Is "Pro" worth the extra money?


Jan 18, 2014
Not a fan of pro mode. I "own" the table but can't "open" it? Not worth the money they want imho.

As long, as the PS4-pinballers, specially here in Europe, get treated like second class customers, I will not donate a single cent to FS anymore. Not a single patch, not a single new table since release half a year ago. Communication with FS is also near to zero. Delay after delay, an absolutely awful sound....the list of fails and disappointments is long.

I will not pay for an quite expensive pro-mode (10 Euros), wich offers just a few uninterresting setting-modifications. For the same price, Zen offers the new StarWars-Set with 4 new tables, which are a lot of fun to play. Not so realistic than TPA, but bugfree with great sound and, i.m.o. fun to play. Oh, I forgot, Zen´s got leaderboards. And that is something we´re waiting for so long in TPA on PS4.
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New member
Apr 3, 2013
Croooow111 has made a video about pro mode on ScS.

I was only interested by the table exploration feature (at 10' in the vid) but this decided me to NOT buy it.

Like some of the guys here, it's seems to not worth the money.



New member
Sep 22, 2013
If the pro version was $5.99, I wonder if they'd have more revenue from it? I'd pay another dollar for it, but not 3.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Pro Mode should be 2.99 after you buy the base game.

It's 7.99 instead (correct me if wrong, I know it's full price though) and that totally sucks. It basically means if I don't buy pro day 1, I'm not going to get it period. It's like buying the table twice.

Anyways, it's worth it to me for most tables, I just don't always have enough money in my Apple account to get it each time.

It's especially valuable for my ps4 because it allows me to turn off extra balls and set up home tournaments. Or practice with just 1 ball.


Jan 18, 2014
Another example, how european customers get ripped-off. In the US, you pay 7,99. In Europe, we pay 10,99 Euros for the pro mode, which is about 15 dollars.

What´s wrong with FS? No updates, no new tables for PS4 in Europe since release half a year ago. But they offer us "premium-prices" for the same customers, waiting and waiting and waiting for nothing!

What do they think we are? Morons, cash-cows who swallow everything?
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Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
That DOES sound stange. I know pinball costs more, both to own and to play in Europe, but that's because of the massive shipping and import fees. You don't have to deal with shipping or tariffs when it's digital, and in fact, some video games actually cost less internationally.


New member
Jul 26, 2012
That DOES sound stange. I know pinball costs more, both to own and to play in Europe, but that's because of the massive shipping and import fees. You don't have to deal with shipping or tariffs when it's digital, and in fact, some video games actually cost less internationally.

There is a VAT (Value Added Tax) on downloaded digital software in Europe..


Jan 18, 2014
There is a VAT (Value Added Tax) on downloaded digital software in Europe..

In Germany the VAT is 18%, in the UK it´s 20%. This doesn´t explain that big range in prizes (more than 80%).
For example: The new StarWars-tables-pack (ZEN) costs 8,99 Euros, which is 12,30 in Dollars. How much do you have to pay in the US for the pack?
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Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
There is a VAT (Value Added Tax) on downloaded digital software in Europe..

Ah, did not know that. Well, that explains why it costs more then (but not why it costs that much more), and why every game I've heard of that costs less is a retail release.

Each Star Wars three-table pack is US$10 in the United States, by the way.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
If you haven't bought pro, the table isn't really yours. You can 'play' on a normal table, but that's about it really. With pro version, you can manipulate the table and view different angles and have access to other components of the table. So you now own the table 100% (digitally) So yea, pro is worth the extra few bucks.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
It's worth it only if you're going to use it. I bought pro mode for season 1 thinking why not for just the few extra bucks, but in fact I've never gone to activate it on any of the tables. One game of Scared Stiff with the family rating disabled is about the only use I'd ever make of it.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
For Android the European prices are pretty low. Google mostly translates the greenback according to current exchange rates. The core pack should be 2,80 at the moment. Naturally not pro.

And if it's too expensive then don't complain about not releasing more tables. Farsight cares for you.


Jan 18, 2014
Very interesting, that some critical posts (3 in a row, only one posted by myself), which have obviously not found the approval from FS resp. their hodmen, got deleted.
That´s a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first few months on PS4, I made a lot of good promotion for TPA adressing my friends on PS4. I convinced some of them, they bought the 1st season. But now, that´s history. Each one of them is disappointed for good reasons, cause not a single promise was kept since this day.

Dear Zorgwon: "Farsight cares for you". What a bloody joke. Very ironic. After all this mess, I don´t care for Farsight anymore.

So I´m not only finished with Farside, i´m also finished with this forum. The admin may delete my account, I don´t care anymore. TPA? Broken promises, fishy excuses, censorship (by the way, I didn´t offended anyone, yet I didn´t used indecent language.

Well, nothing more to say.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
This is not an official forum; FarSight has no control over what gets posted or removed here, nor do they exert any influence on the moderation team. I can tell you that all six of the current and former moderators have posted things that likely made FarSight's management cringe, such as the extensive cataloging of the game's many faults in the master issues lists.

Regarding the four posts that were deleted: The first was troll bait, the second was a response that no longer made sense once the first post was gone, the third was a personal attack, and the fourth was a continuation of the "criticism" that you have provided us in an unbroken stream since the beginning of April.

As for your account, your wish is granted; your days here are now over. May you have better luck finding satisfaction elsewhere.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
To me, the extra few bucks wouldn't be much, if it's a table I love. Still I'd need to hear more positives


New member
Sep 22, 2013
You can purchase season 1 and 2 pro packs for $10 on PSN, If you own the tables already, of course. Not a bad price.....I'm gonna get season 1 at least.

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