior to release on the PS3, but releases with that bug anyways, than someone is flat out not paying attention.
Monster Bash is one of my favorite tables in TPA. I haven't encountered any major issues with it myself, and I'm glad that it wasn't held from release... its quite playable now and will be improved through ongoing patches. If you're talking about bugs that allow people to reach unreasonable scores, then I'm really glad the table wasn't help for that. I'd rather enjoy the table myself than get all butt-hurt that someone else is cheating.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
Monster Bash is one of my favorite tables in TPA. I haven't encountered any major issues with it myself, and I'm glad that it wasn't held from release... its quite playable now and will be improved through ongoing patches. If you're talking about bugs that allow people to reach unreasonable scores, then I'm really glad the table wasn't help for that. I'd rather enjoy the table myself than get all butt-hurt that someone else is cheating.

I could care less about people cheating either. The point with Monster Bash is that it was released with a well known bug that was apparent on other platforms prior to it's release on the PS3. From my understanding anyways. That's a ridiculous thing to happen and shows a flat out lack of care. If it was a game breaker bug I'm sure you wouldn't be so forgiving.

But hey, if people are fine supporting the platform knowing full well that the tables are going to not work the way they should and hope that the issues are going to be addressed with no acknowledgment to that fact from the developer, then be my guest. It's your money to spend. For myself, I'm going to be really choosy over which packs to buy until the quality control improves as opposed to continuing to buy the packs blind just to support TPA. I love the platform, I think it's superior to Zen, I don't like being treated as the guinea pig testing items, especially when Farsight are dead silent on all the issues that have been brought up. I'd be more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if they addressed the issues.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
especially when Farsight are dead silent on all the issues that have been brought up. I'd be more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if they addressed the issues.

They address all the issues when there is actually
1 a fix in the works
2 a known cause they have identified with a plan to remedy it
3 a recognised urgency in dealing with the problem ahead of anything else

Im not sure what forum you have been on, but FarSight here, has been quite vocal and candid with the problems. Or do you mean FarSight as in Bobby King? , because the Devs here chat up a storm and we have at least 6 of them registered here, just to communicate beyond the PR department .


Apr 13, 2012
Farsight has been pretty quiet about the BK issues. Problems on earlier tables or delayed releases on the XBox360 are commented on regularely and the Android developer is also very active but nothing for the PS3...


New member
Apr 20, 2012
So to get back on topic... IS IT NEXT WEEK YET?! Almost.. Will these 2 tables be released for PSN on Tuesday? Farsight isn't saying.

Being less than 3 days away I'm guessing this is not going to happen, but perhaps they are playing it safe just in case there is a snag.

I really hope they come out no later than Oct 31st though since I plan on including them them
in my "Spend $100 in the PSN Store in October and get $20 back" deal


New member
Jun 20, 2012
So to get back on topic... IS IT NEXT WEEK YET?! Almost.. Will these 2 tables be released for PSN on Tuesday? Farsight isn't saying.

Being less than 3 days away I'm guessing this is not going to happen, but perhaps they are playing it safe just in case there is a snag.

I really hope they come out no later than Oct 31st though since I plan on including them them
in my "Spend $100 in the PSN Store in October and get $20 back" deal

They have made each release date for the last 3 releases , and their deadline for changing it , was Friday . So I expect there will be at least be one version out of table pack 5 for the Pinball Arcade come this Tuesday in N.America . , and the inevitable core game update .

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