Mike Reitmeyer is our saviour...

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Well, and for you guys, they *are* listening, they *are* paying attention, and they *are* VERY concerned about making the best game possible for everyone. Really, it's all they talk about.... kind of annoying sometimes. But it's tough to see the FB people go all "grrr" about FarSight et all ignoring the fans and the game when it couldn't be further from the truth. You guys are much cooler, which is why I had to join to tell you that. :)

Thanks for posting. It's great to have you here. We'd be lost without Mike. Please make sure he gets enough rest. :)

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Thanks for all the kind word everyone. Not only did it make my day, it's one of the reasons I love making games. I want other people to enjoy the games.

Mike and the rest of the FS team must hate the days of new DLC releases. That is when it rains crap down upon them. They do a great job. Hopefully they understand that the trolls and malcontents usually scream the loudest and the most often. But their efforts are greatly appreciated. If not for them we would all be playing a weak flippered, non-talking funhouse in the back of an old gas station.

Actually, the days we submit are the worse for me. It's kinda stressful, especially when you have no idea what Microsoft is going to fail us for.

Release days the trolls are bad, but I think that's cause everyone else is busy playing the tables. I just stay away from Facebook for awhile. ;)

I do know that Mike is on this forum on his (what I assume is) his free time. Much appreciated (even if that must frustrate the mrs I assume :))

Yes, usually my free time, breaks between tasks, and sometimes (like now) while I'm at home.

Now hopefully Microsoft will put the DLC back out, so that everyone can enjoy it.


New member
Aug 15, 2012
Thanks for posting. It's great to have you here. We'd be lost without Mike. Please make sure he gets enough rest. :)

lol! I'll certainly do my best. ;) And yes, after nearly 12 years together, I'm quite accustomed to being an overtime widow. Which is why there's a futon in Mike's office for me to occupy if I want to see him occasionally, lol!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I absolutely love all the support Mike, Ryan and the rest of the FarSight Studio developers give this Forum and especially their consumers. I said it before and I'll say it again, in all my years of gaming, I've never seen a more dedicated group of people that actually listen to their consumers and are willing to do anything possible, within their limited resources, to bring the entire pinball community what they've been waiting a lifetime for...Authentic Licensed Pinball At It's Best!

Sir Movenstein

New member
Aug 16, 2012
Thx Mike !

I just signed up 2 say thank u for all the daily Information and feedback @ the forums !!

This is one of the greatest gaming projects ever created - me and my friends from Germany are just lovin it !!
Hopefully DLC3 is commin out these days - Damm MS !!

Btw. what are the achievements in dlc 3 ??
again the 2 easy highscore ones or wizard goals ?

Thx and greetings from Germany


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I just signed up 2 say thank u for all the daily Information and feedback @ the forums !!

This is one of the greatest gaming projects ever created - me and my friends from Germany are just lovin it !!
Hopefully DLC3 is commin out these days - Damm MS !!

Btw. what are the achievements in dlc 3 ??
again the 2 easy highscore ones or wizard goals ?

Thx and greetings from Germany

The achievement is for Top 5 hiscore.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Mike, I'm not really sure how to put my appreciation for your team and the project you guys have undertaken.

Let me put it this way.

Do you remember the Sega Dreamcast? Have you ever seen the heavy emotional investment that the diehard fans of that ill-fated little console had/have in it? I mean those people who felt that they lost a bit of their video gaming soul the day Sega announced it was a "dead" system?

I'm one of those people.

I've been playing games since the age of 2. Playing pac-man in a donut shop. Centipede, etc. Gaming was the one hobby I'd kept all my life.
After the Dreamcast, I moved on to the XBOX, this wasn't a "yay Microsoft!" decision...my decision was made by Sega. My favorite game franchises from the Dreamcast all moved to XBOX (Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, Metropolis Street Racer...as Project Gotham of course). It just wasn't the same.

Pinball Arcade has rekindled a love for gaming that really had been left behind with my Sega Dreamcast all those years ago. In fact. I really don't play any other games any more, just TPA. I look forward to DLC like I used to look forward to next month's Dreamcast magazine with the demo disc so I could find out what I would be spending all my money on.

