Mad Max: Fury Road...was everything I hoped for.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Just got back from seeing Mad Max: Fury Road and now I want to have long discussions, about it. Or just to compare the sh!t eating grin you'll have on your face with mine. Went and saw it in 3D, and while not important to your enjoyment, it also was very pleasing and easy to watch in that format. I had my doubts going in if I'd like the 3D, as many don't know how to compose shots or edit well in that format. No such problems here.

It was a total visual feast, where even small moments that last less than 10 seconds on screen have massive ramifications as to what they say about the world being seen. Beautifully photographed, no shakey cam in sight, with clearly defined action. And of course, real honest to god stunt work. This isn't the CG cartoon of The Avengers, where next to nothing is real. It's the exact opposite, and you feel it in your bones.

I simply can't wait to go see it again, only this time I'm gonna find the largest screen I can with the loudest audio presentation. The only way this could have been better would be if Mel had of done it, but honestly, even that doesn't matter much. Go see it, and then let's talk and gush in here!


New member
May 18, 2012
Thanks, planning to watch this one. Been a fan of Mad Max II, that was a real great work of action back then. Not a big Gibson fan but he was great as Max. The thing is, this was the kind of movie that was never done before. Even the fashion industry stole elements from it. And that kid with his steel blade boomerang..!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
That's good to hear. So often remakes are disappointing. I have the same problem as Jeff, my wife hates the original so there is little chance of talking her into this one.


New member
May 18, 2012
Yeah, same here. Perhaps if I promise to see Sex and the City with her we can make a deal. :p


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Yeah, you could take the wife to Pitch Perfect 2 as a trade.

Mad Max is not overtly violent, and it's also not just a bro fest of cars. They are more like mobile set pieces. The women in the movie are not there for eye candy or to be in peril, so there is a strong point of view for the female audience to latch onto. In some ways it's like watching Ripley in Aliens in more ways than her just kicking ass.

All that being said, I went on my own while the wife stayed behind.


New member
May 24, 2013
going to see this ,Georgie directed this one as well as directing the others.i remember i just got married when i saw the first one,i think it was about 1978-79. :cool:


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I've seen it in the cinema. In 3D and in English.
But the language didn't really matter. The movie has few dialogues.
It's a pure action trip from start to finish.
You don't really get to know any of the characters. One action scene follows another.
Pretty much what I expected, I wasn't disappointed. Really simple story of course.
I think it's a men's movie.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
While the story itself is simple, I think it has all sorts of more complex themes. Everyone seems to be latching onto the women refusing to be treated like objects and how it relates to politics today with women's rights and their bodies. I found the War Boys interesting in that they are kind of like these idiot followers of ISIS, in that their sole purpose in life is to die in combat so they can go on to 'glory' in the afterlife. That kind of zealotry is very difficult to comprehend, let alone fight against, and it made me root for Nux all the more as his eyes are opened to what living for a purpose actually means.


New member
Jan 1, 2015
Can`t wait for this movie. I´m an old fan of Mad Max, watched Mad Max in the early 80s in the cinema. And it was love at first sight.
Actually, this is my ranking of the first three chapters:
1. Mad Max 2
2. Mad Max 1
3. Mad Max 3 (thunderdome)
Wonder, which positon the new Mad Max will gain...


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I saw Road Warrior when I was 11 or 12, and then saw Thunderdome in the theater, which was a huge disappointment to me. Years later, after they took out the dub and put Mel's voice back in, I saw Mad Max. While interesting, all I cared about were the car chases, and Toe Cutter was no Lord Humungus. I just rewatched Mad Max a few weeks ago, and I appreciated it more than previously. Makes me wonder if I'd do the same with Thunderdome. When the time comes to show my son these movies though, I'll throw in Road Warrior and follow it up with Fury Road, ignoring the other two. Same as how I'd show him First Blood and then skip right to Rambo while ignoring the middle movies.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
SYT, do you know anything about an extended version?
I don't want to spoil anything, but you know, there's a scence where Max goes away to do a "job".
Next scene, he comes back - ok the job is finished, but you don't see what happened.
Also, the bad guys have a couple of characters who stand out, but the movie doesn't really tell you a lot about them.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
SYT, do you know anything about an extended version?.

I doubt it. The movie was storyboarded as a chase, and I think everything else was purposely only hinted at. Max's moment off screen I think is part of the old adage, less is more. Thought it was pretty badass.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Really excited to see it in the next couple of days!!!

Mad max 2 defined so many things in pop culture being the first major steampunk fest. You see so many references in games and other movies..
Awesome action movie! The best so far!

First one is sort of melancholy indy movie. Great but different.

Thunderdome is just a big Tina Turner music video. Lame.


New member
May 18, 2012

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