Bug Mac Version 1.0.4 Bugs And Feedback

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New member
Sep 25, 2012
No changelog, no graphics improvements and no developer communication in the Mac forum section = not buying DLC, yet again.

Agreed! Why even post a section to post mac version bugs if nothing is going to fixed, or even communicated about it being looked into...


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Does everyone here that play on the Mac, are you also not able to still nudge the table while you have the flipper pressed?

Also, will they ever add an up nudge on the platforms that do not have a d-pad?


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Does everyone here that play on the Mac, are you also not able to still nudge the table while you have the flipper pressed?

I still cannot nudge while a flipper is pressed.

Is this solved on their end by having nudge respond to both / and ?


New member
Sep 26, 2012
In Taxi, I found a bug, I think. When I played this table on android and got the joyride bonus it would show a close up of the back glass so you can see the award. In the mac version when I get the joyride bonus the view shows the underside of the table and I see nothing but the wall. This has happened 3 times in one game.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
In Taxi, I found a bug, I think. When I played this table on android and got the joyride bonus it would show a close up of the back glass so you can see the award. In the mac version when I get the joyride bonus the view shows the underside of the table and I see nothing but the wall. This has happened 3 times in one game.

That sucks. What are your camera settings? Mine are (I think) the default of 2 for both plunger and table.

I've been pretty much only been playing Taxi and I haven't gotten that bug... and I have seen the close-up of the back glass many many times.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Here is the DMD weirdness in CV. I put the camera setting next to each shot to identify it.

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New member
Apr 13, 2012
There is a display bug with multiple displays.

I have a MBA at 1440x900. I have an external Cinema Display that acts as the primary display at 1680x1050.

When I choose "Enter Full Screen" I get this:



New member
Apr 13, 2012
In Taxi, I found a bug, I think. When I played this table on android and got the joyride bonus it would show a close up of the back glass so you can see the award. In the mac version when I get the joyride bonus the view shows the underside of the table and I see nothing but the wall. This has happened 3 times in one game.

I just got the same bug for the first time... I played probably a dozen games yesterday without it and today got it in two of the three games I played.

Not sure if this helps: I started windowed at regular size with sound off. During the first game I expanded the window to fill the screen and turned sound on. The played two more games... both those games had the camera bug where it flew under the table and it took so long to get back the ball already drained before I could see the table. I didn't change camera angles at all... 2 for both.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
My app no longer loads up. I am a macbook pro running 10.7.2 osx and at first the app loaded up and was able to play, after closing the app, and even restarting the app no longer loads. The menu at the top (by the apple) comes up, so I can quit pinball arcade. But no window actually every shows up... Even deleted and re-downloaded and installed the app. Nothing. :-(


New member
Apr 13, 2012
My app no longer loads up. I am a macbook pro running 10.7.2 osx and at first the app loaded up and was able to play, after closing the app, and even restarting the app no longer loads. The menu at the top (by the apple) comes up, so I can quit pinball arcade. But no window actually every shows up... Even deleted and re-downloaded and installed the app. Nothing. :-(

Is the Window menu there? Can you select "Bring All to Front" or "Enter Full Screen"? Do either of those do anything?


New member
May 24, 2012
Double dot in the Version Number. I believe, this is the problem why it is not possible to update. I.e. The version 1..0.4 is lower than version 1.0.3 and as such it get's not installed...

Where are you seeing this typo? The Info.plist in the application's bundle, which is what the App Store and OS X use to determine the version of an app, has no typo. If the update wouldn't install, I'd expect Apple to have rejected the submission outright.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Where are you seeing this typo? The Info.plist in the application's bundle, which is what the App Store and OS X use to determine the version of an app, has no typo. If the update wouldn't install, I'd expect Apple to have rejected the submission outright.

When the submission process is the same, as for the iphone. This field is not in the app itself. It's a free text field, you can enter in the iTunes connect web page. You register your update there, and than submit it to apple. I changed the version schema for one of my apps, and got some problems too. However, my iphone apps still updated as required...


New member
Jul 10, 2012
I cant even unlock the last table pack #5.. i get an unknown error after trying to buy it.. it says still "buy now" reinstalling the game didnt even help.
I tried it 4 times using the buy button so hopefully i will not be creditted 4 times for nothing.... this sucks. Resetting the inapp purchase did not help.
App store doesnt let me see the previous packs i've bought... hmmm.. please help


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Ok, i got it working now... hopefully apple will not credit me 6 times $4,99 for the same pack :S


New member
Sep 26, 2012
I just got the same bug for the first time... I played probably a dozen games yesterday without it and today got it in two of the three games I played.

Not sure if this helps: I started windowed at regular size with sound off. During the first game I expanded the window to fill the screen and turned sound on. The played two more games... both those games had the camera bug where it flew under the table and it took so long to get back the ball already drained before I could see the table. I didn't change camera angles at all... 2 for both.

To answer your previous question, I use default camera settings of 2 in full screen. I will try the sound thing out. I have gotten use to it now I just keep the flippers up till the camera comes back over the table so I can try to catch the ball. The only time it does not do this so far for me was in multiball.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Found a BUG on medieval madness: All the table lights do not seem to work

I had this as well at first, try going to detail level 2 and post processing. Run it like that for a second. And then you can go back and turn off those if you wish and the lights should work then.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Is the Window menu there? Can you select "Bring All to Front" or "Enter Full Screen"? Do either of those do anything?

Yes I can see Enter Full Screen, and when i click it nothing happens. Even if I use the control+command+F It won't do anything. Bring all to front is grayed out. The next thing I am going to try is to update my OSX to 10.7.5 and see if that helps... but not sure why It would have worked before and then all of sudden doesn't. I'll let you know what I find out.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
All of the Instructions in the game are messed up. There are a bunch of bugs.

1. When you go to the instructions from the 'table menu'. The only option you have is "play all" (the other sub categories are missing)
2. When you choose "play all" the only instructions you are able page through is the 'introduction' section.
3. The only way to view the instructions then is to go to either the standard or wizards goals and then page through everything from that sub title.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
okay so this is a pretty big one... i made a thread post but after going through the Harley-Davidson table, and pressing every single button on my keyboard, there is no way to activate the electro-up post or any extra buttons on Pinball Arcade. Unless I am seriously missing something. But you can't activate magna-save on the Black Knight table either. Not sure if Monster Bash or Medieval Madness work, but I think they would because they use the plunger, and space bar would be used for that, but will have to play the table to find out.

Not really sure how you guys can release the game on Mac, and not have some of these basic features worked out.
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