It's out! (PC Initial Release Discussion And Feedback)

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New member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm not really interested in playing TPA on my PC as I'm going to get it on PS4 but installed it last night to see how it looked. I must say I'm well impressed on the whole, runs surprisingly well on my crusty old PC even with PP and 4xAA on 1080p, looks pretty good too. Some tables look better than others though, quite a few have more than a wiff of PS3 pink about them and some textures could do with a rez bump.

Hell of a package for someone new to TPA getting all the table releases upto date in one hit. Can't wait for the PS4 version now.


New member
Jun 14, 2013
I'm using a matcatz arcade stick with Xpadder but TPA keeps defaulting back to controller input when I only want to control it with the mouse and keyboard.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
The people complaining about european prices are probably forgetting that we pay VAT for all steam purchases. It varies by country but at least where I live it's 24%. So the season pack prices are actually only 0.5€ more expensive than the US prices once you account for that.

Ah okay. For some reason you guys seperate that stuff from the price.

Inferno, I think you misunderstood him.
Pelter lives in Finland not in the US.
He pays in Euro.


New member
Jun 10, 2013
Can someone explain to me or post a link to an explanation as to how the Farsight online leaderboards work?

Are the scores pulling from all platforms or just PC?
How does comparing scores with friends work?

PS Garek

New member
Dec 25, 2012
I played TOTAN and my KS'd T2 last night and had a great time. Sampling the demo tables I was pretty happy too. The game looks great, and I had a few crashes, but I think that was mostly a consequence of screwing around with the graphics options. Given that I don't play this game portably that often, I might switch this to be my main TPA platform.

Other than the DLC purchasing issues which has been covered extensively in the other thread, I'd really like them to add support to friends in Steam. Plenty of great ways to compare scores on there, and it doesn't rely on facebook integration.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
How can I add friends from here to compare scores?

Not 100% sure but I think there's a thread with Steam usernames around here somewhere.
Add me if you want: charron_aaron

I played TOTAN and my KS'd T2 last night and had a great time. Sampling the demo tables I was pretty happy too. The game looks great, and I had a few crashes, but I think that was mostly a consequence of screwing around with the graphics options. Given that I don't play this game portably that often, I might switch this to be my main TPA platform.

Other than the DLC purchasing issues which has been covered extensively in the other thread, I'd really like them to add support to friends in Steam. Plenty of great ways to compare scores on there, and it doesn't rely on facebook integration.

It's become my main platform as well, even though I can't pick up any of the table packs until the 15th, I'm still going to enjoy the snot out of ToTAN and T2 as well.


New member
Apr 5, 2012
Any way to turn off mouse click activated flippers? Not the biggest deal in the world, but I love using the mouse as a plunger and it looks stupid have the flippers go off at the same time. I'm also concerned it will interfere with "hold down left flipper" plunging options.

David Greene

New member
Sep 25, 2012
Slightly off topic but why wasn't there a paid (2.99?) version of TPA available on steam like there was on iOS? Also, was ToM a kickstarter because when I finished the demo last night it said to buy it was 8.99 for the one table (?!)

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Slightly off topic but why wasn't there a paid (2.99?) version of TPA available on steam like there was on iOS? Also, was ToM a kickstarter because when I finished the demo last night it said to buy it was 8.99 for the one table (?!)

That's actually a bug in the description. $8.99 is TOM, Ripleys and Black Hole. Going to fix that in the next patch. It doesn't matter if you buy TOM, Black Hole, or Ripley's it'll give you all 3 with that purchase.

If you don't have access to Kickstarter rewards (saw a post from lettuce), please email and let them know


New member
Nov 5, 2013
This is unfair, convertion 1$=1EURO
Prices for the season packs in EUR:

Season 1: Price: 27.99 € US: $29.99 -> Convertion to EUR: 22,19 €

Season 2: Price: 36,99 €, US: $39.99 -> Converted to EUR: 29,59 €


New member
Mar 24, 2012
The Cab support will most likely happen before any "HD" Remake.


Dan Jaquint

New member
Apr 19, 2013
This is working really well for me in my hardware portrait mode in cab, but is there any way to anti-stretch the resolution for now? Very exciting.
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