You've brought together a passionate bunch of people. Some like to gripe, some are impatient but there is a core group, and a sizeable one that really want this project to succeed. We are invested in seeing you guys do well because we want to trade our dollars for your product. We are happy to trade our dollars for your product.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
Mike, I'm not really sure how to put my appreciation for your team and the project you guys have undertaken.

Let me put it this way.

Do you remember the Sega Dreamcast? Have you ever seen the heavy emotional investment that the diehard fans of that ill-fated little console had/have in it? I mean those people who felt that they lost a bit of their video gaming soul the day Sega announced it was a "dead" system?

I'm one of those people.

I've been playing games since the age of 2. Playing pac-man in a donut shop. Centipede, etc. Gaming was the one hobby I'd kept all my life.
After the Dreamcast, I moved on to the XBOX, this wasn't a "yay Microsoft!" decision...my decision was made by Sega. My favorite game franchises from the Dreamcast all moved to XBOX (Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, Metropolis Street Racer...as Project Gotham of course). It just wasn't the same.

Pinball Arcade has rekindled a love for gaming that really had been left behind with my Sega Dreamcast all those years ago. In fact. I really don't play any other games any more, just TPA. I look forward to DLC like I used to look forward to next month's Dreamcast magazine with the demo disc so I could find out what I would be spending all my money on.

You've brought together a passionate bunch of people. Some like to gripe, some are impatient but there is a core group, and a sizeable one that really want this project to succeed. We are invested in seeing you guys do well because we want to trade our dollars for your product. We are happy to trade our dollars for your product.

I was a SEGA kid. I can remember gaming all the way back to playing OutRun and HangOn when I was 4 in the arcade. I was never quite an arcade rat, but I wished I was at the time, and in retrospect, I still do. I was a DC fanatic, obviously, too. Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, and REZ still rest in my all-time Top 5 video games. I've stayed gaming since the death of the DC, and the dismantling of all the Sega studios that made the greatest lineup of games ever published in a 3 year window, but my enthusiasm has waned significantly. I've had a harder and harder time staying interested long enough to finish even the "best" of games in recent years.

The Pinball Arcade is basically the only gaming I've done in the last 2-3 months. But I don't really look at it as "video gaming". I look at it as playing digital pinball. The fact that the tables are real tables recreated, and while not perfect, are for the most part emulated, not simply scripted, and the physics are so much better than the other pinball video games on the market at the moment (even if, once again, not perfect), it just makes it something different than just "gaming". Something better. More like simulation than homage, or imitation. It's the F355 Challenge of pinball. And I'm very thankful for that. First time I played the demo, I bought it, and I was floored. I called my best friend and told him if he didn't pony up he'd forever be a chump in my eyes (he's a big pinball fan too). He loves it to death too, has all the 360 DLC.

TPA would likely earn a spot in my top 5 video games of all-time, if I thought of it as a video game. But I don't. I think of it as pinball, just without the 250lbs machine. And while it still falls way short of the real thing, with the 250lbs machine, I can still hardly think of a better compliment. $5 for two usually great tables, versus ballpark $1200 for the least expensive table you'd actually want to own (I've been researching, extensively, on this), and that won't get you close to most of the tables you'd REALLY want to own, it's a steal. And other than going to the few remaining arcades (and the ones that actually have pins at that), is how a lot of us without a rich daddy get to play these pins at all these days.

TPA has also set my long held, but in recent years shelved, love affair with real pinball ablaze again. I've been to numerous places to play pinball in the last several months since TPA was released. I've made a list of all the tables I dream of owning someday. I've kicked myself in the ass a ton (metaphorically) for not getting to Castles N Coasters much more frequently in recent years before their HORRIBLE SOB of an arcade manager decided to start selling off pins left and right. I've purchased the two volumes of The Pinball Compendium that cover chronologically the tables in the game... come to think of it, I might have bought one of them slightly before TPA's release... not sure. Anyway, I am very grateful for this as well. I grew up a video gamer, who started getting into pinball in my teens. Now, I'm a pinballer (can't call myself a "pinhead"), who plays video games sometimes, and TPA played a notable role in that.

Now, if only the fixes and new tables didn't take so painfully long to make it to the 360.:)

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Just want to chime in and echo what everyone else is saying. Mike (and Ryan) do a great job of keeping us informed and as it's mostly on their own time, you can see the passion they have for thier game. I'll definitely be supporting TPA for a long time to come!

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