PS Vita - Bug Medieval Madness Framerate Problems


New member
May 15, 2012
I know that this has been discussed in other topics, but I feel that it is a big enough problem that it deserves its own topic. On the PS Vita, Medieval Madness is obviously running at a much slower framerate than all of the other tables which results in jittery motion that has a very negative impact on gameplay. Playing MM then going to any other table makes it very easy to see that MM does not have the smooth gameplay of all of the other tables. This problem along with the other issues like the flipper placement makes this table not fun to play in its current state. Has the low framerate been acknowledged by the developers and are corrective measures being taken?


New member
May 15, 2012
The funny thing is, the framerate is fine if you play it in portrait mode.

Based on this information I have determined that the framerate problem is camera angle related. When playing in portrait mode like mrhorseshoe suggested, the game plays smooth just like all of the other tables. However since I prefer playing in "landscape" mode, I went through all of the camera angles and found that it was most noticeable in 1 and 2. 3 was better, but the ball was still a bit jittery sometimes. 4 played perfect, but isn't the most ideal view to be playing from. Locking or unlocking the camera seemed to have no noticeable effect on the framerate.


New member
May 24, 2012
The weird part is when I was first playing this table I noticed a big drop in frame rate. But lately I haven't noticed it as much. I am using camera angle 2 locked, I believe.


New member
May 15, 2012
The weird part is when I was first playing this table I noticed a big drop in frame rate. But lately I haven't noticed it as much. I am using camera angle 2 locked, I believe.

Have you been playing exclusively MM? I am sure that it is something that you could get accustomed to if you only played MM, but as soon as you go to or from another table I find it to be very noticeable.


New member
May 24, 2012
You're right I have been only playing MM lately. Well tomorrow I will be playing it on the PS3 so hopefully they can fix it for the Vita going forward.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I havn't noticed the famerate problem but i guess i'm not looking for it, that's probably why. My problem is I find it very hard to hit the gate on the castle (which is pretty easy on the real machine and pinball hall of fame) but i have no problem getting multi-ball and that was always hard on the real machine and phof, I'm figuring it probably has something to do with the flippers being smaller. I also noticed that when you destroy the castle, it doesn't zoom in on the castle to watch the 4 towers shake and the castle crumbling (it does that on the PHOF) which isn't a big deal, but watching it far away is hard on the eyes and in pinball i love the eye candy. On Bride of pinbot it zooms in on the brides face and you can watch it flip and i find that real cool. Well tommorrow is Funhouse and Circus Voltaire hopefully, I hope they fixed the problem with Cicus Voltaire that the cell phones had with the balls getting stuck before they sent it out to sony. My guess is they did or Sony would be delaying it, will have to wait for tommorrow and see, also at least it zooms in on the Ring Master that is a great effect. Well that's it for me on this issue, and hopefully their will be fixes on the graphics for TOM and TOTAN tommorrow as well. Later.

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