My first table has arrived


New member
Feb 20, 2012
As requested by SKILL_SHOT here's a ' before ' video, not a bad game but a pity I screwed up the last 2 balls and missed out on Red Light Mania. Nice last second jackpot @ 2min 30s :D.

As always video will probably look a lot better viewed on youtube, frame rate always seems to suffer when viewing a video embeded, at least on my pc.
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
I've been fitting the LEDs today and came across a board with a few lamps out due to the solder becoming detached from a few pins so had to do a bit of soldering. Not easy to see in this poor blurry photo but a ring or line can be seen in the solder around the pins. Easy to fix though.



New member
Feb 20, 2012
On Getaway when it goes into the supercharger, what defines how many times it goes around it?

I was wondering that myself actually, there are 5 opto's in the loop, 1 on the ramp, 3 for the 3 magnets and 1 after the magnets which I think does the counting. I'm 99% sure all my opto's are working fine but sometimes the ball will go around a few laps before the counter even starts, sometimes it goes all the way to 10 and kicks you out and sometimes anywhere between 3 and 10 laps. Either it depends on your entry speed worked out between the opto's or maybe 1 or more of my opto's are crapping out and you are supposed to always do 10 laps? Maybe one of the more experienced pin geeks actually knows?


New member
May 26, 2012
I've never figured out how many laps it's supposed to do in the Supercharger. Maybe it's entry speed, maybe it's your "RPM" at the time. Who knows?

I didn't notice it doing anything unusual in your video anyway. :)

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I've never figured out how many laps it's supposed to do in the Supercharger. Maybe it's entry speed, maybe it's your "RPM" at the time. Who knows?

I didn't notice it doing anything unusual in your video anyway. :)
It depends on your ROM revision, but for the one at CP Pinball, there's a "Supercharger Boost" value that gets displayed after you hit the 1-2-3 targets. Hitting the active Supercharger will loop once for each million in the "Supercharger Boost" value. It increases by 1M for each 1-2-3 hit, up to maximum 10M.

During multiball, it's always 10 loops at a time.

Sometime the table does an extra lap or two before or after counting up your millions. I don't know what causes this...maybe the opto sensors momentarily lose track of the ball and command the magnets to make the ball do an extra lap so they can re-locate the ball?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Fitted LEDs to the playfield over the last few days, really pleased with the results but have ghosting everywhere. Someone on the uk pinball yahoo group is sending me a patched EEPROM to try, hopefully that will sort it. Only fitted a few LEDs in the back box, there's large areas with not much detail on the back glass so LEDs were too spotty. I'll get a vid and some photos up tomorrow probably.


Jul 11, 2012
The LEDs I bought were premium non ghosting and the fashers except to oranges and the ghosted so I moved them, also the have a lense that helps throws light out besides just up. The fogged GI's should work well in the headboard though. Pictures anyways?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
The white frosties were really spotty through the backglass. I've fitted a few behind the headlights and the supercharger on the roof ( or whatever it is ) and they look great but if you put them behind a plain section of artwork you will see them. Even putting them behind ' The Getaway ' title you could see them clearly so went back to incandescents.

The led flashers work really well behind the police roof lights, very happy with that.

I'll sort some photos/vids.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Here you go;

Photos and videos rarely show the true colours, I fitted blue in most places where the inserts are white and the vid doesn't really show quite how blue they are!. Actually none of the colours look as good in the vid, the greens are much darker irl, also the reds. I replaced the gi's inder the slingshots with blue but didn't like it as it was too dark, I couldn't see the ball :cool:. Refitted with white. All flashers on the playfield are either blue or red now. Most GI's under plastics replaced with green to match the trees. If you look at the helicopters on the backglass there are regular #89 flashers behind them, putting led flashers behind them was too bright. #89's were originally behind the police lights too so you can see how much brighter the led flashers are that I have fitted there, works well I think. Still to do, I have some blue lamp lenses for the supercharger so it will be blue, red, blue when thats going.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
You trying to go BLIND!? :) the red and blue flashers look awsome LED'd. That tables screaming for mirror blades.

Lol, I love it when when all the lamps go nuts during multiball, redline mania or secret mania, the more manic the better.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Just had a sort of kickback save, the ball drained through the flippers but went left far enough to trigger the kickback switch which then kindly kicked the ball back into the playfield. First time I've seen that.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I have one pair of those blue led panels on the way. That backglass sure is nice.

I was starting to wonder if my flippers are as powerful as they should be, not because they are weak but purely because due to my complete lack of experience of real tables I simply don't know what to expect. I can make all the shots on the table but not all the time, quite often a ball won't make it up the lock ramp. Anyway I ordered 3 x flipper repair kits just for piece of mind more than anything but before even fitting them I have discovered that I have the wrong coils fitted to the lower flippers, I have red 11630's fitted to all flippers but the lower flippers are supposed to be the stronger blue 11629's. I have now ordered 2 x blue coils.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Just spent the morning rebuilding the flippers. Starting with the lower flippers I removed, stripped down and cleaned everything then rebuilt using everything from the flipper rebuild kits plus new nylon flipper bushings and blue 11629 coils. Then did the same with the upper flipper except I didn't intend replacing the coil as it was the correct red 11630 coil but when I stripped it down I saw that the coil sleeve was an old brass one which wouldn't come out so I fitted one of the red coils just removed from the lower flippers. I also learned what the small holes in the playfield below the flippers are for, I'm guessing I'm the last to find out so I won't say unless someone wants to know :).

How do they perform? amazingly! previously only a perfectly hit shot from either a lower or the upper flipper would make it up the lock ramp, now they fly up there. The minus side is I have to learn how to play the table again, I had gotten used to the weaker flippers so now find it quite hard to hit that top loop with the upper flipper, my timing is out. Obviously balls are coming back at me quicker too so sdtm happening more often and even balls shooting down the inlanes so fast I miss them and they are gone :mad:

I also replaced the 2 outer red flash lamp lenses on the supercharger with blue to highten the police car effect, works well. On video its hard to see the effect as the blue doesn't stand out but here's a pic;


Still waiting for the blue LED police strobe lights to add to the red beacon on top of the back box.

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