Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???


New member
Mar 17, 2012
We're like 2-3 weeks away from TAF being released so wheres all the behind the scene media and info that FS promised on building this table and whats involved!!!. All we have seen is 1, yes 1 picture of the table being stripped and thats it. I was hoping of i dunno maybe some time lapse video of the table being striped and then the objects being 3d modelled, maybe some video of how the art team touch up the playfield etc, basically showing us lot whats involved in digitising a pinball table and the step from getting a table in the office to it appearing on The Pinball Arcade game....guess thats was too much to ask!!!

Be nice to see what they have actually done with fester on the playfield and backglass


New member
Feb 8, 2014
There is news, of sorts, in that some betas have started, and they have been started 2 weeks prior to release instead of the usual 1 week prior to release. Since the betas started on Feb 6, that puts release on Feb 20.

The re-touching looks good. Nothing out of sorts. If you weren't looking for it, you wouldn't know it's been done.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
We were told during past twitch gameplay with FarSight we would get updates as the months got closer. They lied period. Imagine that...we are always left in the dark......


New member
Jul 21, 2013
FarSight should not tell us things if they don't mean them anyone can talk that's the easy part. That's not Moaning DanBradford.
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Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Maybe they're trying to be mysterious and ooky. But for seriously, if they're doing beta testing early, I'm confident they'll be coming out with a solid recreation, and can live with the silence


Jul 7, 2012
Yes, it would have been nice but does anyone REALLY care so long as the tables reproduced well? If I had to choose between better updates or more work spent on reproduction I would always go with the latter.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Remember, Kickstarter is a platform used to fund a venture, and deliver the promised reward tiers.

I don't believe that behind the scenes videos/photos, and other information of any type is actually specified as part of the reward tiers, correct?

Sure, a better marketing/engagement push during the KS would have been welcomed. But they are not breaking any firm, contractual promises by not doing them for us.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Yes, it would have been nice but does anyone REALLY care so long as the tables reproduced well? If I had to choose between better updates or more work spent on reproduction I would always go with the latter.

Hey! Only *****ing in this thread! Get out!!

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
To what exactly?

Glad you asked. would be a good pick. I get that people get po'ed and on some points like communication, FS needs to do way better. So people should be allowed to make their point and that is cool.

But then the same 3-5 people such as yourself make the same complaints or express their same frustration over and over and over again, to the point I am not liking the idea of logging in much anymore and I know two other members who are starting to feel that way. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Seriously what is the point of logging in? This sites very existence is supposed to celebrate TPA and other virtual pinball software. Is this celebrating???

Truth be told, and I know I will surely be reprimanded for this and I guess it's going to be earned as I am starting to have problems with the moderation of this site more than with the nega-nannies. I am a staunch believer that censorship is bad and am a defender of personal opinions but in a case like this I would hope it's ok for board moderators not to ban or edit personal opinions, but to send a pm to these same 3-5 members and just tell them it's gotten old, their point is made, now be patient, have fun or move the heck on.

Anyone with regular attendance here can see this sites staff work their butts off on a daily basis so I don't get it, must be some site doctrine to let the loonies run the asylum. Anyway this is not an attack on mods though I could see it could be read that way, it's not meant that way.

But what the hell do I know? I'm just a member and a virtual pinball newbie ;). If I end up being banned for voicing my opinion on this, consider I've been known as an extremely patient man in the virtual pinball world, so what does that tell you? Anyway, it's a moot point, I'll ensure I don't let the door hit my rump on the way out. Too bad, this site mission is an awesome one.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
It's gotten to the point where it's almost a relief to find a thread actually about pinball. Of course any thread that remains active long enough usually descends into discussions about Farsight and delays and bugs and so forth. I imagine that's why the Table of the Week was started.

I stay away from Facebook, for the most part, for the very reasons you're speaking of loafer.

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